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Flex Examples

Flex features are useful for modifying complex models with predictable, intuitive tools for many applications including concepts, mechanical design, industrial design, stamping dies, molds, and so on. Flex features can change single body or multibody parts.

Flex types include:
  • Bending
  • Twisting
  • Tapering
  • Stretching

Example of Flex Bending

Initial part
  • Move the pointer over the triad arrows to display the drag/rotate pointer pointer_mouse_move_rotate.png. Right-click to rotate the triad, which changes the direction of bend. Left-click to reposition the triad.
  • Move the pointer over the trim plane manipulators to display the move pointer . Drag the manipulators to position the trim planes.
  • Move the pointer over the edge of the trim planes to display the bending pointer .
  • Drag the trim planes to bend and modify the flex feature.

With the pointer over a trim plane, left-click and drag a plane to perform bending as shown.

You can also set Angle and Radius values to control the bend.

The bending axis is always around the X-axis of the triad origin. You can move and rotate the triad origin to modify the bending.

Reposition the triad to change the direction of the bend around the triad's X-axis.
Snapping the triad at one end of the part or on one of the trim planes bends the part around that location.
To snap the trim planes to a specific location, under a Trim Plane, click an entity for Select a reference entity . To snap the triad to a specific coordinate system, select a coordinate system under Triad. The trim plane or triad are fixed in place for bending and other flex operations.
The region between the trim planes determines the area affected by the bend.

Example of Flex Twisting

Initial part

Position the trim planes and triad by dragging them or by setting values in the PropertyManager.

To set the amount of twist, move the pointer over a trim plane edge to display the pointer, then drag the plane. You can also set an Angle in the PropertyManager.

Result of twist

Example of Flex Tapering

Initial part

Preview of the part showing taper

The taper zone is limited by the position of the trim planes.

Set the amount of taper by moving the trim planes or triad. To adjust the taper, move the pointer over a trim plane edge to display the pointer, then drag the plane.

You can also set the Taper factor in the PropertyManager.

Result of taper
Rotate and position the trim planes and triad to change the axis of taper.
Result of taper using the rotated axis

Example of Flex Stretching

Initial part

Stretching using the default trim plane locations (extents of the part)

Stretching this way causes both ends to stretch symmetrically.

Repositioning the trim planes or triad allows you to select local regions of the model to stretch.

To move the trim planes, move the pointer over a trim plane to display the pointer, then drag the plane.

You can also set the Stretch distance in the PropertyManager.

Result of stretching of a local region confined by the trim planes.

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