Align Parallel/Concentric Dimensions

In a drawing, you can align selected linear, radial, or angular dimensions with uniform spacing. Align Parallel/Concentric is used to "stack" and "space" dimensions. The selected dimensions must be of the same type.

Aligning and Grouping Parallel Dimensions

To align and group parallel dimensions:

  1. In a drawing, hold Ctrl and select two or more dimensions that you want to align. You can also select the group of dimensions by holding the left mouse button and dragging a box around the dimensions.
  2. Click Align Parallel/Concentric Tool_Align_Parallel_Concentric_Align.gif on the Align toolbar, or click Tools > Dimensions > Align Parallel/Concentric .
    The dimensions are arranged with a uniform distance between the arrows. They also are grouped, and retain the parallel spacing when moved.
    Align_Parallel_ex.gif Align_Concentric_ex.gif
    Aligned parallel Aligned concentric

Specifying the Distance Between Dimensions

To specify the distance between dimensions:

  1. Click Tools > Options > Document Properties > Dimensions.
  2. Under Offset distances, specify a value for From last dimension (1) (the distance between dimensions as shown).
    1 From last dimension
    2 From model
  3. Click OK.

Highlighting Dimensions that Are Aligned to One Another

To highlight dimensions that are aligned to one another:

Right-click a dimension that was created with Align Parallel/Concentric Tool_Align_Parallel_Concentric_Align.gif and click Show Alignment.
Dimensions that are aligned are marked with blue dots.

Removing Dimensions from a Set of Aligned Dimensions

To remove a dimension from a set of aligned dimensions:

Right-click a dimension that was created with Align Parallel/Concentric Tool_Align_Parallel_Concentric_Align.gif and click Break Alignment.