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SetRevisionCounters Method (IEdmRevisionMgr)

Sets the revision number component counters to specified values.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Sub SetRevisionCounters( _
   ByVal lFileID As System.Integer, _
   ByVal poCounters() As EdmRevCounter _
void SetRevisionCounters( 
   System.int lFileID,
   EdmRevCounter[] poCounters
void SetRevisionCounters( 
&   System.int lFileID,
&   array<EdmRevCounter>^ poCounters


ID of file in which to set counters
Array of EdmRevCounter structures; one structure for each revision component



This method only adds the new counters to this batch. After calling this method, you must call IEdmRevisionMgr::Commit to commit the changes to the database. 

This method only sets the revision component counters. It does not generate new revision numbers using any of the revision number generators that may be using the components. To create a new revision number for the file, you must also call IEdmRevisionMgr::IncrementRevision.

The order of calls to this method and IEdmRevisionMgr::IncrementRevision does not matter. Calls to IRevisionMgr::IncrementRevision are always processed after calls to this method.

Return codes:

  • S_OK: The method successfully executed.

See Also


SolidWorks Enterprise PDM 2007

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