Create Drag Arrow Manipulator Example (VBA)
This example shows how to create a drag arrow manipulator, which is
called a handle in the user interface.
Main module
' Preconditions:
' 1. Open a part or assembly and select a face.
' 2. Select:
' Tools > References > SOLIDWORKS <version> exposed type
libraries for add-in
' 3. Open an Immediate window.
' Postconditions:
' 1. A unidirectional drag arrow manipulator or handle is created on the
selected face.
' 2. Drag the handle to another location. The first time you drag the handle,
' IDragArrowManipulator::FixedLength is set to true,
' and the origin is moved in the direction of the drag. For
second and
' subsequent drags, IDragArrowManipulator::FixedLength is set
to false,
' and the origin is not changed.
' 3. When you drag the handle a ruler displays.
' IDragArrowManipulator::ShowRuler is true.
' 4. When you drag the handle past length = 0, the handle flips direction.
' IDragArrowManipulator::AllowFlip is true.
' 5. Inspect the Immediate window.
Option Explicit
Dim swManip
As SldWorks.Manipulator
Public swDrag
As SldWorks.DragArrowManipulator
Dim swDragHdlr
As swDragManipHdlr
Public swFace
As SldWorks.Face2
Sub main()
Dim swApp
As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim swMathUtil
As SldWorks.MathUtility
Dim swModel
As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim swModViewMgr
As SldWorks.ModelViewManager
Dim swSelMgr
As SldWorks.SelectionMgr
Dim vPickPt
As Variant
Dim swPickPt
As SldWorks.MathPoint
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Set swDragHdlr = New swDragManipHdlr
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set swMathUtil = swApp.GetMathUtility
Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager
Set swFace = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, 0)
Dim nVector(2)
As Double
Dim vVector
As Variant
nVector(0) = 0: nVector(1) = 1:
nVector(2) = 0
vVector = nVector
Dim swN
As SldWorks.MathVector
Set swN = swMathUtil.CreateVector((vVector))
vPickPt = swSelMgr.GetSelectionPoint2(1,
Set swPickPt = swMathUtil.CreatePoint((vPickPt))
Set swModViewMgr = swModel.ModelViewManager
Set swManip = swModViewMgr.CreateManipulator(SwConst.swManipulatorType_e.swDragArrowManipulator,
Set swDrag = swManip.GetSpecificManipulator
swDrag.ShowRuler = True
swDrag.AllowFlip = True
swDrag.ShowOppositeDirection = False
swDrag.Length = 0.02
swDrag.Direction = swN
swDrag.LengthOppositeDirection = 0.01
swDrag.origin = swPickPt
swManip.Show swModel
Dim origin As SldWorks.MathPoint
Set origin = swDrag.origin
Dim pt As Variant
pt = origin.ArrayData
End Sub
Handler module
Dim Doneonce As Long
Const lenFact = 1
Option Explicit
Implements SwManipulatorHandler2
Public Function
SwManipulatorHandler2_OnHandleLmbSelected(ByVal pManipulator As Object) As
End Function
Public Function SwManipulatorHandler2_OnDelete(ByVal
pManipulator As Object) As Boolean
End Function
Public Sub SwManipulatorHandler2_OnDirectionFlipped(ByVal
pManipulator As Object)
End Sub
Public Function
SwManipulatorHandler2_OnDoubleValueChanged(ByVal pManipulator As Object, ByVal
Id As Long, Value As Double) As Boolean
Doneonce = Doneonce + 1
Debug.Print "SwManipulatorHandler2_OnDoubleValueChanged"
Debug.Print " ID
= " & Id
Debug.Print " Value
= " & Value
Dim swTmpManipulator As SldWorks.DragArrowManipulator
Set swTmpManipulator = pManipulator
'Update origin
Dim swMathPoint As SldWorks.MathPoint
Set swMathPoint = swTmpManipulator.origin
Dim varMathPt As Variant
varMathPt = swMathPoint.ArrayData
varMathPt(1) = varMathPt(1) + lenFact / 1000
swMathPoint.ArrayData = varMathPt
If (Doneonce = 1) Then
swTmpManipulator.FixedLength =
End If
swTmpManipulator.origin = swMathPoint
End Function
Public Sub SwManipulatorHandler2_OnEndDrag(ByVal pManipulator
As Object, ByVal handleIndex As Long)
Dim swTmpManipulator As
Set swTmpManipulator = pManipulator
swTmpManipulator.FixedLength = False
Doneonce = Doneonce + 1
Debug.Print "SwManipulatorHandler2_OnEndDrag"
Debug.Print " HandleIndex
= " & handleIndex
If (handleIndex =
swDragArrowManipulatorOptions_e.swDragArrowManipulatorDirection2) Then
Debug.Print "
Debug.Print "
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SwManipulatorHandler2_OnEndNoDrag(ByVal pManipulator As Object, ByVal
handleIndex As Long)
End Sub
Public Sub SwManipulatorHandler2_OnHandleRmbSelected(ByVal
pManipulator As Object, ByVal handleIndex As Long)
Debug.Print " handleIndex
= " + handleIndex
End Sub
Public Sub SwManipulatorHandler2_OnHandleSelected(ByVal
pManipulator As Object, ByVal handleIndex As Long)
Debug.Print " HandleIndex
= " + handleIndex
End Sub
Public Sub SwManipulatorHandler2_OnItemSetFocus(ByVal
pManipulator As Object, ByVal Id As Long)
Debug.Print " ID
= " & Id
End Sub
Public Function SwManipulatorHandler2_OnLmbSelected(ByVal
pManipulator As Object) As Boolean
End Function
Public Function
SwManipulatorHandler2_OnStringValueChanged(ByVal pManipulator As Object, ByVal
Id As Long, Value As String) As Boolean
Debug.Print " ID
= " & Id
Debug.Print " Value
= " & Value
End Function
Public Sub SwManipulatorHandler2_OnUpdateDrag(ByVal
pManipulator As Object, ByVal handleIndex As Long, ByVal newPosMathPt As Object)
Debug.Print " HandleIndex
= " & handleIndex
End Sub