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Create Drag Arrow Manipulator Example (VB.NET)

This example shows how to create a drag arrow manipulator, which is called a handle in the user interface.

' Preconditions:
' 1. Open a part or assembly and select a face.
' 2. Select Project > Add Reference > .NET > SolidWorks.Interop.swpublished.
' 3. De-select Tools > Options > Stop VSTA debugger on macro exit.
' 4. Copy the main class into SolidWorksMacro.vb of your VB.NET project.
' 5. Copy the handler class into Class1.vb of your VB.NET project.

' 6. Open an Immediate window.
' Postconditions:
' 1. A unidirectional drag arrow manipulator or handle is created on the selected face.
' 2. Drag the handle to another location. The first time you drag the handle,
'    IDragArrowManipulator::FixedLength is set to true,
'    and the origin is moved in the direction of the drag. For second and
'    subsequent drags, IDragArrowManipulator::FixedLength is set to false,
'    and the origin is not changed.
' 3. When you drag the handle a ruler displays.
'    IDragArrowManipulator::ShowRuler is true.
' 4. When you drag the handle past length = 0, the handle flips direction.
'    IDragArrowManipulator::AllowFlip is true.
' 5. Inspect the Immediate window.


'main class:

Imports SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swconst
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swpublished
Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics

Partial Class SolidWorksMacro
Public swManip As Manipulator
Public swDrag As DragArrowManipulator
Public WithEvents swDragHdlr As New Class1
Public Sub Main()

Dim swFace As Face2
Dim swMathUtil As MathUtility
Dim swModel As ModelDoc2
Dim swModViewMgr As ModelViewManager
Dim swSelMgr As SelectionMgr
Dim vPickPt As Object
        Dim swPickPt As MathPoint

        swMathUtil = swApp.GetMathUtility
        swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
        swSelMgr = swModel.SelectionManager
        swFace = swSelMgr.GetSelectedObject6(1, 0)

Dim nVector(2) As Double
        Dim vVector As Object
        nVector(0) = 0 : nVector(1) = 1 : nVector(2) = 0
        vVector = nVector

Dim swN As MathVector
        swN = swMathUtil.CreateVector((vVector))

        vPickPt = swSelMgr.GetSelectionPoint2(1, -1)
        swPickPt = swMathUtil.CreatePoint((vPickPt))
        swModViewMgr = swModel.ModelViewManager

        swManip = swModViewMgr.CreateManipulator(1, swDragHdlr)
        swDrag = swManip.GetSpecificManipulator

        swDrag.AllowFlip =
        swDrag.ShowRuler =
        swDrag.ShowOppositeDirection =
        swDrag.Length = 0.02
        swDrag.Direction = swN
        swDrag.LengthOppositeDirection = 0.01
        swDrag.Origin = swPickPt

Dim origin As MathPoint
        origin = swDrag.Origin

Dim pt As Object
        pt = origin.ArrayData

End Sub
    Public swApp As SldWorks
End Class


'handler class:

Imports SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swconst
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swpublished
Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Runtime
True)> _
Public Class Class1
Implements SwManipulatorHandler2

Dim doneonce As Integer
    Const lenFact As Integer = 1
Private Function OnHandleLmbSelected(ByVal pManipulator As Object) As Boolean Implements ISwManipulatorHandler2.OnHandleLmbSelected


End Function
    Private Function OnDelete(ByVal pManipulator As Object) As Boolean Implements ISwManipulatorHandler2.OnDelete


End Function
    Private Sub OnDirectionFlipped(ByVal pManipulator As Object) Implements ISwManipulatorHandler2.OnDirectionFlipped



End Sub
    Private Function OnDoubleValueChanged(ByVal pManipulator As Object, ByVal Id As Integer, ByRef Value As Double) As Boolean Implements ISwManipulatorHandler2.OnDoubleValueChanged

'Debug.Assert False
        doneonce = doneonce + 1

"  ID               = " & Id)

"  Value            = " & Value)
Dim swTmpManipulator As DragArrowManipulator
        swTmpManipulator = pManipulator
'Update origin
        Dim swMathPoint As MathPoint
        swMathPoint = swTmpManipulator.Origin
Dim varMathPt As Object
        varMathPt = swMathPoint.ArrayData
        varMathPt(1) = varMathPt(1) + lenFact / 1000
        swMathPoint.ArrayData = varMathPt
If (doneonce = 1) Then
            swTmpManipulator.FixedLength = True
        End If
        swTmpManipulator.Origin = swMathPoint

Return True
    End Function
    Private Sub OnEndDrag(ByVal pManipulator As Object, ByVal handleIndex As Integer) Implements ISwManipulatorHandler2.OnEndDrag

Dim swTmpManipulator As DragArrowManipulator
        swTmpManipulator = pManipulator
        swTmpManipulator.FixedLength =
        doneonce = doneonce + 1

"  HandleIndex      = " & handleIndex)

If (handleIndex = swDragArrowManipulatorOptions_e.swDragArrowManipulatorDirection2) Then

            Debug.Print(" Direction1")


            Debug.Print(" Direction2")

End If

    End Sub
    Private Sub OnEndNoDrag(ByVal pManipulator As Object, ByVal handleIndex As Integer) Implements ISwManipulatorHandler2.OnEndNoDrag


End Sub
    Private Sub OnHandleRmbSelected(ByVal pManipulator As Object, ByVal handleIndex As Integer) Implements ISwManipulatorHandler2.OnHandleRmbSelected


"  handleIndex      = " + handleIndex)

End Sub
    Private Sub OnHandleSelected(ByVal pManipulator As Object, ByVal handleIndex As Integer) Implements ISwManipulatorHandler2.OnHandleSelected


"  HandleIndex      = " + handleIndex)

End Sub
    Private Sub OnItemSetFocus(ByVal pManipulator As Object, ByVal Id As Integer) Implements ISwManipulatorHandler2.OnItemSetFocus



"  ID               = " & Id)

End Sub
    Private Function OnStringValueChanged(ByVal pManipulator As Object, ByVal Id As Integer, ByRef Value As String) As Boolean Implements ISwManipulatorHandler2.OnStringValueChanged



"  ID               = " & Id)

"  Value            = " & Value)

End Function
    Private Sub OnUpdateDrag(ByVal pManipulator As Object, ByVal handleIndex As Integer, ByVal newPosMathPt As Object) Implements ISwManipulatorHandler2.OnUpdateDrag


"  HandleIndex      = " & handleIndex)

End Sub

    Public Sub New()

End Sub

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