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Auto Dimension Scheme Example (C#)

This example shows how to create a DimXpert Auto Dimension Scheme, turn tolerance status on and off,
and delete tolerances.

// Preconditions:
// 1. Open:

// 2. (Optional) Multi-select three faces to specify primary, secondary,

//    and tertiary datum.
// 3. Modify the namespace of this macro to match your project name.
// 4. Open an Immediate Window in the IDE.
// 5. Ensure that the latest SolidWorks DimXpert interop assembly is referenced:
//    a. Right-click on the project in Project Explorer.
//    b. Select Add Reference.
//    c. Click the Browse tab.
//    d. Find and select <SolidWorks_install_dir>\api\redist\CLR2\swdimxpert.dll.
// 6. Set two breakpoints:
//    * swDXPart.ShowToleranceStatus = false;
//    * retval = swDXPart.DeleteAllTolerances();
// 7. Click F5.
// 8. Observe on the DimXpertManager tab: Hole Pattern1, Hole Pattern2, Fillet1,

//    Fillet Pattern1.
//    Also observe that tolerance status is turned on in the SolidWorks viewer.
// 9. Click F5.
//    Observe that tolerance status is turned off.
//10. Compare the output in the Immediate Window with the features displayed

//    on the DimXpertManager tab.
//11. Click F5.
//    Observe that all tolerance annotations have been removed from the part.

// Postconditions: none
// NOTE: Because this part is used in a SolidWorks online tutorial,
//       do not save any changes when you close it.

using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swdimxpert;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace AutoDimScheme_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro

ModelDoc2 swModel;
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt;
SelectionMgr swSelMgr;
Feature swFeature;
DimXpertManager swSchema;
DimXpertPart swDXPart;
DimXpertAutoDimSchemeOption schemeOption;
swDimXpertFeatureType_e featureType;
object[] features;
object[] appliedFeatures;
object[] appliedAnnotations;
DimXpertAnnotation appliedAnnotation;
DimXpertFeature feature;
DimXpertFeature appliedFeature;
string msgStr;
string msgStr2;
string msgStr3;
string msgStr4;
int n;
int o;
int p;

public void Main()

            swModel = (
            swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension;
            swSelMgr = (

// Get the default DimXpert schema using IModelDocExtension.DimXpertManager()
            swSchema = swModelDocExt.get_DimXpertManager("Default", true);

// Get IDimXpertPart from the IDimXpertManager
            swDXPart = (DimXpertPart)swSchema.DimXpertPart;

// Set Auto Dimension Scheme using default options
            schemeOption = swDXPart.GetAutoDimSchemeOption();
Debug.Print("Default for ScopeAllFeature is: ");
Debug.Print("Default for FeatureFilters is: ");
Debug.Print("Default for PartType is: ");
Debug.Print("Default for PatternType is: ");
Debug.Print("Default for PolarPatternHoleCount is: ");
Debug.Print("Default for ToleranceType is: ");

bool retval = false;
            retval = swDXPart.AutoDimensionScheme(schemeOption);

// Turn tolerance status off
            swDXPart.ShowToleranceStatus = false;

long featCount = 0;
            featCount = swDXPart.GetFeatureCount();

            msgStr =
"Total of ";
            msgStr2 = featCount.ToString();
            msgStr = msgStr + msgStr2 +
" features in " + (swSchema.SchemaName);


// Get IDimXpert features through IDimXpertPart
            features = (object[])swDXPart.GetFeatures();
            msgStr = (swSchema.SchemaName) +
" has the following features: ";


for (n = 0; n <= features.GetUpperBound(0); n++)
//Use IDimXpertFeature to get feature data
                feature = (DimXpertFeature)features[n];

Debug.Print(" " + "Feature name: " + (feature.Name));

                featureType = feature.Type;
ref featureType, ref msgStr2);

                msgStr =
" Feature type ";
                msgStr3 =
" is suppressed on the DimXpertManager tab? ";
                msgStr4 = feature.IsSuppressed().ToString();

Debug.Print(msgStr + msgStr2 + msgStr3 + msgStr4);

                msgStr =
" " + "Swift model: ";

//Use IFeature to get the Swift model corresponding to this geometric dimensioning and tolerancing data
                swFeature = (Feature)feature.GetModelFeature();

if ((swFeature != null))
                    msgStr2 = swFeature.GetTypeName2();
Debug.Print(msgStr + msgStr2);

                msgStr =
" " + "Number of SolidWorks face entities in this feature: ";
                msgStr2 = feature.GetFaceCount().ToString();

Debug.Print(msgStr + msgStr2);

                msgStr =
" " + "Number of applied features: ";
                msgStr2 = feature.GetAppliedFeatureCount().ToString();

Debug.Print(msgStr + msgStr2);

                appliedFeatures = (

if (!((appliedFeatures == null)))
for (o = 0; o <= appliedFeatures.GetUpperBound(0); o++)
                        appliedFeature = (
Debug.Print(" " + "Applied feature name: " + (appliedFeature.Name));

                msgStr =
" " + "Number of applied annotations: ";
                msgStr2 = feature.GetAppliedAnnotationCount().ToString();
Debug.Print(msgStr + msgStr2);

                appliedAnnotations = (

if (!((appliedAnnotations == null)))
for (p = 0; p <= appliedAnnotations.GetUpperBound(0); p++)
                        appliedAnnotation = (
Debug.Print(" " + "Applied annotation name: " + (appliedAnnotation.Name));
Debug.Print(" ");

// Delete all tolerances
            retval = swDXPart.DeleteAllTolerances();

public void GetPatternType(ref swDimXpertFeatureType_e featureType, ref String msgStr2)
if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_Plane))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_Cylinder))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_Cone))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_Extrude))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_Fillet))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_Chamfer))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_CompoundHole))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_CompoundWidth))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_CompoundNotch))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_CompoundClosedSlot3D))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_IntersectPoint))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_IntersectLine))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_IntersectCircle))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_IntersectPlane))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_Pattern))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_Sphere))
                msgStr2 =
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_BestfitPlane))
                msgStr2 =
"Bestfit plane";
else if ((featureType == swDimXpertFeatureType_e.swDimXpertFeature_Surface))
                msgStr2 =

public SldWorks swApp;

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