Get Object's Persistent Reference ID Example (C++)
This example shows how to:
- get the selected object's persistent reference
ID using IModelDocExtension::GetPersistReference3.
- use the ISafeArrayUtility to parse the
Variant SafeArray returned by IModelDocExtension::GetPersistReference3.
- get the size of the persistent
reference ID for the selected object.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Start Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
// a. Click File > New > Project > Visual C++ > Win32 Console Application.
// b. Type the name of your project in Name.
// c. Click OK.
// d. Click Next.
// e. Select ATL and click Finish.
// f. Click Project > projectname Properties > Configuration Properties >
// C/C++ and type the path to sldworks.tlb and swconst.tlb,
// typically C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS,
// in Additional Include Directories.
// g. Click OK.
// 2. Replace the code in the code window with this code.
// 3. Start up SOLIDWORKS and open a model document.
// 4. Select a vertex, line, face, or some other selectable
// entity.
// 5. Click Debug > Start Debugging.
// 6. Click Yes.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Gets each byte value in a Variant SafeArray of byte values
// of the persistent reference ID.
// 2. Pops up a message box showing the size of of the persistent
// reference ID assigned to the selected object.
// 3. Click OK to close the message box.
//This code
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#import "sldworks.tlb" raw_interfaces_only, raw_native_types, no_namespace, named_guids //SOLIDWORKS type library
#import "swconst.tlb" no_namespace, raw_native_types, no_namespace, named_guids //SOLIDWORKS constants type library
template <typename T>
std::string number_to_string(T number)
return dynamic_cast<std::stsringstream *> (&(std::stringstream() << number))->str();
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[])
//Initialize COM
//Do this before using ATL smart pointers so that
//COM is available
//Use a block so that the smart pointers are destructed when
//scope of this block is exited
//Use ATL smart pointers
CComPtr<ISldWorks> swApp;
if(swApp.CoCreateInstance(L"SldWorks.Application", NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER) != S_OK){
CComPtr<IModelDoc2> swDoc;
CComPtr<IModelDocExtension> swDocExt;
CComPtr<ISelectionMgr> swSelMgr;
CComPtr<IDispatch> disp;
swSelMgr->GetSelectedObject6(1, -1, &disp);
//Get the persistent reference ID for the selected object
_variant_t varPersist;
swDocExt->GetPersistReference3(disp, &varPersist);
CComPtr<IDispatch> pDispatchSafeArray = NULL;
CComPtr<ISafeArrayUtility> swSafeArray = NULL;
hres = swApp->GetSafeArrayUtility(&pDispatchSafeArray);
hres = pDispatchSafeArray.QueryInterface<ISafeArrayUtility>(&swSafeArray);
long sizePersistIDs;
swDocExt->GetPersistReferenceCount3(disp, &sizePersistIDs);
for(int i = 0; i < sizePersistIDs; i++){
byte byteValue;
//Get each byte value in the Variant SafeArray of byte values
swSafeArray->GetByte(varPersist, i, &byteValue);
//TODO: Do something with each persistent reference ID
_bstr_t s;
s = (long)sizePersistIDs;
CComBSTR msg;
msg = (OLESTR("Size of persistent reference ID: "));
long res;
//Pop up a message box with the size of persistent
//reference ID for the selected object
swApp->SendMsgToUser2(msg, 0, 0, &res);
//ATL smart pointers are destructed so that all COM objects
//held on to are released
//Shut down COM because you no longer need it