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IDeleteFaces3 Method (IBody2)

Obsolete. Superseded by IBody2::IDeleteFaces4.

.NET Syntax

Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Sub IDeleteFaces3( _
   ByVal NumOfFaces As System.Integer, _
   ByRef FaceList As Face2, _
   ByVal Option As System.Integer, _
   ByVal DoLocalCheck As System.Boolean, _
   ByRef LocalCheckResult As System.Boolean _
Visual Basic (Usage) 
Dim instance As IBody2
Dim NumOfFaces As System.Integer
Dim FaceList As Face2
Dim Option As System.Integer
Dim DoLocalCheck As System.Boolean
Dim LocalCheckResult As System.Boolean
instance.IDeleteFaces3(NumOfFaces, FaceList, Option, DoLocalCheck, LocalCheckResult)
void IDeleteFaces3( 
   System.int NumOfFaces,
   ref Face2 FaceList,
   System.int Option,
   System.bool DoLocalCheck,
   ref System.bool LocalCheckResult
void IDeleteFaces3( 
&   System.int NumOfFaces,
&   Face2^% FaceList,
&   System.int Option,
&   System.bool DoLocalCheck,
&   System.bool% LocalCheckResult



Number of faces to delete

Array containing the faces to delete
Additional control (see Remarks)
True checks the bodies during the operation and sets retval to indicate whether or not the resultant body is valid, false does not
True if body is valid, false if not; to obtain this value, you must pass True for the DoLocalCheck argument


All of the specified faces, which must belong to this temporary body, are deleted from IBody2. If the resulting body does not have a complete boundary, then SOLIDWORKS treats any holes as wounds and heals them as specified by the option argument. The option argument takes the following values:


Loops on the faces to delete are...


Dependent on each other and should be healed at the same time. If extending faces does not yield a solution, then SOLIDWORKS tries to shrink the faces.


Independent and should be healed separately. This option also grows the parent faces around the hole to cover it.


Independent and should be healed separately. This option also finds a surface in which all edges of a hole lie and attaches this to a face covering the hole (SOLIDWORKS creates a new face to cover the hole).

For example, consider a cube with a through hole made up of four faces (a square hole). To delete these four faces, specify option 0 because the loop on the first face to be deleted is dependent on the loop of the second face to be deleted. Likewise, the loop on the second face to be deleted is dependent on the third face to be deleted, and so on.

Now consider the same cube with a through hole, except this through hole is a simple cylinder (one face). To delete the cylindrical face, specify option 1 to heal the loops independently. This is necessary because the cylindrical face actually has two loops (one at either end of the cylinder) that need to be healed separately.

It is possible to generate invalid geometry when you use this method because checking is disabled. Call IBody2::Check3 to verify that the body is a valid solid after using this method.


See Also


SOLIDWORKS 2004 SP1, Revision Number 12

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