| Name | Description |
| AddComponent | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::AddComponent4. |
| AddComponent2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::AddComponent4. |
| AddComponent4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::AddComponent5. |
| AddComponent5 | Adds the specified component for the specified configuration options to this assembly. |
| AddComponentConfiguration | Adds a new configuration for the last selected assembly component. |
| AddComponents | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::AddComponents3. |
| AddComponents3 | Adds multiple components to the assembly. |
| AddMate | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::AddMate3. |
| AddMate2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::AddMate3. |
| AddMate3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::AddMate4. |
| AddMate4 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::AddMate5. |
| AddMate5 | Adds a mate to this assembly. |
| AddPipePenetration | Penetrates the adjacent fitting or pipe with the pipe that ends at the selected sketch point. |
| AddPipingFitting | Adds a pipe fitting to the current piping assembly. |
| AddSmartComponent | Adds the specified component at the specified coordinates as a Smart Component to this assembly. |
| AddToFeatureScope | Adds a component to the scope of the currently selected assembly feature. |
| AssemblyPartToggle | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::EditAssembly and IAssemblyDoc::EditPart2. |
| AutoAngleAxis | Automatically detect the axis for an angle mate. |
| AutoExplode | Automatically generates an exploded view of the current assembly configuration. |
| CompConfigProperties | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::CompConfigProperties4. |
| CompConfigProperties2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::CompConfigProperties4. |
| CompConfigProperties3 | sObsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::CompConfigProperties4. |
| CompConfigProperties4 | Sets the properties for the selected component in the specified configuration. |
| ComponentReload | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::ReplaceComponents. |
| ComponentReload2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::ReplaceComponents. |
| CopyWithMates | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::CopyWithMates2. |
| CopyWithMates2 | Copies one or more components with mates in this assembly. |
| CreateExplodedView | Creates an exploded view of the active assembly configuration. |
| CreateSmartComponent | Creates a Smart Component. |
| DissolveComponentPattern | Dissolves the selected component patterns. |
| DissolveSubAssembly | Dissolves the selected subassembly in this assembly. |
| EditAssembly | Switches back to the assembly document for editing. |
| EditMate | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::EditMate2. |
| EditMate2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::EditMate3. |
| EditMate3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::EditMate4. |
| EditMate4 | Edits the selected assembly component mate relationship. |
| EditPart | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::EditPart2. |
| EditPart2 | Edits the selected part within the context of an assembly. |
| EditRebuild | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::EditRebuild3. |
| FeatureByName | Returns the IFeature object for the named feature in the assembly. |
| FeatureExtrusion | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::FeatureExtrusion. |
| FileDeriveComponentPart | Creates a new part document from the currently selected assembly component. |
| FixComponent | Fixes the selected component; i.e., makes it immovable. |
| ForceRebuild | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ForceRebuild3. |
| ForceRebuild2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::ForceRebuild3. |
| ForceUpdateElectricalData | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::ForceUpdateElectricalData2. |
| ForceUpdateElectricalData2 | Forces an update of electrical data. |
| GetAdvancedSelection | Gets the advanced component selection. |
| GetBox | Gets the bounding box. |
| GetComponentByID | Gets a top-level assembly component using its component ID. |
| GetComponentByName | Gets the specified top-level assembly component. |
| GetComponentCount | Gets the number of components in the active configuration of this assembly. |
| GetComponents | Gets all of the components in the active configuration of this assembly. |
| GetDragOperator | Gets the drag operator for dynamic drag operations in this assembly. |
| GetDroppedAtEntity | Gets a pointer to the entity where a file is dropped into this assembly. |
| GetEditTarget | Gets the model document that is currently being edited. |
| GetEditTargetComponent | Gets the component that is currently being edited. |
| GetExplodedViewCount | Gets the number of exploded views in the active assembly configuration. |
| GetExplodedViewNames | Gets the names of the exploded views in the active assembly configuration. |
| GetFeatureScope | Gets the components affected by this feature. |
| GetFeatureScopeCount | Gets the number of components affected by this feature. |
| GetFirstMember | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::GetChildren. |
| GetLightWeightComponentCount | Gets the number of lightweight components in the assembly. |
| GetPhysicalSimulationComponents | Obsolete. Not superseded. |
| GetRouteManager | Gets the SOLIDWORKS Routing API. |
| GetSelectedMember | Obsolete. Superseded by ISelectionMgr::GetSelectedObject6. |
| GetSimulation | Obsolete. Not superseded. |
| GetUnloadedComponentNames | Gets the unloaded components' paths, referenced configuration names, reasons why they are unloaded, document types, and names. |
| GetVisibleComponentsInView | Gets a list of visible components in this assembly to save as solid bodies. |
| GetVisibleComponentsInViewCount | Gets the number of visible components in this assembly. |
| HasUnloadedComponents | Gets whether this assembly has hidden or suppressed unloaded components. |
| HideComponent | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2::HideComponent2. |
| IAddComponent2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::AddComponent4. |
| IAddComponent3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::AddComponent4. |
| IAddComponents | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::IAddComponents2. |
| IAddComponents2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::IAddComponents3. |
| IAddComponents3 | Adds multiple components to the assembly. |
| IComponentReload2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::ReplaceComponents. |
| IComponentReload3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::ReplaceComponents. |
| IFeatureByName | Returns the IFeature object for the named feature in the assembly. |
| IGetBox | Gets the bounding box. |
| IGetComponents | Gets all of the components in the active configuration of this assembly. |
| IGetDragOperator | Gets the drag operator for dynamic drag operations in this assembly. |
| IGetEditTarget | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::IGetEditTarget2. |
| IGetEditTarget2 | Gets the model document that is currently being edited. |
| IGetExplodedViewNames | Gets the names of the exploded views in the active assembly configuration. |
| IGetFeatureScope | Gets the components affected by this feature. |
| IGetFirstMember | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2::GetChildren. |
| IGetSelectedMember | Obsolete. Superseded by SelectionMgr::GetSelectedObject6. |
| IGetVisibleComponentsInView | Gets a list of visible components in this assembly to save as solid bodies. |
| IMirrorComponents | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::MirrorComponents2. |
| InsertCavity | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::InsertCavity4. |
| InsertCavity2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::InsertCavity4. |
| InsertCavity3 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::InsertCavity4. |
| InsertCavity4 | Inserts a cavity to the active part using a selected component. |
| InsertDerivedPattern | Creates a derived component from the selected pattern and seed components. |
| InsertEnvelope | Adds an envelope in the specified configuration name in this assembly. |
| InsertJoin | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::InsertJoin2. |
| InsertJoin2 | Constructs a feature from merged selected components. |
| InsertLoadReference | Creates a mate load reference to the specified or selected mate. |
| InsertNewAssembly | Creates a new virtual sub-assembly and optionally saves it to the specified file. |
| InsertNewPart | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::InsertNewPart2. |
| InsertNewPart2 | Inserts a new part on the specified face or plane. |
| InsertNewVirtualAssembly | Creates a new assembly from this assembly and saves it internally as a virtual component. |
| InsertNewVirtualPart | Creates a new part in the context of an assembly and saves the part internally in the assembly file as a virtual component. |
| InsertWeld | Obsolete. Do not use. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCosmeticWeldBead. |
| InsertWeld2 | Obsolete. Do not use. Superseded by IFeatureManager::InsertCosmeticWeldBead. |
| IReorderComponents | Moves components to a different location in the FeatureManager tree. |
| IReorganizeComponents | Reorganizes an assembly's structure by moving the selected components to the selected assembly or sub-assembly. |
| IsComponentTreeValid | Checks the validity of the component tree for this assembly. |
| ISetComponentState | Sets the suppression state for the specified components. |
| ISetComponentVisibility | Hides or shows the selected component in the specified configurations in this assembly document. |
| IsRouteAssembly | Gets whether the assembly document is a routing assembly. |
| IToolsCheckInterference2 | Obsolete. See IAssemblyDoc::IToolsCheckInterference3. |
| IToolsCheckInterference3 | Checks the interference between parts in the assembly. |
| LightweightAllResolved | Sets to lightweight all resolved child components of the selected components. |
| MakeAssemblyFromSelectedComponents | Creates a new assembly comprised of the selected components of this assembly. |
| MakeLightWeight | Sets the selected components to lightweight. |
| MirrorComponents | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::MirrorComponents2. |
| MirrorComponents2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::MirrorComponents3. |
| MirrorComponents3 | Mirrors the specified components in this assembly. |
| OpenCompFile | Obsolete. Superseded by ISldWorks::ActivateDoc2 and ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. |
| RemoveFromFeatureScope | Removes a component from the scope of the currently selected assembly feature. |
| ReorderComponents | Moves components to a different location in the FeatureManager design tree. |
| ReorganizeComponents | Reorganizes an assembly's structure by moving the selected components to the selected assembly or sub-assembly. |
| ReplaceComponents | Replaces one or more selected components with another model. |
| ResolveAllLightweight | Resolves all lightweight child components of the selected components |
| ResolveAllLightWeightComponents | Resolves the lightweight components in this assembly. |
| ResolveOutOfDateLightWeightComponents | Resolves the selected out-of-date lightweight component, and any out-of-date lightweight sub-components, in the assembly. |
| RotateComponent | Displays the Rotate Component PropertyManager page. |
| RotateComponentAxis | Rotates the component axis by a fixed amount. |
| SelectComponentsBySize | Selects assembly components by percent of assembly size. |
| SelectiveOpen | Selectively opens the components of an assembly that is opened in Large Design Review mode. |
| SetComponentState | Sets the suppression state for the specified components. |
| SetComponentSuppression | Suppresses, resolves, or sets to lightweight all of the selected components. |
| SetComponentTransparent | Enables or disables transparency on the selected components. |
| SetComponentVisibility | Hides or shows the selected component in the specified configurations in this assembly document. |
| SetDroppedFileConfigName | Sets the configuration name for the recently dropped file. |
| SetDroppedFileFeatureName | Sets the name of the feature for the recently dropped file. |
| SetDroppedFileName | Sets the new file name for a recently dropped file. |
| ShowExploded | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::ShowExploded2. |
| ShowExploded2 | Displays the specified exploded view for the current assembly configuration. |
| TemporaryFixGroup | Temporarily fix or group selected components during such operations as drag, move, rotate, etc. |
| TemporaryFixGroupExit | Changes components that were temporarily fixed or grouped back to floating or ungrouped after such operations as drag, move, rotate, etc. |
| ToolsCheckInterference | Obsolete. Superseded by IAssemblyDoc::ToolsCheckInterference2. |
| ToolsCheckInterference2 | Checks the interference between parts in the assembly. |
| TranslateComponent | Displays the Move Component PropertyManager page. |
| UnfixComponent | Floats the selected component; i.e., makes it movable. |
| UpdateBox | Updates the bounding box for this assembly. |
| UpdateFeatureScope | Updates the feature scope and rebuilds the currently selected assembly feature. |
| ViewCollapseAssembly | Collapses the selected exploded view on the Configuration tab of the FeatureManager design tree. |
| ViewExplodeAssembly | Explodes the selected exploded view on the Configuration tab of the FeatureManager design tree. |
| ViewFeatureManagerByDependencies | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::ViewDependencies. |
| ViewFeatureManagerByFeatures | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::ViewFeatures. |
| ViewFeatureManagerFeatureDetail | Obsolete. Superseded by IFeatureManager::ShowFeatureDetails. |