Display Temporary Body Example (C#)
This example shows how to display a temporary body.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Verify that the specified assembly document to
// open exists.
// 2. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Opens the specified assembly document.
// 2. Selects a component for the temporary body.
// 3. Displays the temporary body.
// 4. Examine the graphics area and the Immediate
// window.
// NOTE: Because the assembly is used elsewhere, do
// not save changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace Macro1CSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 Part = default(ModelDoc2);
Body2 Body = default(Body2);
Body2 BodyCopy = default(Body2);
bool status = false;
Component2 Component = default(Component2);
MathUtility MathUtility = default(MathUtility);
MathTransform MathXform = default(MathTransform);
SelectionMgr SelMgr = default(SelectionMgr);
double[] Xform = new double[16];
object vXform = null;
int retval = 0;
string fileName = null;
int errors = 0;
int warnings = 0;
Xform[0] = 1.0;
Xform[1] = 0.0;
Xform[2] = 0.0;
Xform[3] = 0.0;
Xform[4] = 1.0;
Xform[5] = 0.0;
Xform[6] = 0.0;
Xform[7] = 0.0;
Xform[8] = 1.0;
Xform[9] = 0.15;
Xform[10] = 0.0;
Xform[11] = 0.0;
Xform[12] = 1.0;
Xform[13] = 0.0;
Xform[14] = 0.0;
Xform[15] = 0.0;
vXform = Xform;
MathUtility = (MathUtility)swApp.GetMathUtility();
MathXform = (MathTransform)MathUtility.CreateTransform(vXform);
//Open assembly
fileName = "C:\\Program Files\\SolidWorks Corp\\SolidWorks\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\assem1.sldasm";
Part = (ModelDoc2)swApp.OpenDoc6(fileName, (int)swDocumentTypes_e.swDocASSEMBLY, (int)swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", ref errors, ref warnings);
//Select component and create temporary body
status = Part.Extension.SelectByID2("TestPart1-1@assem1", "COMPONENT", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
SelMgr = (SelectionMgr)Part.SelectionManager;
Component = (Component2)SelMgr.GetSelectedObjectsComponent3(1, 0);
Body = (Body2)Component.GetBody();
BodyCopy = (Body2)Body.Copy();
//Display temporary body
retval = BodyCopy.Display3(Component, 255, (int)swTempBodySelectOptions_e.swTempBodySelectable);
Debug.Print("Temporary body displayed (0 = success)? " + retval);
/// <summary>
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
/// </summary>
public SldWorks swApp;