Manage Drawing Document Line Styles Example (VBA)
This example shows how to manage the line styles of a drawing document.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Ensure that the specified drawing document template
' 2. Create c:\temp.
' 3. Open an Immediate Window.
' 4. Run this macro.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Inspect the Immediate Window.
' 2. Line styles are saved to c:\temp\styles.sldlin.
Option Explicit
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim Part As DrawingDoc
Dim boolstatus As Boolean
Dim longstatus As Long
Sub main()
Dim def As String
Dim name As String
Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
Set Part = swApp.NewDocument("<SOLIDWORKS_install_dir>\data\Templates\drawing.drwdot",
2, 0.2794, 0.4318)
swApp.ActivateDoc2 "Draw1 - Sheet1", False, longstatus
printData "Line Style Data at Start", ""
def = "B,1.2,-0.2,2,-0.1,2"
name = "NewOne"
boolstatus = Part.AddLineStyle(name, def)
printData "Line Style Data After Add", ""
Dim names As Variant
Dim styleNames(2) As String
styleNames(0) = "NewOne"
styleNames(1) = "CHAIN"
styleNames(2) = "PHANTOM"
names = styleNames
' Save line styles, replacing already
saved line styles
boolstatus = Part.SaveLineStyles("c:\temp\styles",
names, True)
printData "Line Style Data saved to file ", "c:\temp\styles"
' Delete a line style
boolstatus = Part.DeleteLineStyle("NewOne", "STITCH")
printData "Line Style Data After Delete", ""
' Load saved line styles, replacing
existing line styles
boolstatus = Part.LoadLineStyles("c:\temp\styles",
names, True)
printData "Line Style Data Imported from file", ""
End Sub
Sub printData(title As String, file As String)
Dim names As Variant
Dim types As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim stat As Boolean
Debug.Print Chr$(10) +
Debug.Print title
Debug.Print "-------------------------"
If file = "" Then
stat = Part.GetLineStyles(names,
stat = swApp.GetLineStyles(file,
names, types)
End If
If stat Then
For i = 0 To
Debug.Print Str$(i)
+ " ", names(i) + " " + types(i)
Next i
MsgBox "Error in printData"
End If
End Sub