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Add Remote Load Example (C#)

This example shows how to add a remote load to a static study.

NOTE: To get persistent reference identifiers (PIDs) for model selections, you can use pidcollector.exe or IModelDocExtension::GetPersistReference3.

// Preconditions:
// 1. Open:
//    install_dir\samples\tutorial\api\Mxd_asm.sldasm.
// 2. Add the SolidWorks Simulation as an add-in
//    (in SolidWorks, click Tools > Add-ins > SolidWorks Simulation).
// 3. Add the SolidWorks Simulation primary interop assembly as
//    a reference (in the IDE's Project Explorer, right-click
//    the project name, select Add Reference, click the Browse tab,
//    navigate to the install_dir\api\redist\CLR2 folder and
//    select SolidWorks.Interop.cosworks.dll).
// Postconditions:
// 1. Static study static_Mixed6 is created and analyzed using
//    a direct transfer remote load and a mixed mesh.
// 2. Inspect the Immediate window for the remote load settings and
//    analysis results.
// NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere,
// do not save changes when closing it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using SolidWorks.Interop.cosworks;
namespace AddRemoteLoad_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 Part = default(ModelDoc2);
CosmosWorks COSMOSWORKS = default(CosmosWorks);
CwAddincallback CWAddinCallBack = default(CwAddincallback);
CWModelDoc ActDoc = default(CWModelDoc);
CWStudyManager StudyMngr = default(CWStudyManager);
CWStudy Study = default(CWStudy);
CWSolidManager SolidMgr = default(CWSolidManager);
CWSolidComponent SolidComp = default(CWSolidComponent);
CWSolidBody SolidBody = default(CWSolidBody);
CWShellManager ShellMgr = default(CWShellManager);
CWMaterial ShellMat = default(CWMaterial);
CWLoadsAndRestraintsManager LBCMgr = default(CWLoadsAndRestraintsManager);
CWContactManager CWContactMgr = default(CWContactManager);
CWResults CWFeatObj = default(CWResults);
CWStaticStudyOptions StaticOptions = default(CWStaticStudyOptions);
int errCode = 0;
int intStatus;
object pDisp3 = null;
object[] DispArray1 = new object[1];
object[] DispArray2 = new object[1];
object[] DispArray3 = new object[1];
object[] DispArray4 = new object[1];
object[] DispArray5 = new object[1];
object[] Disp = null;
object[] Stress = null;
const double MeshEleSize = 4.48279654351123;
            const double MeshTol = 0.224139827175561;
            const double Tol1 = 0.05;

            const double URESMax = 0.488;
            const double VONMax = 93.8;

            Hashtable PIDCollection = new Hashtable();
            PIDCollection = PIDInitializer();

            Part = (

string strMaterialLib = null;
            strMaterialLib = swApp.GetExecutablePath() +
"\\lang\\english\\sldmaterials\\solidworks materials.sldmat";

            DispArray1[0] =
new DispatchWrapper(SelectByPID(Part, "selection1", PIDCollection));
            DispArray2[0] =
new DispatchWrapper(SelectByPID(Part, "selection2", PIDCollection));
            DispArray3[0] =
new DispatchWrapper(SelectByPID(Part, "selection1", PIDCollection));
            DispArray4[0] =
new DispatchWrapper(SelectByPID(Part, "selection4", PIDCollection));
            DispArray5[0] =
new DispatchWrapper(SelectByPID(Part, "selection5", PIDCollection));

            CWAddinCallBack = (
if (CWAddinCallBack == null)
"CWAddinCallBack object not found");
            COSMOSWORKS = CWAddinCallBack.CosmosWorks;
if (COSMOSWORKS == null)
"COSMOSWORKS object not found");

//Get active document
            ActDoc = COSMOSWORKS.ActiveDoc;
if (ActDoc == null)
"Failed to get active document");

//Create new static study
            StudyMngr = ActDoc.StudyManager;
if (StudyMngr == null)
"Failed to get StudyMngr object");
            Study = StudyMngr.CreateNewStudy3(
"Static_Mixed6", (int)swsAnalysisStudyType_e.swsAnalysisStudyTypeStatic, 0, out errCode);
if (Study == null)
"Failed to create new study");

//Add materials
            SolidMgr = Study.SolidManager;
if (SolidMgr == null)
"Failed to get SolidMgr object");
            SolidComp = SolidMgr.GetComponentAt(0,
out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to get solid component");
            SolidBody = SolidComp.GetSolidBodyAt(0,
out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to get solid body");
            intStatus = SolidBody.SetLibraryMaterial(strMaterialLib,
"AISI 1020");
if (intStatus != 1)
"Failed to apply material");

//Define shells
            ShellMgr = Study.ShellManager;
if (ShellMgr == null)
"Failed to get ShellMgr object");
CWShell CWShellObj = default(CWShell);
            CWShellObj = ShellMgr.GetShellAt(0,
out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to get shell component");

            ShellMat = CWShellObj.GetDefaultMaterial();
if (ShellMat == null)
"Failed to get default material for shell");
            ShellMat.MaterialUnits = 0;
"EX", 120000000000.0, 0);
"NUXY", 0.31, 0);
            errCode = CWShellObj.SetShellMaterial(ShellMat);
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to apply material");

            CWShellObj.Formulation = 0;
            CWShellObj.ShellUnit = 0;
            CWShellObj.ShellThickness = 3;
            errCode = CWShellObj.ShellEndEdit();
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to create shell");
            CWShellObj =

            LBCMgr = Study.LoadsAndRestraintsManager;
if (LBCMgr == null)
"No Loads and Restraints Manager");

//Create normal pressure
            CWPressure CWPressure = default(CWPressure);
            pDisp3 = SelectByPID(Part,
"selection3", PIDCollection);
            CWPressure = LBCMgr.AddPressure(1, (DispArray3), pDisp3,
out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to create pressure");
            CWPressure.Unit = 1;
            CWPressure.Value = -12;
            errCode = CWPressure.PressureEndEdit();
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to apply pressure value");
            CWPressure =

//Add fixed restraint
            CWRemoteLoad CWRemoteLoad = default(CWRemoteLoad);
            CWRemoteLoad = LBCMgr.AddRemoteLoad(0, (DispArray2), 0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.6,
out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to create fixed remote load");
            CWRemoteLoad.SetLocationValues(4.5, 5.6, 6.7);

Debug.Print("Load type as defined in swsRemoteLoadType_e: " + CWRemoteLoad.LoadType);
Debug.Print("Force unit as defined in swsForceUnit_e: " + CWRemoteLoad.ForceOrTranslationUnit);
Debug.Print("Location unit as defined in swsLinearUnit_e: " + CWRemoteLoad.LocationUnit);
Debug.Print("Moment unit as defined in swsMomentUnit_e: " + CWRemoteLoad.MomentOrRotationUnit);

int binclude = 0;
int bxvalue = 0;
double dxvalue = 0;
int byvalue = 0;
double dyvalue = 0;
int bzvalue = 0;
double dzvalue = 0;
out binclude, out bxvalue, out dxvalue, out byvalue, out dyvalue, out bzvalue, out dzvalue);
Debug.Print("Include force in analysis? (1=yes) " + binclude);
Debug.Print("x-component of remote force? (1=yes) " + bxvalue);
Debug.Print("x-component value: " + dxvalue);
Debug.Print("y-component of remote force? (1=yes) " + byvalue);
Debug.Print("y-component value: " + dyvalue);
Debug.Print("z-component of remote force? (1=yes) " + bzvalue);
Debug.Print("z-component value: " + dzvalue);

out dxvalue, out dyvalue, out dzvalue);
Debug.Print("x-component of remote location: " + dxvalue);
Debug.Print("y-component of remote location: " + dyvalue);
Debug.Print("z-component of remote location: " + dzvalue);

out binclude, out bxvalue, out dxvalue, out byvalue, out dyvalue, out bzvalue, out dzvalue);
Debug.Print("x-component of remote moment? (1=yes) " + bxvalue);
Debug.Print("x-component value: " + dxvalue);
Debug.Print("y-component of remote moment? (1=yes) " + byvalue);
Debug.Print("y-component value: " + dyvalue);
Debug.Print("z-component of remote moment? (1=yes) " + bzvalue);
Debug.Print("z-component value: " + dzvalue);

            CWRemoteLoad =

CWContactSet CWContactObj = default(CWContactSet);
            CWContactMgr = Study.ContactManager;
            CWContactObj = CWContactMgr.CreateContactSet(1, (DispArray4), (DispArray5),
out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to create contact object");
            CWContactObj =

            CWMesh CWMeshObj = default(CWMesh);
            CWMeshObj = Study.Mesh;
if (CWMeshObj == null)
"Failed to create mesh object");
            CWMeshObj.MesherType = 0;
            CWMeshObj.Quality = 0;
            errCode = Study.CreateMesh(0, MeshEleSize, MeshTol);
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to create mesh");
            CWMeshObj =

//Set solver type to Automatic
            StaticOptions = Study.StaticStudyOptions;
if (StaticOptions == null)
"Failed to get StaticOptions object");
            StaticOptions.SolverType = 0;
            StaticOptions.UseSoftSpring = 1;
            StaticOptions.LargeDisplacement = 0;

//Run analysis
            errCode = Study.RunAnalysis();
if (errCode != 0)
"Analysis failed with error code " + errCode + " - " + ProcErrCode(errCode));

//Get results
            CWFeatObj = Study.Results;
if (CWFeatObj == null)
"Failed to get result object");

//Get min/max URES displacement
            Disp = (object[])CWFeatObj.GetMinMaxDisplacement(3, 0, null, 0, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to get displacement result");
float dblDisp = (float)Disp[3];
//Compare max resultant disp with URESMax
            if ((dblDisp < (1 - Tol1) * URESMax) | (dblDisp > (1 + Tol1) * URESMax))
Debug.Print("URES displacement % error = " + (((dblDisp - URESMax) / URESMax) * 100));

//Get min/max von Mises stress
            Stress = (object[])CWFeatObj.GetMinMaxStress(9, 0, 0, null, 3, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
"Failed to get stress result");
float dblStress = (float)Stress[3];
//Compare max von Mises stress with VONMax
            if ((dblStress < (1 - Tol1) * VONMax) | (dblStress > (1 + Tol1) * VONMax))
Debug.Print("VON Mises stress % error = " + (((dblStress - VONMax) / VONMax) * 100));

            CWFeatObj =


public void ErrorMsg(SldWorks SwApp, string Message)
            SwApp.SendMsgToUser2(Message, 0, 0);
"'*** WARNING - General");
"'*** " + Message);

public object SelectByPID(ModelDoc2 Part, string PIDName, Hashtable PIDCollection)
object functionReturnValue = null;
byte[] PID = null;
string[] PIDVariant = null;
string PIDString = null;
int i = 0;
object SelObj = null;

//Get the value mapped to the PIDName key from the hashtable
            PIDString = "";
IDictionaryEnumerator enumerator = (IDictionaryEnumerator)PIDCollection.GetEnumerator();
while (enumerator.MoveNext())
if ((string)enumerator.Key == PIDName)
                    PIDString = (

//Parse the string into an array
            PIDVariant = PIDString.Split(new char[] { ',' });
int sizeArray = PIDVariant.Length;
            PID =
new byte[sizeArray];

//Change to a byte array
            for (i = 0; i < PIDVariant.Length - 1; i++)
                PID[i] =

//Select the entity
            SelObj = Part.Extension.GetObjectByPersistReference((PID));
            functionReturnValue = SelObj;
return functionReturnValue;

public Hashtable PIDInitializer()

Hashtable PIDCollection = new Hashtable();
string selection1 = null;
string selection2 = null;
string selection3 = null;
string selection4 = null;
string selection5 = null;

            selection1 = "35,29,213,113,218,129,72,162,168,88,152,178,27,137,239,153,6,2,0,0,50,1,0,0,120,218,109,81,77,74,195,80,16,254,210,180,85,40,70,11,226,13,4,55,10,117,233,74,104,26,44,40,150,164,238,10,33,38,47,49,146,182,146,164,208,141,208,67,244,26,221,120,5,47,227,41,26,191,105,154,86,161,19,134,247,222,247,51,195,76,6,6,160,3,40,214,197,105,134,55,40,36,252,174,209,193,61,158,48,71,0,23,30,50,140,81,167,234,140,169,109,179,45,174,66,67,11,227,169,229,249,202,86,161,235,11,33,209,100,214,245,242,254,249,189,188,92,245,191,134,213,89,218,206,105,235,77,2,113,58,179,52,236,7,182,250,112,253,146,107,74,73,219,245,229,126,34,186,121,254,252,250,174,252,188,132,12,66,124,91,113,162,76,105,42,88,155,88,215,201,211,120,18,61,120,147,32,81,132,215,69,99,63,210,234,229,202,106,45,136,221,90,184,195,8,67,226,25,114,116,55,227,41,14,235,193,71,138,41,95,35,56,100,60,196,68,92,50,49,23,161,54,171,232,144,27,144,73,201,139,110,95,255,134,158,71,152,100,109,214,254,97,55,153,189,134,42,180,114,201";
            selection1 = selection1 +
            selection1 = selection1 +

            selection2 =
            selection2 = selection2 +
            selection2 = selection2 +

            selection3 =
            selection3 = selection3 +
            selection3 = selection3 +

            selection4 =
            selection4 = selection4 +
            selection4 = selection4 +

            selection5 =
            selection5 = selection5 +
            selection5 = selection5 +

//Store constants in a collection
            PIDCollection.Add("selection1", selection1);
"selection2", selection2);
"selection3", selection3);
"selection4", selection4);
"selection5", selection5);

return PIDCollection;

public string ProcErrCode(long errCode)
string functionReturnValue = null;
switch (errCode)
case 0:
                    functionReturnValue =
case 1: // TODO: to 21
                    functionReturnValue = "Incorrect input conditions";
case 22:
                    functionReturnValue =
"Authorization failed for this analysis type";
case 23:
                    functionReturnValue =
"Mesh not found. Create mesh first";
case 24:
                    functionReturnValue =
"Analysis failed";
                    functionReturnValue =
"Unknown error condition";
return functionReturnValue;

public SldWorks swApp;



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