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EdmResultErrorCodes_e Enumeration

Error codes. See EdmResultSuccessCodes_e for the success codes.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Enum EdmResultErrorCodes_e 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum EdmResultErrorCodes_e : System.Enum 
public enum class EdmResultErrorCodes_e : public System.Enum 



0x800402D8 = Cannot redirect registry to retrieve add-in class ID

E_EDM_ADDIN_CLSID_ALREADY_USED0x800402CE = There is already an add-in using the CLSID that you are trying to add; class IDs must be unique
E_EDM_ADDIN_CLSID_NOT_FOUND0x800402DA = The add-in registration succeeded, but the add-in's class ID could not be found in the registry
E_EDM_ADDIN_FILE_NOT_FOUND0x800402D6 = The add-in file was not found
E_EDM_ADDIN_LOAD_CONFLICT0x800402DB = The add-in could not be loaded; this can happen if an attempt is made to register a new version of a .NET add-in that is already loaded; the situation can usually be resolved by closing the application and reattempting the operation
E_EDM_ADDIN_LOADCONFLICT0x80040284 = An older version of the add-in is already loaded in memory; restart the program to load the new version of the add-in
E_EDM_ADDIN_NAME_ALREADY_USED0x800402D1 = There is already an add-in with the same name as the one you are trying to add; the name must be unique
E_EDM_ADDIN_NOT_COM_DLL0x800402D7 = The specified add-in file is not a COM DLL
E_EDM_ADDIN_NOT_FOUND0x800402CF = The add-in cannot be found in the vault
E_EDM_ADDIN_NOT_MULTITHREADED0x800402AF = An attempt was made to add an add-in that is not a multithreaded COM-server
E_EDM_ADDIN_UNSUPPORTED_OS0x800402DC = The add-in does not support the operating system; you cannot load an 64-bit add-in in 32-bit Windows
E_EDM_ALIAS_USED_IN_EXPORT_SCRIPT0x800402AC = The alias set cannot be deleted because it is used in a data export rule
E_EDM_ALIAS_USED_IN_IMPORT_SCRIPT0x800402AD = The alias set cannot be deleted because it is used in a data import rule
E_EDM_ALL_GROUPS_NOT_VALIDATED0x80040298 = All groups were not validated
E_EDM_ALL_USERS_NOT_VALIDATED0x80040289 = All users were not validated
E_EDM_ALREADY_INITIALIZED0x8004021B = An attempt was made to initialize an object twice; you can only initialize an object one time
E_EDM_ALREADY_LOGGED_IN0x80040205 = You tried to log in twice
E_EDM_ARCHIVE_LOGIN_FAILED0x80040243 = Login failed because of an invalid user name or password
E_EDM_ARCHIVE_ROOT_FOLDER_DOES_NOT_EXIST0x800402C7 = Specified archive server root folder does not exist
E_EDM_ARCHIVE_SERVER_NOT_FOUND0x8004023F = The archive server is not found; try starting the archive server
E_EDM_AUTO_LOGGED_OUT0x80040280 = You have been inactive for too long and have been logged out
E_EDM_BAD_LENGTH0x80040242 = The statement is out of bounds
E_EDM_BOM_NOT_FOUND0x800402A9 = The specified bill of materials could not be found
E_EDM_BOM_USED_IN_EXPORT_SCRIPT0x800402AB = The bill of materials cannot be deleted because it is used in a data export rule
E_EDM_CANCELLED_BY_USER0x80040226 = The operation was canceled by the user
E_EDM_CANT_MOVE_FOLDER_TO_SUBFOLDER0x8004029C = An attempt was made to move a folder to one of its subfolders
E_EDM_CANT_OPEN_DATABASE0x80040206 = Could not open database; this could happen if the network connection is broken or if the database has been removed
E_EDM_CANT_START_EDMSERVER0x8004025B = Could not start EdmServer.exe; please reinstall the program
E_EDM_CARD_NOT_FOUND0x8004027E = The specified card could not be found
E_EDM_CARDLIST_HAS_NO_NAME0x800402E1 =  Not the latest version, when latest version is required
E_EDM_CIRCULAR_XREF0x8004022F = Detected cyclic file reference
E_EDM_COLD_STORAGE_SCHEMA_NOT_FOUND0x80040275 = The cold storage schema with the specified name was not found
E_EDM_COLD_STORE_SCHEMA_EXISTS0x80040277 = Saving the cold storage schema failed because the name is already used by another schema
E_EDM_COLUMN_VIEW_NOT_FOUND0x80040290 = The column view cannot be found
E_EDM_CONDITIONS_NOT_MET0x80040233 =  Conditions for transition were not met
E_EDM_COULD_NOT_CREATE_LOCAL_FOLDER0x8004021E = Could not create the folder in the local cache; the folder name might contain invalid characters
E_EDM_COULD_NOT_LAUNCH_TASKS0x800402CB = Cannot launch tasks with user interface in silent mode
E_EDM_COULD_NOT_OPEN_CLIPBOARD0x8004027A = Could not open the clipboard
E_EDM_DATABASE_ACCESS0x80040207 = Could not access the item in the database
E_EDM_DATABASE_ALREADY_EXISTS0x800402D0 = A database with the same name already exists on the server
E_EDM_DATABASE_LINK_FAILURE0x80040267 = A communication link failure occurred when accessing the database server; the database service might have been restarted, or the network might be down; please try the operation again and contact your system administrator if the problem persists
E_EDM_DATASOURCE_NOT_FOUND0x80040222 = The ODBC data source was not found
E_EDM_DISABLED0x8004023D = The command is disabled
E_EDM_DISK_FULL0x80040239 = The disk is full
E_EDM_DOCTYPE_EXISTS0x80040259 = A category with the specified name already exists
E_EDM_DOCTYPE_IN_USE0x80040258 = The category is currently associated with one or more documents and cannot be deleted
E_EDM_DOTNET_REGISTRATION_MODULE_MISSING0x800402D9 = The .NET registration module is missing
E_EDM_DUPLICATE_GROUP_NAME0x80040268 = Saving the user group failed because the group name is already used by another group
E_EDM_DUPLICATE_SEARCH_FAVORITE_NAME0x8004024B = Could not save the search favorite with the specified name because the name is already used by another favorite and the names must be unique; if the other favorite is not visible in the program, it is probably because you do not have permission to see it
E_EDM_END_OF_LIST0x80040208 = You tried to get an element from a list where the cursor is off right
E_EDM_END_OF_REV_GEN_LIST_CONTINUE0x80040232 = You have reached the end of the revision generator list; please contact your system administrator to add more revision-generator entries in the workflow editor
E_EDM_END_OF_REV_GEN_LIST_STOP0x80040231 = You have reached the end of the revision generator list; please contact your system administrator to add more revision-generator entries in the workflow editor
E_EDM_END_OF_SN_FILE0x8004023A = You have reached the end of the serial number file
E_EDM_ERPMGR_ALIAS_DOES_NOT_EXIST0x8004029D = The alias does not exist
E_EDM_ERPMGR_EXPORT_SCRIPT_NOT_FOUND0x800402A8 = The specified export rule could not be found
E_EDM_ERPMGR_IMPORTBATCH_DOES_NOT_EXIST0x8004029E = The data import batch does not exist
E_EDM_ERPMGR_IMPORTSCRIPT_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS0x8004029F = The name of the data import rule is already used
E_EDM_ERPMGR_INVALID_DATE_FORMAT0x800402A0 = The date format is invalid
E_EDM_ERPMGR_INVALID_FILENAME0x800402A1 = The file name is invalid
E_EDM_ERPMGR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND0x800402A2 = The data import/export item was not found in the database
E_EDM_ERPMGR_VALUE_TOO_LONG0x800402A3 = The value is too long
E_EDM_ERPMGR_VARALIASSET_ALREADY_EXISTS0x800402A4 = The specified alias set already exists
E_EDM_ERPMGR_VARALIASSET_DOES_NOT_EXIST0x800402A5 = The specified variable alias set does not exist
E_EDM_ERPMGR_VARIABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST0x800402A6 = The specified variable does not exist
E_EDM_ERPMGR_VARIABLENAME_NOT_UNIQUE0x800402A7 = The variable name is not unique
E_EDM_EXCLUDED_FROM_PREVIEW0x8004023C = The file type is excluded from preview
E_EDM_FILE_ALREADY_OPEN0x80040281 = The file is already open
E_EDM_FILE_DELETED0x8004026D = The file has been deleted
E_EDM_FILE_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED_BY_CONISIO_VERSION0x8004026A = The file format is not supported by your SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM license
E_EDM_FILE_IN_COLDSTORAGE0x80040278 = The file that you are trying to access is currently placed in cold storage and cannot be retrieved
E_EDM_FILE_IS_LOCKED0x80040211 = The operation is not permitted because the file is checked out
E_EDM_FILE_IS_REFERENCED0x8004022D = The file is referenced by another file
E_EDM_FILE_NAME_NOT_GLOBALLY_UNIQUE0x80040286 = The file name, which needs to be unique in the file vault, has been used before
E_EDM_FILE_NOT_FOUND0x80040213 = The file could not be found
E_EDM_FILE_NOT_LOCKED_BY_YOU0x80040210 = The file is not checked out by you, which is required by the operation
E_EDM_FILE_NOT_OPEN0x80040282 = The file is not open
E_EDM_FILE_NOT_REGENERATED0x800402B3 = The file is not rebuilt
E_EDM_FILE_SHARE_ERROR0x8004020B = An attempt was made to access a file that is exclusively opened by another application
E_EDM_FILES_WERE_LOCKED0x80040257 = One or more documents have been checked out; these files have been deselected; click OK again if you still want to perform the operation on the remaining files
E_EDM_FOLDER_NOT_EMPTY0x8004021F = The specified folder is not empty
E_EDM_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND0x80040214 = The folder could not be found
E_EDM_GET_EDMFORMATROUTER0x8004027D = The file format plug-in routes the call onto another plug-in; the file format manager will query the interface for the IEdmFormatRouter code to figure out which plug-in to use
E_EDM_GROUP_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS0x80040297 = The group name already exists
E_EDM_GROUP_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE0x80040295 = The group name is not unique in the specified array of groups
E_EDM_GROUP_NOT_FOUND0x800402D4 = The group could not be found
E_EDM_HAS_NO_CARD0x80040227 = The file does not have a file data card
E_EDM_HAS_NO_PARENT0x80040202 = The folder does not have a parent
E_EDM_HAS_NO_PREVIEW0x80040223 = The file does not have a preview bitmap
E_EDM_INDEXER_NOT_STARTED0x8004027F = The Index Server has not been set up for this file vault
E_EDM_INSUFFICIENT_SQL_PERMISSION0x80040283 = The SQL server user account associated with the vault has insufficient privileges; the administrator can solve this by running the following command in the SQL Server Query Analyzer: GRANT VIEW SERVER STATE TO user name
E_EDM_INVALID_CATEGORY_ID0x80040263 = The specified category database ID is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_COLUMN_VIEW0x80040291 = The column view is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_COMPLETE_NAME0x8004028B = The complete name is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_DATABASE_NAME0x800402C3 = The SQL database name is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_DATE_FORMAT_CODE0x800402C5 = The SQL date format code is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_EMAIL0x8004028C = The email is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_FILE0x80040229 = The file format is not recognized
E_EDM_INVALID_FILE_ID0x80040264 = The specified file ID is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_GROUP_DESCRIPTION0x80040296 = The group description is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_GROUP_MEMBER_ID0x80040299 = A group member ID is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_GROUP_NAME0x80040294 = The group name is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_ID0x80040241 = The supplied object ID is not valid
E_EDM_INVALID_INITIALS0x8004028D = The initials are invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_NAME0x8004021D = The file/key name was invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_PASSWORD0x8004028F = The password is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_QUERY0x80040230 = The search query is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER0x80040224 = Specified revision number is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER_COMPONENT_NAME0x8004029B = The revision number component name is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_REVISION_NUMBER_GENERATOR_NAME0x8004029A = The revision number generator name is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_SERIAL_NUMBER_NAME0x80040256 = Invalid serial number name
E_EDM_INVALID_TRANSITION_WEB0x80040274 = Could not change state because the transition would create a new document version, which is not supported by the web client
E_EDM_INVALID_TYPE0x80040225 = The object has an invalid type for the specified operation
E_EDM_INVALID_USER_DATA0x8004028E = The user data string is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_USER_NAME0x80040287 = The user name is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_VAULT_NAME0x800402C2 = The vault name is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_WORKFLOW_ID0x80040260 = The specified workflow database ID is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_WORKFLOW_STATE_ID0x80040262 = The specified workflow state database ID is invalid
E_EDM_INVALID_WORKFLOW_TRANSITION_ID0x80040261 = The specified workflow transition database ID is invalid
E_EDM_IO_ERROR0x80040228 = Error accessing the file
E_EDM_KEY_NOT_FOUND0x8004022B = The key you specified was not found in the collection
E_EDM_LOCAL_FILE_NOT_FOUND0x80040285 = The file is not present in the file vault cache folder on the client computer
E_EDM_LOCK_ERRORS0x80040266 = One or more documents could not be checked out
E_EDM_LOCKED0x800402B0 = The file is checked out
E_EDM_LOCKED_BY_ANOTHER_USER0x80040212 = The file is checked out by another user
E_EDM_LOCKED_IN_OTHER_FOLDER0x800402B0 = The file is checked out in another folder
E_EDM_LOCKED_ON_OTHER_COMPUTER0x80040215 = The file is checked out on another computer
E_EDM_LOGIN_FAILED0x80040200 = Login failed because of an invalid user name or password
E_EDM_LOGIN_LOCK0x8004024E = The system is locked due to maintenance
E_EDM_MAILSERVER_NOT_INSTALLED0x80040235 =  SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM Database Server is not installed on the database server; please contact your system administrator for assistance
E_EDM_MAPPING_FOUND0x8004020E = Could not remove the attribute class because it is used by a control in a file data card
E_EDM_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE0x8004020C = An attempt was made to access an attribute that is not present in the file
E_EDM_MISSING_CONISIO_MODULE0x80040272 = A required SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM module is not installed
E_EDM_MISSING_LOCAL_VIEW0x800402D5 = The vault must have a local view
E_EDM_MISSING_MANDATORY_VALUE0x80040236 = An attempt was made to save an empty value for a mandatory variable
E_EDM_MISSING_PLUGIN_COMPONENT0x80040245 = The file format plug-in cannot handle this file because a component is missing
E_EDM_MISSING_PTID0x8004025A = The registry variable PTID is missing; please reinstall the program
E_EDM_MISSING_SEARCH_PROC0x8004024F = The search card's stored procedure is missing in the database
E_EDM_MISSING_URL_PARAM0x8004026E = A required URL parameter is missing
E_EDM_MISSING_VIEW_INFO0x8004024C = Could not find registry information for this view; you might have to attach to this vault again to repair the registry
E_EDM_MOVE_FILE_PERMISSION_DENIED0x800402E4 = The user does not have permission to move the file.
E_EDM_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS0x8004020F = An attempt was made to create a new file or folder with the same name as an existing one
E_EDM_NEED_MIGRATING0x80040249 = The file needs to be migrated for the operation to succeed
E_EDM_NO_ACTIVE_COLDSTORAGE_OPERATION0x80040276 = There are currently no active cold storage operations belonging to the calling archive server
E_EDM_NO_DOCTYPE0x8004025C = The document does not meet the conditions of any category
E_EDM_NO_MATCHING_PLUGIN0x8004022A = There is no matching plug-in
E_EDM_NO_REVISION_GENERATOR0x80040247 = The file is not connected to a revision generator
E_EDM_NO_REVISION_ON_REFERENCE0x80040237 = Cannot set revision because not all referenced files have revisions on the attached versions
E_EDM_NO_SECPKG_FOUND0x80040254 = Could not negotiate a security package to use between the server and the client
E_EDM_NO_WORKFLOW0x8004025D = The document does not meet the conditions of any workflow
E_EDM_NOT_A_COM_DLL0x800402CC = The DLL is not a COM module
E_EDM_NOT_AN_ADDIN_DLL0x800402CD = The DLL is not an SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM add-in; i.e., the IEdmAddIn5 interface is not implemented
E_EDM_NOT_INITIALIZED0x80040201 = The program used an object without properly initializing it
E_EDM_NOT_LATEST_VERSION0x800402E0 = Item must be checked out to perform this operation
E_EDM_NOT_LOGGED_IN0x80040204 = You have not logged into the file vault
E_EDM_NOT_POWER_USER0x80040246 = You are not logged in on Windows as a Power User or Administrator, which is required to run SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM
E_EDM_NULL_VALUE0x80040240 = A null value was returned where it was not expected
E_EDM_OPERATION_REFUSED_BY_PLUGIN0x8004021A = The operation was not permitted by one of the installed add-ins
E_EDM_OPERATION_UNSUPPORTED_BY_CONISIO_VERSION0x8004026B = The operation is not supported by your SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM license
E_EDM_PARENT_LOCKED_ELSEWHERE0x800402B1 = The file is referenced by a file that is checked out on another computer
E_EDM_PASSWORD_NOT_EMPTY0x80040293 = The current login type does not allow passwords to be set
E_EDM_PATH_TOO_LONG0x80040271 = The path is too long
E_EDM_PERMISSION_DENIED0x80040203 = You do not have permission to perform this action
E_EDM_PREVIEW_NOT_AVAILABLE0x800402BF = Preview is not available
E_EDM_PRODUCT_TIMEOUT0x800402D2 = Your version of SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM has expired; contact your SOLIDWORKS representative for a newer version
E_EDM_PROGRAM_VERSION_MISMATCH0x80040270 = The server and client are not of the same version
E_EDM_RCE_ERROR0x80040209 = Error accessing the revision management system; check your network connection
E_EDM_REFERENCE_EXISTS0x8004027B = The reference already exists
E_EDM_REVGEN_EXISTS0x8004025E = A revision number component with the specified name already exists
E_EDM_REVGENERATOR_IN_USE0x80040250 = The revision number component is currently being used by one or more revision numbers and cannot be deleted
E_EDM_REVISION_CHANGED0x80040253 = The revision number has been changed by another user
E_EDM_REVISION_NO_VERSION0x80040251 = An attempt was made to set a revision on a version newer than the documents latest version
E_EDM_REVISION_ON_OLD_VERSION0x80040238 = Cannot set revision on old version
E_EDM_REVNUM_EXISTS0x8004025F = A revision number with the specified name already exists
E_EDM_REVNUMBER_IN_USE0x80040255 = The revision number is currently associated with one or more states and cannot be deleted
E_EDM_ROLLBACK_PAST_COLDSTORED0x80040279 = The rollback operation cannot be performed because one of the versions that you are trying to remove is placed in cold storage
E_EDM_SERIAL_NUMBER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS0x800402AE = The serial number name is already in use
E_EDM_SERNO_USED_AS_ITEM_GEN0x800402C0 = The serial number cannot be deleted because it is used as an item number generator
E_EDM_SERVER_NOT_FOUND0x80040220 = The server was not found
E_EDM_SKIP_FILE0x80040273 = The user selected to skip processing of the current file and go on to the next one
E_EDM_SN_FILE_NOT_FOUND0x8004023B = Serial number file or add-in could not be found
E_EDM_SN_TYPE_OBSOLETE0x800402B2 = Serial numbers read from files are no longer supported; please open the serial number in the Administration tool and resave it as a list serial number
E_EDM_SQLSERVER_CANNOT_CONNECT0x800402C6 = Cannot connect to specified SQL server
E_EDM_SQLSERVER_LOGIN_FAILED0x800402C4 = Login failed because of an invalid SQL user name or password
E_EDM_SQLSERVER_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION0x8004027C = The SQL Server version is not supported by SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM; supported versions are SQL Server 2005 SP1 or later
E_EDM_STATE_NOT_FOUND0x80040216 = The specified state does not exist
E_EDM_TOO_MANY_USERS0x80040248 = The licensed maximum number of simultaneously logged-in users would be exceeded by this log-in; this log-in was refused
E_EDM_TRANSITION_ACTION_FAILED0x80040234 = An error occurred when trying to execute a transition action
E_EDM_UNC_PATH_ADDIN_NOT_SUPPORTED0x800402DD =  Information cannot be retrieved from add-ins on a network drive; copy the file to the local hard disk and retry the operation
E_EDM_UNSUPPORTED_OS0x800402D3 = The version of the operating system is not supported
E_EDM_UNSUPPORTED_PROGRAM_VERSION0x8004023E = The program requires a higher version of SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM than the installed version
E_EDM_UNSUPPORTED_SN_TYPE0x8004026F = The serial number type is not supported
E_EDM_UPDATE_ATT_FAILED0x8004020D = Could not update attributes during check in
E_EDM_USER_BLOCKED0x80040265 = The administrator has blocked your login name in this file vault
E_EDM_USER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS0x8004028A = The user name already exists
E_EDM_USER_NAME_NOT_UNIQUE0x80040288 = The user name is not unique in the specified array of users
E_EDM_USER_NOT_FOUND_IN_ARCHIVE_SERVER0x80040292 = The user name does not exist in the archive server
E_EDM_VALUE_NOT_UNIQUE0x8004022C = An attempt was made to save a duplicate value when a unique value is required
E_EDM_VARIABLE_NOT_FOUND0x80040252 = The specified card variable is missing
E_EDM_VARIABLE_USED_IN_COLUMN0x80040244 = The variable cannot be deleted because it is used in a user-defined column
E_EDM_VARIABLE_USED_IN_EXPORT_SCRIPT0x800402AA = The variable cannot be deleted because it is used in a data export rule
E_EDM_VAULT_ALREADY_EXISTS0x8004024D = A vault with the same name already exists on the archive server
E_EDM_VERSION_MISMATCH0x8004022E = The versions of the program and the file vault are incompatible
E_EDM_WF_HAS_FILES0x8004024A = The workflow contains files and cannot be deleted
E_EDM_XREF_OUTSIDE_VAULT0x8004026C = One or more of the file's referenced files are outside the file vault
E_ITEM_CANNOT_COPY_ITEM0x800402BA = You have selected items to copy; the items cannot be copied because they must be unique within the system
E_ITEM_CYCLIC_REFERENCE0x800402CA =  Operation aborted because it would create a cyclic reference between items
E_ITEM_ILLEGAL_MOVE_REFERENCED_BY_EXTERNAL0x800402C8 = The object cannot be moved because the object or a sub-object is referenced by a locked item
E_ITEM_ILLEGAL_RENAME_REFERENCED_BY_EXTERNAL0x800402C9 = The object cannot be renamed because the object or a sub-object is referenced by a locked item
E_ITEM_INVALID_ITEM_TYPE0x800402BB = Invalid object type; only Item, ItemFolder, and files are supported by Item Explorer
E_ITEM_INVALID_LINK_OPERATION0x800402B8 = This operation cannot be performed on the selected items
E_ITEM_INVALID_LINK_TYPE0x800402B7 = Invalid link type; only two link types are supported by Item Explorer, static and auto-update
E_ITEM_INVALID_OBJECT0x800402BD = Item object contains corrupted data
E_ITEM_INVALID_SOURCE0x800402B5 = The selection contains items that are not valid for this operation
E_ITEM_INVALID_TARGET0x800402B4 = The destination object is invalid for this operation
E_ITEM_LINK_DUPLICATED0x800402B9 = The file is already added to this item
E_ITEM_LOCKED_ELSEWHERE0x800402DF = Item is locked on another computer
E_ITEM_MANY_DYN_LINKS0x800402B6 = This item already has an auto-update link attached to it; items can have only one auto-update link at a time

0x800402BC = No serial number generator has been set up to generate item numbers. Please do the following:

  1. Launch SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM Administration Tool.
  2. Create a serial number.
  3. Open the Items administration node and select the serial number.
E_ITEM_NOT_CONNECTED0x800402C1 = This item has no file linked or connected to it
E_ITEM_NOT_LOCKED0x800402DE = Item has to be checked out to perform this operation
E_ITEM_UP_TO_DATE0x800402BE = The item is up to date


Client code can only access these return codes by handling the exception. For example, in C#: 

    // Some SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM call that results in an exception
catch (System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComException comEx)
    switch (comEx.ErrorCode)
        case E_EDM_xxx:
            // respond to xxx
        case E_EDM_yyy:
            // respond to yyy
            // Unexpected or cannot be handled silently
            // Use IEdmVault5::GetErrorString or IEdmVault11::GetErrorMessage to prepare a message for the user or log


HRESULT return codes are supported by the SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM API. You can pass the HRESULT code to the method IEdmVault11::GetErrorMessage to get information about the code.


  • Methods called from Visual Basic do not return the HRESULT code directly. Instead, the return codes are returned as an argument declared with the [retval] directive, if one exists. Visual Basic users can view the error codes returned by methods by implementing an error handler and checking the Number property of the Err object. The property is the HRESULT return code from the failing method.
  • The values shown in this topic are written in C++ style hexadecimal notation. In VB.NET, the value 0x80040200 is written as &H80040200.

See Also

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