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Access Assembly Example (C++ COM)

This example shows how to open, explode and collapse, and create a drawing of an assembly. It also shows how to traverse the FeatureManager design tree, get a component, and suppress and resolve that component. This example uses CComPtr Smart_Pointers.htm and CComBSTR smart types.


DemoAssemblies.cpp: application code



// Preconditions: ujoint.sldasm exists in the specified folder and

//                contains a component named bracket-1.



// Postconditions: None


// NOTE: Scroll down see the code for the stdafx.h header file.




#include "stdafx.h"





//Function prototypes

void OpenAssembly(ISldWorks* swApp, IModelDoc2** swModel);

void TraverseFeatureManagerDesignTree(IModelDoc2* swModel, IComponent2** swComponent);

void SuppressSelectedComponent(IComponent2* swComponent, ISldWorks* swApp);

void ResolveSelectedComponent(IComponent2* swComponent, ISldWorks* swApp);

void ExplodeAssembly(IModelDoc2* swModel, IAssemblyDoc** swAssemblyDoc);

void CollapseAssembly(IModelDoc2* swModel, IAssemblyDoc* swAssemblyDoc);

void CreateDrawingOfAssembly(ISldWorks* swApp, IModelDoc2* swModel);

void CloseDocuments(ISldWorks* swApp);


using namespace std;


int _tmain()


//Initialize COM



//Use ATL smart pointers

CComPtr<ISldWorks> swApp;

CComPtr<IModelDoc2> swModel;

CComPtr<IComponent2> swComponent;

CComPtr<IAssemblyDoc> swAssemblyDoc;


bool bDone;






//Open or attach to the currently running instance of the sldworks.exe

//COM server on your local computer; throw an exception if

//SOLIDWORKS is not opened or attached to

hres = swApp.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(SldWorks), NULL, CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER);


if (hres != S_OK)

throw 0;


bDone = true;


IModelDoc2* swModel = NULL;


//Open assembly

OpenAssembly(swApp, &swModel);

IComponent2* swComponent = NULL;


//Traverse FeatureManager design tree to get specified feature

TraverseFeatureManagerDesignTree(swModel, &swComponent);


//Suppress selected component if it is resolved

SuppressSelectedComponent(swComponent, swApp);


//Resolve selected component if it is suppressed

ResolveSelectedComponent(swComponent, swApp);

IAssemblyDoc* swAssemblyDoc = NULL;


//Explode assembly

ExplodeAssembly(swModel, &swAssemblyDoc);


//Collapse exploded assembly

CollapseAssembly(swModel, swAssemblyDoc);


//Create drawing of assembly

CreateDrawingOfAssembly(swApp, swModel);


//Close documents




//Catch the exception and tell the user that SOLIDWORKS is not running

catch (int)


cout << "Error starting or attaching to a SOLIDWORKS session." << endl;


//Release COM references

swApp = NULL;

swModel = NULL;

swComponent = NULL;

swAssemblyDoc = NULL;


//Uninitialize COM



return 1;





//Release COM references

swApp = NULL;

swModel = NULL;

swComponent = NULL;

swAssemblyDoc = NULL;


//Uninitialize COM



return 0;


void OpenAssembly(ISldWorks* swApp, IModelDoc2** swModel)

//Open assembly


CComBSTR sFileName(L"c:\\test\\universaljoint\\ujoint.sldasm");

CComBSTR sDefaultConfiguration(L"Default");


long fileerror, filewarning;


IModelDoc2* swModelAssembly;

hres = swApp->OpenDoc6(sFileName, swDocASSEMBLY, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, sDefaultConfiguration, &fileerror, &filewarning, &swModelAssembly);

*swModel = swModelAssembly; //Set the value of the input argument equal to address of the interface



void TraverseFeatureManagerDesignTree(IModelDoc2* swModel, IComponent2** swComponent)

// Traverse FeatureManager design tree to get the

// specified feature in FeatureManager design tree


//Use ATL smart pointers

CComPtr<IFeature> swFeature;

CComPtr<ISelectionMgr> swSelMgr;


CComBSTR sGetFeatureName(L"");

CComBSTR sFeatureName(L"bracket-1");


bool bFoundComponents = false;

hres = swModel->IFirstFeature(&swFeature);

// If the name of the feature is "bracket-1"

// then select the feature



hres = swFeature->get_Name(&sGetFeatureName);

if (sGetFeatureName == sFeatureName)


hres = swFeature->Select2(true, 1, &retVal);

hres = swModel->get_ISelectionManager(&swSelMgr);

struct IDispatch *pComponentDisp;

hres = swSelMgr->GetSelectedObject6(1, -1, &pComponentDisp);

IComponent2* swSelectedComponent;

hres = pComponentDisp->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IComponent2), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&swSelectedComponent));


*swComponent = swSelectedComponent;  //Set the value of the input argument equal to address of the interface

bFoundComponents = true;



//Get next feature


CComPtr<IFeature> swFeatureNext;

hres = swFeature->IGetNextFeature(&swFeatureNext);


swFeature = swFeatureNext;


}while ( !bFoundComponents);



void SuppressSelectedComponent(IComponent2* swComponent, ISldWorks* swApp)

//Suppress selected component if it is resolved


CComBSTR messageSuppressed (L"Component is already suppressed.");


long lComponentSuppressState;

long lSuppressMessageResult;

long lSuppressError;


hres = swComponent->GetSuppression(&lComponentSuppressState);

if (lComponentSuppressState == swComponentSuppressed)

hres = swApp->SendMsgToUser2(messageSuppressed, swMbInformation, swMbOk, &lSuppressMessageResult);


hres = swComponent->SetSuppression2(swComponentSuppressed, &lSuppressError);



void ResolveSelectedComponent(IComponent2* swComponent, ISldWorks* swApp)

//Resolve selected component if it is suppressed


CComBSTR messageResolved (L"Component is already resolved.");


long lComponentResolveState;

long lResolveMessageResult;

long lResolveError;


hres = swComponent->GetSuppression(&lComponentResolveState);

if (lComponentResolveState == swComponentFullyResolved)

hres = swApp->SendMsgToUser2(messageResolved, swMbInformation, swMbOk, &lResolveMessageResult);


hres = swComponent->SetSuppression2(swComponentFullyResolved, &lResolveError);



void ExplodeAssembly(IModelDoc2* swModel, IAssemblyDoc** swAssemblyDoc)

//Explode assembly


CComPtr<IModelView> swExplodeModelView;


double dZoomFactorOut = 0.3;


IAssemblyDoc* swThisAssemblyDoc;

hres = swModel->get_IActiveView(&swExplodeModelView);

hres = swExplodeModelView->ZoomByFactor(dZoomFactorOut);

hres = swModel->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IAssemblyDoc), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&swThisAssemblyDoc));

hres = swThisAssemblyDoc->AutoExplode(&retVal);

*swAssemblyDoc = swThisAssemblyDoc;



void CollapseAssembly(IModelDoc2* swModel, IAssemblyDoc* swAssemblyDoc)

//Collapse assembly


hres = swAssemblyDoc->AutoExplode(&retVal);

hres = swAssemblyDoc->ViewCollapseAssembly();

hres = swModel->ViewZoomtofit2();



void CreateDrawingOfAssembly(ISldWorks* swApp, IModelDoc2* swModel)

//Create a drawing of the assembly


CComPtr<IModelDoc2> swNewModel;

CComPtr<IModelDocExtension> swModelDocExt;

CComPtr<IDrawingDoc> swDrawingDoc;


CComBSTR sDrawingDocTemplate (L"c:\\Program Files\\SOLIDWORKS\\data\\templates\\Drawing.drwdot");

CComBSTR sActiveAssembly (L"c:\\test\\universaljoint\\ujoint.sldasm");

CComBSTR sDrawingDocName (L"ujoint - Sheet1");


double dWidth = 0.2794;

double dHeight = 0.4318;

long lPaperSize = 2;

long lWindowStyle = 2;

long lErrorActivatingDoc;

hres = swApp->INewDocument2(sDrawingDocTemplate, lPaperSize, dWidth, dHeight, &swNewModel);

swDrawingDoc = swNewModel;

hres = swApp->ArrangeWindows(lWindowStyle);

hres = swModel->Release();

hres = swApp->IActivateDoc3(sActiveAssembly, false, &lErrorActivatingDoc, &swModel);

hres = swModel->get_Extension(&swModelDocExt);

hres = swModelDocExt->SelectByID2(sActiveAssembly, L"COMPONENT", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, VARIANT_FALSE, 0, NULL, swSelectOptionDefault, &retVal);


hres = swApp->IActivateDoc3(sDrawingDocName, false, &lErrorActivatingDoc, &swNewModel);

hres = swDrawingDoc->Create3rdAngleViews(sActiveAssembly, &retVal);


void CloseDocuments(ISldWorks* swApp)

//Close assembly and drawing documents


swApp->CloseAllDocuments(true, &retVal);



stdafx.h: header file



//stdafx.h: include file for standard system include files,

// or project-specific include files that are used frequently, but

// are changed infrequently




#pragma once


#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers

#include <stdio.h>

#include <tchar.h>

#define _ATL_CSTRING_EXPLICIT_CONSTRUCTORS // some CString constructors will be explicit


#include <windows.h>

#include <atlbase.h> //Microsoft's ATL helper classes

#include <iostream>


using namespace std;  //Use the standard C++ libraries for text output.


#import "sldworks.tlb" raw_interfaces_only, raw_native_types, no_namespace, named_guids  //the SOLIDWORKS type library

#import "swconst.tlb"  raw_interfaces_only, raw_native_types, no_namespace, named_guids  //the SOLIDWORKS constant type library


// TODO: reference additional headers your program requires here

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