Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
Click File > New >
Project > Visual C# > Class Library.
Select .NET Framework 2.0 in
the dropdown at the top of the dialog.
Type a project name in Name.
Click Browse and navigate to the folder where to
create the project.
Click OK.
Right-click the project name in the Solution Explorer
and click Add Reference.
Click COM in the
left-side panel, click PDMWorks Enterprise nnnn Type Library, and click
Click Assemblies > Framework in the left-side
panel, click Microsoft.VisualBasic,
click Add.
Click Close.
Right-click the project name in the Solution Explorer
and click Properties.
Click Application > Assembly Information.
Make assembly COM-Visible.
Double-click Class1.cs in the Solution Explorer
to open the code window.
At the top of the code window, type:
using EdmLib;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
public class Class1
public class Class1 : IEdmAddIn5
In the code, right-click
IEdmAddIn5 and click Implement Interface > Implement Interface.
Replace the add-in's
implementation of
IEdmAddIn5::GetAddInInfo with the following code:
public void GetAddInInfo(ref EdmAddInInfo poInfo, IEdmVault5 poVault, IEdmCmdMgr5 poCmdMgr)
information to
display in the add-in's Properties dialog box
poInfo.mbsAddInName = "Menu command sample";
poInfo.mbsCompany = "SOLIDWORKS Corporation";
poInfo.mbsDescription = "Adds menu command items";
poInfo.mlAddInVersion = 1;
//Specify the
minimum required version of SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM
poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMajor = 5;
poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMinor = 2;
menu commands; SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM passes command IDs, 1000 and 1001,
//to IEdmAddIn5::OnCmd to indicate which command the
user selects
poCmdMgr.AddCmd(1000, "First command", (int)EdmMenuFlags.EdmMenu_Nothing, "This is the first command", "First command", 0, 99);
poCmdMgr.AddCmd(1001, "Second command", (int)EdmMenuFlags.EdmMenu_MustHaveSelection, "This is the second command", "Second command", 1, 99);
The flag
means that
the second command is only available if the user has selected one or more
files or folders.
is called when a menu command is selected by the user.
Replace the add-in's
implementation of
IEdmAddIn5::OnCmd with the following code:
public void OnCmd(ref EdmCmd poCmd, ref Array ppoData)
the menu command
string CommandName = null;
if (poCmd.mlCmdID == 1000)
CommandName = "The first command.";
CommandName = "The second command.";
//Retrieve the bounds of the array containing the selected files and folders
int index = 0;
int last = 0;
index = Information.LBound(ppoData);
last = Information.UBound(ppoData);
string StrID = null;
//Create a message showing the names and IDs of all selected files and folders
string message = null;
message = "You have selected the following files and folders: " + Constants.vbLf;
while (index <= last)
if (((EdmCmdData)ppoData.GetValue(index)).mlObjectID1 == 0)
message = message + "Folder: (ID=";
StrID = ((EdmCmdData)ppoData.GetValue(index)).mlObjectID2.ToString();
message = message + StrID + ") ";
message = message + "File: (ID=";
StrID = ((EdmCmdData)ppoData.GetValue(index)).mlObjectID1.ToString();
message = message + StrID + ") ";
message = message + ((EdmCmdData)ppoData.GetValue(index)).mbsStrData1 + Constants.vbLf;
index = index + 1;
//Display the message
EdmVault5 v = default(EdmVault5);
v = (EdmVault5)poCmd.mpoVault;
v.MsgBox(poCmd.mlParentWnd, message, EdmMBoxType.EdmMbt_OKOnly, CommandName);
Click Build > Build
Solution to build the add-in.
- Install
the add-in through the SOLIDWORKS Enterprise PDM
Administration tool:
Enterprise PDM Administration tool.
- Expand the vault where
you want to install this add-in and log in as Admin.
- Right-click Add-ins and click New
- Browse to
click project_name.dll and Interop.EdmLib.dll.
- Click Open.
- Click OK.
- Click OK.
Right-click inside a vault view in
Windows Explorer. First command appears in the context-sensitive
Right-click a file in
the vault view and click Second
command. The add-in displays a dialog similar to the following:

Source Code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using EdmLib;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
namespace CreateMenuCommand_CSharp
public class Class1 : IEdmAddIn5
#region IEdmAddIn5 Members
public void GetAddInInfo(ref EdmAddInInfo poInfo, IEdmVault5 poVault, IEdmCmdMgr5 poCmdMgr)
poInfo.mbsAddInName = "Menu command sample";
poInfo.mbsCompany = "SOLIDWORKS Corporation";
poInfo.mbsDescription = "Adds menu command items";
poInfo.mlAddInVersion = 1;
poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMajor = 5;
poInfo.mlRequiredVersionMinor = 2;
poCmdMgr.AddCmd(1000, "First command", (int)EdmMenuFlags.EdmMenu_Nothing, "This is the first command", "First command", 0, 99);
poCmdMgr.AddCmd(1001, "Second command", (int)EdmMenuFlags.EdmMenu_MustHaveSelection, "This is the second command", "Second command", 1, 99);
public void OnCmd(ref EdmCmd poCmd, ref Array ppoData)
string CommandName = null;
if (poCmd.mlCmdID == 1000)
CommandName = "The first command.";
CommandName = "The second command.";
int index = 0;
int last = 0;
index = Information.LBound(ppoData);
last = Information.UBound(ppoData);
string StrID = null;
string message = null;
message = "You have selected the following files and folders: " + Constants.vbLf;
while (index <= last)
if (((EdmCmdData)ppoData.GetValue(index)).mlObjectID1 == 0)
message = message + "Folder: (ID=";
StrID = ((EdmCmdData)ppoData.GetValue(index)).mlObjectID2.ToString();
message = message + StrID + ") ";
message = message + "File: (ID=";
StrID = ((EdmCmdData)ppoData.GetValue(index)).mlObjectID1.ToString();
message = message + StrID + ") ";
message = message + ((EdmCmdData)ppoData.GetValue(index)).mbsStrData1 + Constants.vbLf;
index = index + 1;
EdmVault5 v = default(EdmVault5);
v = (EdmVault5)poCmd.mpoVault;
v.MsgBox(poCmd.mlParentWnd, message, EdmMBoxType.EdmMbt_OKOnly, CommandName);