Imports EdmLib
Public Class TaskAddIn
Public Sub GetAddInInfo(ByRef poInfo As EdmAddInInfo,
ByVal poVault As IEdmVault5, ByVal poCmdMgr As
IEdmCmdMgr5) Implements
On Error GoTo ErrHand
' Fill in the add-in's description
poInfo.mbsAddInName = "Task Test Add-in"
poInfo.mbsCompany = "SOLIDWORKS"
poInfo.mbsDescription = "Add-in used to test the task execution system"
poInfo.mlAddInVersion = 1
' Minimum SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM version needed for VB.NET add-ins is 2010
poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMajor = 10
poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMinor = 0
'Register this add-in as a task add-in
'Register this add-in as being able to append its own property pages in the Administration tool
'Register this add-in to be called when the task is launched on the client computer
'Register this add-in to provide extra details in the
Details dialog box in the task list in the
Administration tool
'Register this add-in to be called when the launch dialog box
is closed
'Register this add-in to be called when the set-up wizard is closed
Exit Sub
Dim v11 As
v11 = poVault
End Sub
Private Sub OnTaskDetails(ByRef poCmd As EdmCmd, ByRef ppoData As System.Array)
Dim inst As
inst = poCmd.mpoExtra
'Create a custom page in the task properties dialog box; TaskDetailsPage is a
'user control; TaskDetailsPage::LoadData fills in some edit boxes with
'values from IEdmTaskInstance::GetValEx
Dim myPage As TaskDetailsPage
myPage = New TaskDetailsPage
poCmd.mpoExtra = myPage
poCmd.mlParentWnd = myPage.Handle.ToInt32
poCmd.mbsComment = "My Test Page"
End Sub
Private Sub OnTaskLaunch(ByRef poCmd As EdmCmd, ByRef ppoData As System.Array)
'Display a message box
the user types data that is
to the task add-in via IEdmTaskInstance::SetValEx
Dim v11 As IEdmVault11
v11 = poCmd.mpoVault
If v11.MsgBox(poCmd.mlParentWnd, "Hello!" + vbLf + "Are you sure you want to launch the test task?", EdmMBoxType.EdmMbt_YesNo) <> EdmMBoxResult.EdmMbr_Yes Then
poCmd.mbCancel = True
Exit Sub
End If
'Get the property interface used to access the
Dim inst As
inst = poCmd.mpoExtra
inst.SetValEx("MyLaunchVar", "A launch value")
End Sub
Private Sub OnTaskLaunchButton(ByRef poCmd As EdmCmd, ByRef ppoData As System.Array)
'If displaying a card for editing, this is
'called when the user clicks OK or Cancel in the launch dialog box
End Sub
Private Sub OnTaskRun(ByRef poCmd As EdmCmd, ByRef ppoData As System.Array)
'Get the property interface used to access the framework
Dim inst As
inst = poCmd.mpoExtra
On Error GoTo ErrHand 'Inform the framework that the task has started
'Format a message to be displayed in the task list
Dim msg As String
msg = "Test is running:"
msg = msg + " MyTestSetupVar='" + CStr(inst.GetValEx("MyTestSetupVar"))
msg = msg + "' MyLaunchVar='" + inst.GetValEx("MyLaunchVar")
msg = msg + "' Idx="
'This is the main worker loop that does all of the important work;
'it just beeps and sleeps
Dim idx As Integer
idx = 1
Dim maxPos As Integer
maxPos = 200 inst.SetProgressRange(maxPos,
0, msg + CStr(idx))
While idx < maxPos 'Update progress bar that shows in the task list
msg + CStr(idx))
idx = idx + 1
'Do some important work here
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(60000 / maxPos)
'Handle the cancel button in the task list If inst.GetStatus() =
EdmTaskStatus.EdmTaskStat_CancelPending Then inst.SetStatus(EdmTaskStatus.EdmTaskStat_DoneCancelled)
Exit Sub
End If
'Handle temporary suspension of the task
If inst.GetStatus() = EdmTaskStatus.EdmTaskStat_SuspensionPending Then
While inst.GetStatus() = EdmTaskStatus.EdmTaskStat_Suspended
End While
If inst.GetStatus() = EdmTaskStatus.EdmTaskStat_ResumePending Then
End If
End If
End While
'Inform the framework that the task has
Exit Sub
ErrHand: 'Return errors to the framework by failing the task
Err.Number, "The test task failed!") End Sub
'Store the custom set-up page here so it can be accessed from both OnTaskSetup
and OnTaskSetupButton Dim currentSetupPage As SetupPage |
Private Sub OnTaskSetup(ByRef poCmd As EdmCmd, ByRef ppoData As System.Array)
'Get the property interface used to access the framework
Dim props As
props = poCmd.mpoExtra
'Turn on
some properties, e.g., the task can be launched during a 'state
change, can extend the details page,
is called when the 'task is
launched, and supports scheduling
props.TaskFlags = EdmTaskFlag.EdmTask_SupportsChangeState
+ EdmTaskFlag.EdmTask_SupportsDetails +
EdmTaskFlag.EdmTask_SupportsInitExec +
'Set menu commands that launch this task from Windows Explorer
Dim cmds(0) As EdmTaskMenuCmd
cmds(0).mbsMenuString = "Run the test task"
cmds(0).mbsStatusBarHelp = "This command runs the task add-in"
cmds(0).mlCmdID = 1
cmds(0).mlEdmMenuFlags = EdmMenuFlags.EdmMenu_Nothing props.SetMenuCmds(cmds)
'Add a custom setup page; SetupPage is a user control with an
'edit box; SetupPage::LoadData populates the edit box from a
'variable in IEdmTaskProperties; saving of properties is handled 'by OnTaskSetupButton
currentSetupPage = New SetupPage
Dim pages(0) As EdmTaskSetupPage
pages(0).mbsPageName = "Test Add-in page"
pages(0).mlPageHwnd = currentSetupPage.Handle.ToInt32
pages(0).mpoPageImpl = currentSetupPage
props.SetSetupPages(pages) End Sub
'Called when the user clicks OK or Cancel in the
'task property dialog box
Private Sub OnTaskSetupButton(ByRef poCmd As EdmCmd, ByRef ppoData As System.Array)
'The custom set-up page in currentSetupPage
'was created in method OnTaskSetup;
'StoreData saves the contents of the edit
'box in the user control to 'IEdmTaskProperties in poCmd.mpoExtra
If poCmd.mbsComment = "OK" And Not currentSetupPage Is Nothing Then
End If
currentSetupPage = Nothing End Sub
'Main entry point of the add-in; called by SOLIDWORKS
'Enterprise PDM for all task-related
events Public Sub OnCmd(ByRef poCmd As EdmCmd, ByRef ppoData As System.Array) Implements IEdmAddIn5.OnCmd On Error GoTo ErrHand
'Check the command type and call the right procedure
Select Case poCmd.meCmdType Case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_TaskDetails
OnTaskDetails(poCmd, ppoData) Case
OnTaskLaunch(poCmd, ppoData) Case
OnTaskLaunchButton(poCmd, ppoData) Case
OnTaskRun(poCmd, ppoData) Case EdmCmdType.EdmCmd_TaskSetup
OnTaskSetup(poCmd, ppoData) Case
OnTaskSetupButton(poCmd, ppoData) End Select Exit Sub
ErrHand: Dim v11 As
v11 = poCmd.mpoVault MsgBox(v11.GetErrorMessage(Err.Number)) End Sub
End Class