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AddCommandItem2 Method (ICommandGroup)

Adds a combination menu item and toolbar item to a CommandGroup.

.NET Syntax

Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Function AddCommandItem2( _
   ByVal Name As System.String, _
   ByVal Position As System.Integer, _
   ByVal HintString As System.String, _
   ByVal ToolTip As System.String, _
   ByVal ImageListIndex As System.Integer, _
   ByVal CallbackFunction As System.String, _
   ByVal EnableMethod As System.String, _
   ByVal UserID As System.Integer, _
   ByVal MenuTBOption As System.Integer _
) As System.Integer
Visual Basic (Usage) 
Dim instance As ICommandGroup
Dim Name As System.String
Dim Position As System.Integer
Dim HintString As System.String
Dim ToolTip As System.String
Dim ImageListIndex As System.Integer
Dim CallbackFunction As System.String
Dim EnableMethod As System.String
Dim UserID As System.Integer
Dim MenuTBOption As System.Integer
Dim value As System.Integer
value = instance.AddCommandItem2(Name, Position, HintString, ToolTip, ImageListIndex, CallbackFunction, EnableMethod, UserID, MenuTBOption)
System.int AddCommandItem2( 
   System.string Name,
   System.int Position,
   System.string HintString,
   System.string ToolTip,
   System.int ImageListIndex,
   System.string CallbackFunction,
   System.string EnableMethod,
   System.int UserID,
   System.int MenuTBOption
System.int AddCommandItem2( 
&   System.String^ Name,
&   System.int Position,
&   System.String^ HintString,
&   System.String^ ToolTip,
&   System.int ImageListIndex,
&   System.String^ CallbackFunction,
&   System.String^ EnableMethod,
&   System.int UserID,
&   System.int MenuTBOption


Name of the item to add to the CommandGroup

Position of the item within the CommandGroup

NOTE: Specify 0 to add this item to the beginning of the CommandGroup, or specify -1 to add it to the end of the CommandGroup. This argument specifies the position of the item in relation to its immediate parent item.

Text displayed in the SOLIDWORKS status bar when the pointer is on the item
ToolTip displayed when the pointer is on the item
Index number of the image for the item in the parent CommandGroup (see Remarks)

Function to call when this item is selected (see Remarks)

Optional function that controls the state of the item; if specified, then SOLIDWORKS calls this function before displaying the item

If your method returns...



Deselects and disables the item


Deselects and enables the item; this is the default state if no update function is specified


Selects and disables the item


Selects and enables the item


Not supported
(see Remarks)

User-defined command ID or 0 if not used


Command item type as defined in swCommandItemType_e

Return Value

Index of the item within the CommandGroup as assigned by SOLIDWORKS



See Add-in Callback and Enable Methods to learn how to specify CallbackFunction and EnableMethod.

ImageListIndex is 0-based. The size of the index is equal to number of the images in the large or small graphic file for that CommandGroup. See ICommandGroup::LargeIconList and ICommandGroup::SmallIconList for details. You can use -1 for ImageListIndex to specify that no icon is needed for a command item of type swCommandItemType_e.swMenuItem; however, command items of type swCommandItemType_e.swToolbarItem always need an icon.


See Also


SOLIDWORKS 2007 FCS, Revision Number 15

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