Enumeration | Description |
sw3DPDFAccuracy_e | Levels of SOLIDWORKS MBD 3D PDF accuracies |
sw3DPMISaveOptions_e | 3D PMI (Product and Manufacturing Information) save options when comparing two different versions of the same model. Bitmask. |
swAcisOutputGeometryPreference_e | ACIS output geometry types. |
swAcisOutputVersion_e | ACIS output versions. |
swActivateDocError_e | Document activation errors. Bitmask. |
swAddComponentConfigOptions_e | Options for adding components to an assembly. |
swAddControlOptions_e | Options for PropertyManager page, group box, and tab controls. Bitmask. |
swAddGroupBoxOptions_e | PropertyManager page group box and tab controls. Bitmask. |
swAddinBrokerBBoxOption_e | Bounding box options. Bitmask. |
swAddMateError_e | Status after adding or editing a mate. |
swAddOrdinateDims_e | Types of ordinate dimensions. |
swAdvSelectType_e | Conditions of criteria for advanced component selection list. Bitmask. |
swAlignDimensionType_e | Align dimension types. |
swAlignDrawingViewTypes_e | Types of auxiliary drawing view alignment. |
swAlignViewTypes_e | View alignments. |
swAngleUnit_e | Angle unit types. |
swAngularEquationUnits_e | Angular units used in equations. |
swAnimationOutputType_e | Animation output type. |
swAnimationPlayMode_e | Modes to play animations. |
swAnimationPlaySpeed_e | Speeds to play animations. |
swAnimatorAxisOfRotation_e | Animation axis of rotation. |
swAnimatorDirectionOfRotation_e | Animation direction of rotation |
swAnnotationOwner_e | Types of owners of annotations. |
swAnnotationType_e | Annotation types. |
swAnnotationVisibilityState_e | Annotation visibility states. |
swAppCallBackCmd_e | Types of application callback functions. |
swAppearanceTargetType_e | Types of targets to which to apply a copied appearance. |
swAppNotify_e | Application notifications. |
swArcEndCondition_e | Arc endpoint conditions for linear dimensions. |
swArcLengthLeaderType_e | Arc length dimension leader styles. |
swAreaHatchFillStyle_e | Area hatch fill styles. |
swArrowDirection_e | DXF/DWG output arrow directions. |
swArrowPlacement_e | Smart arrow placement. |
swArrowPosition | Arrow positions for bubble ToolTips. |
swArrowStyle_e | Arrow styles. |
swAssemblyDeleteOptions_e | Assembly delete options. |
swAssemblyLevelToUpdate_e | Levels of assemblies to update options. |
swAssemblyNotify_e | Assembly notifications. |
swAssemblyUpdateToolboxComponentStatus_e | Status of updating SOLIDWORKS Toolbox components in assemblies using the current information in Toolbox Settings. |
swAssociatedEntityStates_e | Associated entity states for attributes. |
swAttachAnnotationOption_e | Annotation attachment options. |
swAutodimEntities_e | Entities to dimension ISketch::AutoDimension2 and IDrawingDoc::AutoDimension. |
swAutodimHorizontalPlacement_e | Placements for the horizontal dimensions created by ISketch::AutoDimension2 and IDrawingDoc::AutoDimension. |
swAutodimMark_e | Selection mark values. Bitmask. |
swAutodimScheme_e | Dimensioning schemes for ISketch::AutoDimension2 and IDrawingDoc::AutoDimension. |
swAutodimStatus_e | Status returned by ISketch::AutoDimension2 and IDrawingDoc::AutoDimension. |
swAutodimVerticalPlacement_e | Placements of the vertical dimensions created by ISketch::AutoDimension2 and IDrawingDoc::AutoDimension. |
swAutoHideShowResponse_e | Visibility of FeatureManager design tree folders and tools. |
swAutoInsertCenterMarkTypes_e | Types for which to insert center marks. Bitmask. |
swAutoSaveIntervalMode_e | Modes for autosaving documents. |
swBackgroundProcessOption_e | Background processing options. |
swBalloonFit_e | Types of balloon and label location fits. |
swBalloonItemNumbersOrder_e | Balloon item ordering options. Bitmask. |
swBalloonLayoutType_e | Arrangements for automatic BOM balloons in relation to the drawing views with which they are associated. |
swBalloonQuantityPlacement_e | Balloon quantity placement options. |
swBalloonStyle_e | Balloon styles. |
swBalloonTextContent_e | Style of the text contents of balloon notes. |
swBasicDimType_e | Basic dimension types for DimXpert geometric tolerances. |
swBendAllowanceTypes_e | Bend allowance types. |
swBendDirection_e | Bend directions. |
swBendLineControlOption_e | Bend line options. |
swBendLineDirection_e | Bend line directions. |
swBendNoteAttribute_e | Bend note attributes. |
swBendNoteStyle_e | Bend note styles. |
swBendTableTagStyle_e | Bend table tag styles. |
swBendType_e | Bend types. |
swBitmapControlStandardTypes_e | Bitmap control standard types. |
swBitMaps | Types of bitmaps for error and trouble-shooting tips bubbles. |
swBlockDefinitionExtFileStatus_e | Block definition external file status. |
swBlockingStates_e | Blocking states. |
swBlockInstanceTextDisplay_e | Block instance text display. |
swBodyFolderFeatureType_e | Body folder feature types. |
swBodyInfo_e | Type of body. |
swBodyMaterialApplicationError_e | Body material application errors. |
swBodyOperationError_e | Body operation errors. |
swBodyOperationType_e | Body operation types. |
swBodyType_e | Valid body types. |
swBOMConfigurationAnchorType_e | BOM table configuration anchor types. |
swBOMConfigurationCreationErrors_e | BOM table configuration creation errors. |
swBOMConfigurationWhatToShow_e | What to show in BOM tables. |
swBOMControlMissingRowDisplay_e | How to handle empty rows in BOM tables. |
swBOMControlSplitDirection_e | Direction where to split new sections in BOM tables. |
swBOMPartNumberSource_e | Sources from numbers in BOM tables. Bitmask. |
swBomTableSortItemGroup_e | Categories for sorting bill of material table rows. |
swBomTableSortMethod_e | Bill of Materials table sorting methods. |
swBomType_e | Types of BOM tables. |
swBoundaryBossAlignment_e | Boundary feature alignments. |
swBoundaryBossCurveInfluenceType_e | Boundary feature curve influence types. Bitmask. |
swBoundaryBossDirection_e | Boundary feature directions. |
swBoundaryBossTangencyType_e | Tangency types for curves in boundary features. |
swBoundingBoxOptions_e | Bounding box options. Bitmask. |
swBoundType_e | Boundary behaviors at the start and end of UV parameter ranges. |
swBreakCornerTypes_e | Types of break corners. |
swBreakLineOrientation_e | Break lines orientation. |
swBreakLineStyle_e | Break line styles. |
swButtonSize_e | Toolbar button sizes. |
swCalloutTargetStyle_e | Callout target styles. |
swCalloutVariable_e | Types of specific hole callout variables. |
swCalloutVariableType_e | Types of general hole callout variables. |
swCameraPositionType_e | Camera position styles. |
swCameraType_e | Camera types. |
swCavityScaleType_e | Cavity scale types. |
swCenterLineMarkOrient_e | Centerline mark orientation. |
swCenterMarkConnectionLine_e | Visibility options for connection lines of center marks. Bitmask. |
swCenterMarkHandle_e | Direction of center mark handle. |
swCenterMarkStyle_e | Center mark styles. |
swChainPatternAlignment_e | Chain pattern alignments. |
swChainPatternOptions_e | Chain pattern options. |
swChainPatternPitchMethod_e | Chain pattern pitch methods. |
swChamferType_e | Chamfer types. |
swCheckInterferenceOption_e | Check interference options. Bitmask. |
swCheckOutOfDate_e | Check for out-of-date lightweight components options. |
swCheckSpellingOptions_e | Spell check options. Bitmask. |
swChildComponentInBOMOption_e | Child component display options in Bills of Materials (BOM). Assemblies only. |
swClosedCornerTypes_e | Closed corner types. |
swCloseReopenError_e | Close and reopen errors. |
swCloseReopenOption_e | File close and reopen options. Bitmask. |
swCollabCheckReadOnlyModifiedInterval_e | Intervals when to check files for modifications that were opened read-only in a multi-user environment. |
swColorsBackgroundAppearance_e | Backgrounds for graphics area. |
swCombineBodiesOperationType_e | Combine bodies operation types. |
swCommand_e | Dialog or file to display. |
swCommandFlyoutStyle_e | Types of FlyoutGroup. |
swCommandItemType_e | Types of command items. Bitmask. |
swCommandTabButtonFlyoutStyle_e | CommandManager tab button flyout styles. Bitmask. |
swCommandTabButtonTextDisplay_e | CommandManager tab button text display. Bitmask. |
swComponentLoadStatus_e | Load status of component. |
swComponentReloadError_e | Codes returned when reloading components in assemblies. |
swComponentReloadOption_e | Options for use reloading components in assemblies. |
swComponentResolveStatus_e | States for resolving components. |
swComponentSolvingOption_e | Options for resolving components. |
swComponentSuppressionState_e | States for component suppression. |
swComponentVisibilityState_e | States for component visibility. |
swConfigTreeSortType_e | Order in which configurations are listed in the ConfigurationManager. |
swConfigurationChangeTypes_e | Types of configuration changes. |
swConfigurationOptions_e | Option bits used when setting configuration options. Bitmask. |
swConfigurationOptions2_e | Option bits used when setting configuration options. Bitmask. |
swConfigurationType_e | Types of configurations. |
swConnectedSegmentsOption_e | Types of structural weldment segment connections. |
swConnectionPointType_e | Connection point types. |
swConstrainedCornerAction_e | Actions to take if the corner to be filleted is constrained or has a dimension. |
swConstrainedStatus_e | Status of sketch constraints. |
swConstraintType_e | Sketch constraints. |
swContactType_e | Curve control contact types. |
swControlBitmapLabelType_e | SOLIDWORKS bitmap types. |
swCoreFeatureDirection_e | Directions for core features. |
swCornerReliefType_e | Corner reliefs. |
swCosmeticConfigOptions_e | Cosmetic thread configuration options. |
swCosmeticEndConditions_e | Cosmetic thread end conditions. |
swCosmeticStandardType_e | Cosmetic thread standard types. |
swCosmeticThreadDiameterType_e | Cosmetic thread diameter types. |
swCosmeticThreadType_e | Cosmetic thread types. |
swCosmeticWeldBeadMode_e | Cosmetic weld bead modes |
swCosmeticWeldBeadSide_e | Cosmetic weld bead options. |
swCosmosWorksMat | SOLIDWORKS Simulation (formerly called COSMOSWorks) materials. |
swCreateAngRunDimError_e | Statuses when inserting an angular running dimension. |
swCreateCommandGroupErrors | Error codes for creating CommandGroups. |
swCreateFacesBodyAction_e | Options for creating missing faces on an open body. |
swCreateFeatureBodyOpts_e | Options for creating bodies. Bitmask. |
swCreateOrdDimError_e | Errors when inserting an ordinate dimension. |
swCreateSectionViewAtOptions_e | Options that affect the section view that is created. Bitmask. |
swCreateSeedCutType_e | Fill Pattern seed cut types. |
swCreateWireBodyOptions_e | Options for creating wire bodies. Bitmask. |
swCropViewErrors_e | Errors when cropping views. |
swCrossHatchFilter_e | Cross hatch filters. |
swCurveDrivenPatternAlignment_e | Curve-driven pattern alignments. |
swCurveDrivenPatternCurveMethod_e | Curve methods. |
swCurveTypes_e | Curve types. |
swCustomInfoAddResult_e | Result codes when adding custom properties. |
swCustomInfoDeleteResult_e | Result codes when deleting custom properties. |
swCustomInfoGetResult_e | Result codes when getting custom properties. |
swCustomInfoSetResult_e | Result codes when setting custom properties. |
swCustomInfoType_e | Custom property types. |
swCustomPropertyAddOption_e | Options when adding custom properties. |
swCutListTransferOptions_e | Options for transferring the cut list when saving a weldment member, surface body, or solid body to another part. |
swCutListType_e | Cut list types. |
swCutSweepOption_e | Sweep cut options. |
swDatumDisplayType_e | Datum feature display styles. |
swDatumGbLeaderStyle_e | Orientations of the leader for a round datum feature symbol. |
swDatumTagTextParts_e | Text parts of datum tags. |
swDatumTargetAreaShape_e | Target area shapes for datum target symbols. |
swDeleteSelectionOptions_e | Options for deleting features. Bitmask. |
swDesignTableErrors_e | Design table errors. |
swDesignTableSourceTypes_e | Types of source files for design tables. |
swDesignTableUpdateOptions_e | Options for updating design tables. |
swDestroyNotifyType_e | Options for when destroying model views. |
swDetailingBalloonAutoBalloons_e | Types of autoballoons. |
swDetailingChamferDimLeaderStyle_e | Detailing chamfer dimension leader style. |
swDetailingChamferDimLeaderTextStyle_e | Detailing chamfer dimension leader text style. |
swDetailingChamferDimXStyle_e | Detailing chamfer DimXpert style. |
swDetailingDimFractionScaleIndex_e | Sizes of stacked dimensions in fractional dimensions. |
swDetailingDimFractionStyle_e | Detailing dimension fraction styles. |
swDetailingDimTrailingZero_e | Detailing dimension trailing zero styles. |
swDetailingDimXpertChamferInstanceStyle_e | DimXpert chamfer options. |
swDetailingDimXpertChamferStyle_e | DimXpert chamfer options. |
swDetailingDimXpertFilletInstanceStyle_e | DimXpert fillet options. |
swDetailingDimXpertSlotStyle_e | DimXpert slot options. |
swDetailingDualDimPosition_e | Detailing dual dimension positions. |
swDetailingForeshortenedDiameterStyle_e | Detailing foreshortened diameter styles. |
swDetailingHalfSectionArrow_e | Half section arrow displays. |
swDetailingLeadingZero_e | Detailing leading zero options. |
swDetailingLinearForeshortened_e | Linear dimensions foreshortened types. |
swDetailingNoteTextContent_e | BOM balloon note text styles. |
swDetailingSectionViewLineStyle_e | Display section view line styles. |
swDetailingStandard_e | Detailing standards. |
swDetailingToleranceTextSizing_e | Detailing tolerance text sizes. |
swDetailingViewLabelsDelimiter_e | Formats for the auxiliary view scale labels. |
swDetailingViewLabelsLabel_e | Formats of the auxiliary view labels. |
swDetailingViewLabelsName_e | Format of the titles to use in front of the auxiliary view labels. |
swDetailingViewLabelsScale_e | Format of the titles to use in front of the auxiliary view scales. |
swDetailingViewRotation_e | View rotation options. |
swDetailingVirtualSharp_e | Display options for virtual sharps. |
swDetCircleShowType_e | Types of circles or profiles to use for detail views. |
swDetViewStyle_e | Detail view styles. |
swDimensionArrowsSide_e | Dimension arrow directions. |
swDimensionDrivenState_e | Driven or driving state of dimensions. |
swDimensionParamType_e | Dimension types. |
swDimensionPrecisionSettings_e | Precision settings for dimensions. |
swDimensionTextParts_e | Options for getting and setting display dimension text. |
swDimensionToleranceWarning_e | Dimension tolerance warnings. |
swDimensionType_e | Types of dimensions. |
swDimXpertBlockPrecision_e | DimXpert block tolerance precisions. |
swDimXpertDisplayDatumGtolLinearDimAttachmentType_e | Attachment types for DimXpert datum geometric tolerance linear dimensions. |
swDimXpertDisplayDatumGtolSurfaceAttachmentType_e | Attachment types for DimXpert datum geometric tolerance surfaces. |
swDimXpertDisplayGtolLinearDimAttachmentType_e | Attachment types for DimXpert geometric tolerance linear dimensions. |
swDimXpertDisplayHoleDimensionType_e | Dimension types for DimXpert holes. |
swDimXpertDisplaySlotDimensionType_e | Dimension types for DimXpert slots. |
swDimXpertGeneralTolClass_e | DimXpert tolerance classes. |
swDimXpertTolType_e | DimXpert tolerance types. |
swDimXpertTreeDisplay_e | Types of tree display on the DimXpert tab. |
swDisplayCircularReferencesInEquations_e | Display options for circular references in equations. |
swDisplayDimensionLeaderText_e | Display dimension leaders and text placement. |
swDisplayMode_e | Display modes. |
swDisplayPotentialCircularReferencesInEquations_e | Display options for potential circular references in equations. |
swDisplayStateCreationChoices_e | Display-state preserve options. |
swDisplayStateOpts_e | Display state options. |
swDisplayTangentEdges_e | Tangent edge display modes. |
swDocTemplateTypes_e | Document template types. Bitmask. |
swDocumentTypes_e | Document types. |
swDofStatus_e | Dof status. |
swDraftAnalysisFaceType_e | Draft analysis face types. |
swDraftAnalysisOptions_e | Draft analysis options. Bitmask. |
swDraftAnalysisShow_e | Show draft analsyis options. Bitmask. |
swDraftFacePropagationType_e | Draft face propagaton types. |
swDraftStepType_e | Draft step types. |
swDraftType_e | Draft types. |
swDragArrowManipulatorOptions_e | Draft arrow manipulator options. |
swDrawingComponentLineFontOption_e | Types of edges of components in assembly drawings whose line font styles you can change. |
swDrawingNotify_e | Drawing notifications. |
swDrawingProjectionType_e | Drawing projection types. |
swDrawingSheetsZonesLetterLayout_e | Options for letter layouts in drawing sheet zones. |
swDrawingSheetsZonesOrigin_e | Options for the origins of drawing sheet zones. |
swDrawingViewTypes_e | Drawing view types. |
swDwgImportEntitiesPositioning_e | Drawing import entities positionings. |
swDwgPaperSizes_e | Drawing paper sizes. |
swDwgTemplates_e | Drawing templates. |
swDxfFormat_e | DXF/DWG output formats. |
swDxfMultisheet_e | DXF/DWG multisheets. |
swDynamicMode_e | Dynamic modes. |
swEdgeFlangeError_e | Edge flange error codes. |
swEdgesHiddenEdgeDisplay_e | Hidden edge display types. |
swEdgesInContextEditTransparencyType_e | In-context edit transparency edge types.
swEdgesShadedModeDisplay_e | Shaded edges display modes. |
swEdgesTangentEdgeDisplay_e | Tangent edge display modes. |
swEdgeUntrimType_e | Untrimmed edge types. |
swEditBalloonOption_e | Edit balloon options. |
swEditPartCommandStatus_e | Return values during the activation of a part. |
swEdrawingSaveAsOption_e | eDrawings Save As options. |
swElectricalConnectionPointType_e | Electrical connection point types. |
swElectricalSubType_e | Electrical route sub types for connection points. |
swEllipsePts_e | Values for interpreting ellipse data. |
swEndCapThicknessDirection_e | End cap thickness directions. |
swEndConditions_e | End conditions for feature creation. |
swExportDataFileType_e | Export data file types. |
swExportDataSheetsToExport_e | Export data sheets to export options. |
swExportFlatPatternViewOptions_e | Flat-pattern view options. |
swExportToDWG_e | Options for the Action parameter of IPartDoc::ExportToDWG2. |
swExternalFileReferencesConfig_e | External file references configurations options. |
swExternalFileReferencesUpdate_e | External file references update options. |
swExternalReferenceStatus_e | External reference status. |
swExternalReferencesUpdateOutOfDateLinkedDesignTable_e | Out-of-date external references linked design table options. |
swExtrudeFrom_e | Extrude from options. |
swFaceCoincidentResult_e | Face coincidence results. |
swFaceDeleteOption_e | DeleteFace feature options. |
swFaceUntrimType_e | Untrimmed faces types. |
swFaultEntityErrorCode_e | Fault entity error codes. |
swFeatMgrPane_e | Available panes and states. |
swFeatureChamferOption_e | Chamfer feature options. Bitmask. |
swFeatureDimensionParameter_e | Pattern display dimension options. |
swFeatureEditStatus_e | Editing status of feature. Bitmask. |
swFeatureError_e | Feature error codes. |
swFeatureFilletOptions_e | Fillet options. Bitmask. |
swFeatureFilletProfileType_e | Fillet profile types. |
swFeatureFilletType_e | Feature fillet types. |
swFeatureFillSurfaceOptions_e | Feature fill surface options. Bitmask. |
swFeatureManagerDisplayWarnings_e | FeatureManager design tree display warnings. |
swFeatureNameID_e | Feature name IDs. |
swFeatureScope_e | Feature scope. |
swFeaturesToPatternType_e | Seed instance types for Fill Patterns. |
swFeatureSuppressionAction_e | Feature suppression actions. |
swFeatureTreeFolderType_e | Ways to insert the feature folder. |
swFeatureTreeState_e | Flyout FeatureManager design tree states. |
swFileCloseNotifyReason_e | Reasons for the FileCloseNotify event. |
swFileFormatType_e | STEP file formats. |
swFileLoadError_e | File load errors. Bitmask. |
swFileLoadWarning_e | File load warnings for ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. Bitmask. |
swFileSaveError_e | File save errors. Bitmask. |
swFileSaveTypes_e | File save types. |
swFileSaveWarning_e | Values for File, Save warnings that can be returned from the IModelDoc2 Save methods. These warnings do not cause the File, Save operation to fail. Bitmask. |
swFilletOverFlowType_e | Fillet overflow types. |
swFitTolDisplay_e | Fit tolerance display styles. |
swFitType_e | Fit types. |
swFlangeDimTypes_e | Offset dimension types for edge flanges. |
swFlangeOffsetTypes_e | Offset types for edge and base flanges. |
swFlangePositionTypes_e | Position types for edge flanges. |
swFMViewNotify_e | FeatureManager design tree notifications. |
swFractionDisplay_e | Fraction display types. |
swGeneralImportFreePointCurveEntityOptions_e | Import free curve entity options. |
swGeneralImportSurfaceSolidEntityOptions_e | Import surface solid entity options. |
swGeneralImportUnitsOptions_e | Import unit options. |
swGeomType_e | Geometry types. |
swGtolGeomCharSymbol_e | GTol geometric character symbols. |
swGtolMatCondition_e | GTol material condition types. |
swGTolTextParts_e | Text parts of GTols. |
swGuideCurveInfluence_e | Guide curve influence types. |
swGussetProfileLocationType_e | Gussett profile location types. |
swGussetProfileType_e | Gusset profile types. |
swGussetThicknessType_e | Gusset thickness types. |
swHandleActiveXCreationFailure_e | Actions on failure to create an ActiveX control on a PropertyManager page. |
swHandleWindowFromHandleCreationFailure_e | Actions on failure to create a .NET control on a PropertyManager page. |
swHealActionType_e | Healing actions. |
swHelixDefinedBy_e | Helix definitions. |
swHemPositionTypes_e | Hem position types. |
swHemTypes_e | Hem types. |
swHlrQuality_e | HLR types. |
swHoleSeriesWhichParts_e | Which part the hole series passes. |
swHoleTableTagStyle_e | Hole table tag styles. |
swHorizontalAutoSplitApply_e | Options for when to automatically split a table horizontally. |
swHorizontalAutoSplitPlacementOfSplitTable_e | Options for placement of the split table portion after a horizontal table split. |
swIFCExportSaveType_e | IFC export options. |
swIFCOmniUniClassPreference_e | IFC output as types. |
swIGESCurveRepresentation_e | IGES curve representations. |
swIGESPreferredSystem_e | IGES systems. |
swIGESRepresentation_e | IGES representation types. |
swImageQualityShaded_e | Quality of tessellation of cylindrical surfaces for shaded rendering output. |
swImageQualityWireframe_e | Quality of wireframe display output. |
swImageSizeToUse_e | Default image sizes for the current DPI setting of the display device for images that are not based on the SOLIDWORKS icon size setting. |
swImportDxfDwg_ImportMethod_e | DXF/DWG import methods. |
swImportDxfDwg_LayerVisibility_e | DXF/DWG layer visibility states. |
swImportModelItemsSource_e | Sources from which to import model items. |
swImportStlVrmlModelType_e | STL/VRML import model types. |
swImprintingFacesOpts_e | Imprinting faces options. Bitmask. |
swInConfigurationOpts_e | Configuration options. |
swInContextEditTransparencyType_e | In-context edit transparency types. |
swIndentSelectionState_e | Indent selection states. |
swInsertAnnotation_e | Annotation types. Bitmask. |
swInsertEdgeFlangeOptions_e | Sheet metal edge flange options. Bitmask. |
swInsertNewAssemblyErrorCode_e | Error codes when assembly inserted. |
swInsertNewPartErrorCode_e | Error codes when part inserted. |
swInsertOptions_e | Options for pasting a sheet into a drawing document. |
swInsertPartOptions_e | Part insertion options. Bitmask. |
swInsertTableColumnWidthStyle_e | Inserted table column width options. |
swInterfaceBrightnessColor_e | Background colors. |
swInterfaceBrightnessTheme_e | Background themes. |
swInterpolationType_e | Types of interpolation. |
swIntersectionType_e | Curve intersections types. |
swIsolateVisibility_e | Isolate component options. |
swJogDimensionPositionType_e | Jog dimension position types. |
swJogOffsetTypes_e | Jog offset types. |
swJogPositionType_e | Jog position types. |
swKeepReplacedCompOption_e | Options for replacing components in BOM features. |
swKernelErrorCode_e | Kernel error codes. |
swLayerOverride_e | Layer override types. Bitmask. |
swLeaderLineVisibility_e | Visibility of leader lines. |
swLeaderSide_e | Leader side types. |
swLeaderStyle_e | Leader styles. |
swLengthUnit_e | Length unit types. |
swLibFeatDimensionType_e | Library feature dimension types. |
swLibFeatureData_e | Library feature entity options. |
swLicenseType_e | SOLIDWORKS license types. |
swLineEndCaps_e | Line end caps types. |
swLineStyles_e | Line styles used in layers. |
swLineTypes_e | Line styles in drawings. |
swLineWeights_e | Line weights used in layers. |
swLinkDimensionError_e | Link dimension errors. |
swLinkString | Types of links for errors and trouble-shooting bubbles. |
swLoadAddinError_e | Add-in load errors. |
swLoadDetachedModelRules_e | Detached model load options. |
swLoadExternalReferences_e | External references load options. |
swLocalCurvePatternAlignment_e | Alignments for local curve-driven patterns. |
swLocalCurvePatternCurveMethod_e | Curve methods for local curve-driven patterns. |
swLocalCurvePatternReferencePoint_e | Reference points for local curve-driven patterns. |
swLocalSketchPatternReferencePoint_e | Reference points for local sketch-driven patterns. |
swLocationLabelText_e | Types of text for the upper and lower sections of location labels. |
swLoftedBendFacetOptions_e | Faceting options for lofted bend facet features. |
swLoopProcessOption_e | Loop processing options. |
swMacroFeatureEntityIdType_e | Macro feature entity ID types. |
swMacroFeatureOptions_e | Placement of the macro feature in the FeatureManager design tree options. Bitmask. |
swMacroFeatureParamType_e | Macro feature parameter types. |
swMacroFeatureSecurityOptions_e | Macro feature security options. Bitmask. |
swMacroMethods_e | Types of macro methods. |
swManipulatorCursor_e | Triad manipulator cursor types. |
swManipulatorOptions_e | Manipulator options. Bitmask. |
swManipulatorRepresentation_e | Triad manipulator representations. |
swManipulatorType_e | Manipulator types. |
swMassPropertiesStatus_e | Mass property result codes. |
swMassPropertyMoment_e | Moment of inertia coordinate systems. |
swMateAlign_e | Mate alignment types. |
swMateEntity2ReferenceType_e | Mate entity reference types. |
swMateEntityTypes_e | Mate entity type IDs. |
swMateReferenceAlignment_e | Mate reference alignments. |
swMateReferenceIndex_e | Mate reference indexes. |
swMateReferenceType_e | Mate reference types. |
swMateType_e | Assembly mate types. |
swMateWidthOptions_e | Assembly mate width options. |
swMeasureArcCircleOption_e | Distance to display when arcs or circles are selected using the Measure tool. |
swMeasureProjectOnOption_e | Distance between selected entities projection when using the Measure tool. |
swMenuIdentifiers_e | Menu item types. |
swMenuItemType_e | Menu item types. |
swMessageBoxBtn_e | Message box control buttons. |
swMessageBoxIcon_e | Message box icons. |
swMessageBoxResult_e | Message box results. |
swMirrorComponentNameModifier_e | Prefix or suffix for newly mirrored components. |
swMirrorComponentOrientation_e | Orientation options for instanced mirror components. |
swMirrorPartOptions_e | Options for creating a mirror part. Bitmask. |
swMirrorPlaneType_e | Types of mirror plane. |
swMirrorProfileOrAlignmentAxis_e | Axis options for mirroring the profile of or aligning a sweep cut feature. |
swMirrorViewPositions_e | Mirror view orientations. |
swModelRebuildStatus_e | Rebuild status of model. Bitmask. |
swModelRouteType_e | Route types for connection points. |
swModifyTableNotifyReason_e | Notification reason codes for modifying tables. |
swMomentsOfInertiaReferenceFrame_e | Reference frames for moments of inertia mass properties. |
swMotionContactFrictionType_e | Motion Study contact friction types. |
swMotionMat_e | Motion Study materials. |
swMotionPlotAxisComponent_e | Types of motion study components. |
swMotionPlotAxisType_e | Types of motion study plot axes. |
swMouseDragMode_e | Current command states. |
swMouseNotify_e | Mouse notifications. |
swMoveCopyBodyFeatureTransformType_e | Move/copy body transform types. |
swMoveCopyError_e | Move/copy errors. |
swMoveCopyOptions_e | Move/copy options. Bitmask. |
swMoveFaceType_e | Face move types. |
swMoveFreezeBarTo_e | Move options for freeze bar. |
swMoveLocation_e | Options for moving features in parts and assemblies. |
swMoveRollbackBarTo_e | Position to move rollback bar. |
swNameType_e | Names of types of entities. Bitmask. |
swNonInterferingComponentDisplay_e | Modes to display non-interfering components. |
swNotifyEntityType_e | Notification entity types. |
swNumberboxUnitType_e | Number box units. |
swNumberedListStartType_e | Numbered list start types. |
swNumberedListType_e | Numbered list types. |
swNumberingFormat_e | Format of numbered list items. |
swNumberingType_e | Types of numbering for indented BOM tables. |
swObjectEquality | Object equality states. |
swOffsetPlanarWireBodyOptions_e | How to fill the gap between edges. |
swOleObjectOptions_e | OLE object options. |
swOnSurfacePlaneProjectType_e | Types of planes on surfaces. |
swOpenDocOptions_e | How to open documents using ISldWorks::OpenDoc6. Bitmask. |
swOrdDimEndSymbol_e | Ordinate dimension end symbols. |
swOutOfDateStatus_e | Rebuild state of the components. |
swPackAndGoDocumentStatus_e | Types of documents for Pack and Go. |
swPackAndGoSaveStatus_e | Status of each document intended for Pack and Go. |
swPageSetupDrawingColor_e | Colors of drawings set-up values. |
swPageSetupInUse_e | Page set-up values. |
swPageSetupOrientation_e | Page orientation set-up values. |
swParabolaPts_e | Parabola points. |
swParagraphType_e | Paragraph list types. |
swParameterizationPropertyType_e | Properties of U and V parameters. |
swParamType_e | Parameter data types. |
swParasolidOutputVersion_e | Parasolid output versions. |
swPartConfigurationGroupingOption_e | Part configuration groupings for BOM table display. |
swPartingLineFeatureStatus_e | Statuses of parting line features. |
swPartingSurfaceMoldParmType_e | Types of mold parting surfaces. |
swPartingSurfaceSmoothingType_e | Smooth mold parting surfaces. |
swPartNotify_e | Part notifications. |
swPatternElementSelection_e | Pattern element selection options. |
swPatternFeatureImportExportError_e | Variable pattern feature errors when importing or exporting Microsoft Excel data. |
swPatternLayoutSpacingType_e | Fill Pattern layout spacing types. |
swPatternLayoutType_e | Fill Pattern layout types. |
swPatternReferenceTypes_e | Local linear pattern axis types. |
swPerformanceFeedback_e | Performance feedback options. |
swPersistReferencedObjectStates_e | Object codes for objects' persistent reference IDs. Bitmask. |
swPipingPenetrationStatus_e | Piping pentration status. |
swPMContainer_e | Docking states of PropertyManager page. |
swPointInferenceBrokerOption_e | Inference points options from add-ins. Bitmask. |
swPointStyle_e | Point styles. |
swPresentationOpts_e | SOLIDWORKS Presentation options. Bitmask. |
swPrintProperties_e | Print properties. |
swPrintSelectionScaleFactor_e | Drawing print selection scale options. |
swPrompForFilenameCause_e | Reasons for opening or saving missing dependent documents. |
swPromptAlwaysNever_e | Responses to being prompted by SOLIDWORKS. |
swPropertyManagerButtonTypes_e | PropertyManager button types. Bitmask. |
swPropertyManagerCheckboxState_e | PropertyManager page check box states. |
swPropertyManagerColorScheme_e | Color schemes for PropertyManager pages. |
swPropertyManagerPageBitmapButtons_e | PropertyManager page bitmap buttons. |
swPropertyManagerPageButtons_e | PropertyManager page buttons. |
swPropertyManagerPageCloseReasons_e | Reasons why PropertyManager pages close. |
swPropertyManagerPageControlLeftAlign_e | Left alignments for controls on PropertyManager pages. |
swPropertyManagerPageControlType_e | Controls for PropertyManager pages. |
swPropertyManagerPageCursors_e | PropertyManager page's cursor after a user makes a selection in the SOLIDWORKS graphics area. |
swPropertyManagerPageMessageExpanded | Expand, compress, or leave the state of the PropertyManage page's message as is. |
swPropertyManagerPageMessageVisibility | Visibility states for messages for PropertyManager pages. |
swPropertyManagerPageOptions_e | Options for PropertyManager pages. Bitmask. |
swPropertyManagerPageShowOptions_e | Options for showing PropertyManager pages. Bitmask. |
swPropertyManagerPageStatus_e | PropertyManager page statuses. |
swPropertyManagerStatus_e | Return values for various PropertyManager APIs. |
swPropertySheetNotify_e | Property sheet notifications. |
swPropMgrPageComboBoxStyle_e | PropertyManager page combobox styles. |
swPropMgrPageControlOnResizeOptions_e | PropertyManager page control resize options. Bitmask. |
swPropMgrPageLabelStyle_e | ProperyManager page control label styles. Bitmask. |
swPropMgrPageLabelUnderlineStyle_e | Underline style of PropertyManager page label. |
swPropMgrPageListBoxStyle_e | PropertyManager page list box styles. Bitmask. |
swPropMgrPageNumberBoxStyle_e | PropertyManager page number box styles. Bitmask. |
swPropMgrPageOptionStyle_e | PropertyManage page group option styles. Bitmask. |
swPropMgrPageSelectionBoxStyle_e | PropertyManager page selection box styles. Bitmask. |
swPropMgrPageSliderStyle_e | PropertyManager page slider styles. Bitmask. |
swPropMgrPageTextBoxStyle_e | PropertyManager page textbox styles. Bitmask. |
swPropSheetType_e | Property sheet types. |
swPublishTo3DPDFError_e | Status codes for publishing SOLIDWORKS MBD 3D PDF files. |
swPunchTableTagStyle_e | Punch table datum tag styles |
swQuadant_e | Angular dimension types |
swRayPtsOpts_e | Ray points options. Bitmask. |
swRayPtsResults_e | Types of intersections and whether the rays are entering or exiting the body when they hit. Bitmask. |
swRayTraceRenderImageFormat_e | Image formats. |
swRayTraceRenderingType_e | Ray trace rendering types. |
swRayTraceRenderQuality_e | Ray-trace render quality. |
swRayTraceRenderType_e | Ray trace rendering methods. |
swRebuildOnActivation_e | Rebuild options during document activation. |
swRebuildOptions_e | Rebuild options. Bitmask. |
swRefAxisType_e | Reference axis types. |
swRefPlaneReferenceConstraints_e | Reference plane constraints. Bitmask. |
swRefPlaneReferenceIndex_e | Reference plane entities. |
swRefPlaneType_e | Reference plane types. |
swRefPointAlongCurveType_e | Reference point along curve types. |
swRefPointType_e | Reference point type. |
swRelativeViewCreationDirection_e | Relative view creation directions. |
swReliefTearTypes_e | Sheet metal tear-drop relief types. |
swReloadTemplateResult_e | Reload template results. |
swRemainingDofs_e | Remaining Dofs types. |
swRemoveCommandGroupErrors | Error codes for removing CommandGroups. |
swRenamedDocumentFinalAction_e | Final actions for renaming document references. |
swRenameDocumentError_e | Rename components errors. |
swRenameOptions_e | Options for renaming a pasted drawing sheet. |
swRendererType_e | Renderer type. |
swRenderMaterialBumpMap_e | Render material (appearance) surface finish. |
swRenderMaterialColorForms_e | Number of render material (appearance) colors. |
swRenderMaterialIlluminationTypes_e | Render material (appearance) illumination types. |
swReorderComponentsWhere_e | Where to move the components. |
swRepaintTypes_e | Repaint notification types. |
swRepairSketchOption_e | Options for repairing sketches. Bitmask. |
swReplaceComponentError_e | Replace component errors. |
swReplaceComponentsConfiguration_e | Replace components configuration options. |
swRevisionCloudShape_e | Revision cloud shapes. |
swRevisionTableMultipleSheetStyle_e | Revision table multiple sheet styles. |
swRevisionTableSymbolShape_e | Revision table symbol shapes. |
swRevisionTableTagStyle_e | Revison table symbol shapes. |
swRevolveOptions_e | Revolve feature options. Bitmask. |
swRevolveType_e | Revolve feature types. |
swRibExtrusionDirection_e | Rib extrusion directions. |
swRibType_e | Rib types. |
swRoutingComponentGroupingOption_e | Routing components grouping options. Bitmask. |
swRoutingFlattenConnectorOptions_e | Flattened route connector display options. |
swRoutingFlattenSegmentOrientation_e | Flattened route segment orientation. |
swRoutingFlattenTypes_e | Route flattening types. |
swRoutingSearchType_e | Routing search types. |
swRuledSurfaceType_e | Ruled surface types. |
swRunMacroError_e | VBA macro error codes. |
swRunMacroOption_e | VBA macro options. |
swSafeArrayType_e | SafeArray types. |
swSameAs_Status_e | Comparison status. |
swSaveAsmAsPartOptions_e | Save assembly as parts options. |
swSaveAsOptions_e | Save As options. Bitmask. |
swSaveAsVersion_e | Version of a particular format to save the document. |
swSaveReminderIntervalMode_e | Intervals in which to remind user to save document. |
swScaleType_e | Scale types. |
swSceneBackgroundType_e | Scene background options. |
swSceneFloorAlign_e | Scene floor alignment options. |
swSearchFolderTypes_e | Search folder types. |
swSearchIndexingPerformance_e | Options when to perform search indexing. |
swSelectionMarkAction_e | Selecton mark actions. |
swSelectionReferenceTypes_e | Selecton reference types. |
swSelectOption_e | Selection options. Bitmask. |
swSelectType_e | Values for types of returned IDs. |
swSensorAlertType_e | Types of sensor alert. |
swSensorType_e | Types of sensor. |
swSetComponentsAndTransformsStatus_e | Results for setting interfering components and their transforms. |
swSetHelixRegionParameterStatus_e | Statuses for setting helix regions. |
swSetRouteFixedLengthError_e | Routing fixed-length errors. |
swSetSectionLabelStatus_e | Section label statuses. |
swSetValueInConfiguration_e | Values for indicating in which configurations the value should be set. |
swSetValueReturnStatus_e | Return values for attempting to set the value of a parameter. |
swSFLaySym_e | Values for direction of lay types. |
swSFSymType_e | Values for surface finish symbol types and options. |
swSheetMetalBendNotesBorderSize_e | Sheet metal bend notes border sizes. |
swSheetMetalGussetProfileDimType_e | Sheet metal gusset profile dimensioning schemes. |
swSheetMetalGussetProfileType_e | Sheet metal gusset profile types. |
swSheetMetalModifierError_e | Sheet metal feature data errors. |
swSheetMetalOverrideDefaultParameters_e | Types of default parameters to override in a sheet metal feature in a multibody sheet metal part. |
swSheetMetalReliefTypes_e | Sheet metal relief types. |
swSheetMetalRibGussetType_e | Sheet metal gusset rib types. |
swSheetSewingError_e | Sheet sewing errors. |
swSheetSewingOption_e | Sheet sewing options. |
swShutOffSurfaceFeatureStatus_e | Shut-off surface features statuses. |
swShutOffSurfacePatchType_e | Shut-off surface patch types. |
swSimpleFilletType_e | Simple fillet types. |
swSimpleFilletWhichFaces_e | Faces for simple-fillet features. |
swSimulationDamperType_e | Simulation damper types. |
swSimulationForceActionType_e | Simulation force action types. |
swSimulationForceFunctionType_e | Simulation force function types. |
swSimulationForceType_e | Simulation force types. |
swSimulationGravityAxisName_e | Simulation graivity axis names. |
swSimulationMotorDriveType_e | Simulation motor drive types. |
swSimulationMotorMotionType_e | Simulation motor motion types. |
swSimulationMotorType_e | Simulation motor types. |
swSimulationSpringType_e | Simulation spring types. |
swSketchChamferType_e | Chamfer types. |
swSketchCheckFeatureProfileUsage_e | Types of features to check to see if this sketch is valid for use in creating the specified feature. |
swSketchCheckFeatureStatus_e | Statuses after checking to see if this sketch is valid for use in creating the specified feature |
swSketchEntityType_e | Sketch entity types. |
swSketchFullyDefineRelationType_e | Fully defined sketch relations. Bitmask. |
swSketchPictureTransparencyStyle_e | Transparency styles for sketch pictures. |
swSketchPointType_e | Sketch point types. |
swSketchRelationEntityTypes_e | Sketch relation entity types. |
swSketchRelationFilterType_e | Sketch relation filter types. |
swSketchSegments_e | Types of ISketchSegment objects. |
swSketchSegmentType_e | ISketchSegment::EqualSegment divide types. |
swSketchSlotCreationType_e | Sketch slot creation types. |
swSketchSlotLengthType_e | Sketch slot length types. |
swSketchTrimChoice_e | Sketch trim options. |
swSkInternalPntOpts_e | Values to control the display of internal sketch points. |
swSkOffsetCapEndType_e | Offset sketch cap end types. |
swSkOffsetMakeConstructionType_e | Convert original and offset sketch entities to construction sketch entities. |
swSmartComponentSelectionTypes_e | Smart component selection types. |
swSmartDimensionDirection_e | Smart dimension extension line directions or rapid dimensioning selector quadrants. |
swSMBendState_e | Bend state values for a sheet metal part. |
swSMCommandStatus_e | Return conditions for various sheet metal APIs that attempt to do set operations. |
swSolidworksWeldmentEndCondOptions_e | Weldment end condition options. |
swSplitBodyType_e | Split body types. |
swSplitFaceOnParam_e | Split face on parameters. |
swSplitFacesOption_e | Split faces options. |
swSplitLineFeatureType_e | Split line feature types. |
swSplitLineSplitSurfaceType_e | Split line surface types. |
swSpringDefineType_e | Spring definition types. |
swSpringExtensionEndType_e | Spring extension types. |
swSpringProfileType_e | Spring profile types. |
swSpringTorsionEndType_e | Spring torsion end types. |
swSpringType_e | Spring types. |
swStackedBalloonDirection_e | Balloon stacking directions. |
swStandardHeaderFooterPageSetupTexts_e | Standard header and footer page setup options. |
swStandardViews_e | Standard view types. |
swStartConditions_e | Start conditions. |
swStep242Error_e | Status codes for exporting SOLIDWORKS MBD 3D PDF files to STEP 242. |
swSTLQuality_e | STL quality types. |
swStopContinuePrompt_e | Continue repsonses. |
swStyleSplineCurveType_e | Curve types and degrees for style splines. |
swSummInfoField_e | Summary information fields. Read-only. |
swSunlightInfoType_e | Sunlight information. |
swSuppressionError_e | Suppression errors. |
swSurfaceCutFeatureError_e | Types of surface-cut errors. |
swSurfaceExtendEndCond_e | Surface extend end conditions. |
swSurfaceFinishSymbolOrientation_e | Surface finish symbol orientations. |
swSurfaceFinishSymbolText_e | Types of surface finish symbol texts. |
swSurfaceTrimType_e | Surface trim types. |
swSurfaceTypes_e | Surface types. |
swSweepDirection_e | Sweep path directions. |
swSystemColorsCurrentColorScheme_e | Current color schemes. |
swSystemColorsEnvelopes_e | System envelope colors. |
swSystemColorsIconColor_e | System icon colors. |
swSystemOptionDisplayAntiAliasing_e | System anti-aliasing display options. |
swTableAnnotationType_e | Table annotation types. |
swTableCellRangeIdentifier_e | Table cell-range identifiers. |
swTableColumnTypes_e | Table column types. |
swTableHeaderPosition_e | Table header positions. |
swTableItemInsertPosition_e | Table item insert positions. |
swTableMergeLocations_e | Table merge locations. |
swTableRowColSizeChangeBehavior_e | Values indicate how the size of the rest of the table should behave when a height of a row or width of a column changes. |
swTableSplitDirection_e | Table split directions. |
swTableSplitLocations_e | Table split locations. |
swTableTagStyle_e | Table tag styles |
swTangencyType_e | Sweep tangency types. |
swTangentArcTypes_e | Tangent arc types. |
swTangentMagnitudeDirection_e | Tangent magnitude directions. |
swTaskPaneBitmapsOptions_e | SOLIDWORKS standard Task Pane toolbar bitmap buttons . |
swTaskPaneNotify_e | Task Pane notifications. |
swTaskPaneTab_e | Task Pane tabs. |
swTaskpaneViewStatus_e | Task Pane view statuses. |
swTempBodySelectOptions_e | Temporary body selection options. |
swTesselationMatchType_e | Tessellation match types. |
swTextAlignmentVertical_e | Vertical text alignment options. |
swTextInBoxStyle_e | Text in box styles. |
swTextJustification_e | Text justifications options. |
swTextPosition_e | Values for text reference point position types. |
swTextSize_e | Toolbar text sizes. |
swTextureRenderModes_e | Texture render modes. |
swThickenDirection_e | Direction in which to thicken sheet bodies. |
swThickenThicknessType_e | Thicken thickness directions. |
swThinWallType_e | Thin feature types. |
swTiffCompressionScheme_e | TIFF compression schemes. |
swTiffImageType_e | TIFF image types. |
swTolerances_e | Tolerance types. |
swTolType_e | Dimension tolerance types. |
swToolbar_e | Toolbar identifiers. |
swToolbarDockStatePosition_e | Toolbar docking positions. |
swToolbarStates_e | Toolbar states. |
swToolBoxPartType_e | Toolbox part types. Bitmask. |
swTopoEntity_e | Types of topological entities. |
swTopology_e | Types of bodies. |
swTopologyTypes_e | Types of topology. |
swTrackingIDError_e | Tracking ID errors. |
swTranslationNotifyOptions_e | Translation notification options. Bitmask. |
swTransparencyState_e | Transparency states. |
swTreeControlItemType_e | Tree control item types. |
swTriadManipulatorControlPoints_e | Triad manipulator control points. |
swTriadManipulatorDoNotShow_e | Triad manipulator visibility options. Bitmask. |
swTwistControlType_e | Sweep profile orientation and twist options. |
swUIStates_e | User-interface state types. |
swUnitsDecimalRounding_e | Rounding options for decimal units. |
swUnitsEnergyUnit_e | Energy unit types. |
swUnitsForce_e | Force units. |
swUnitsMassPropMass_e | Mass property units. |
swUnitsMassPropVolume_e | Mass property per unit volumes. |
swUnitsPowerUnit_e | Types of power units. |
swUnitsTimeUnit_e | Types of time units. |
swUnitSystem_e | System units. |
swUpdateProgressError_e | User progress errors. |
swUserPreferenceDoubleValue_e | User-preference enumerators for system options and document properties. |
swUserPreferenceIntegerValue_e | User-preference enumerators for system options and document properties. |
swUserPreferenceOption_e | User-preference enumerators for customizing document-level annotation, dimension, table, and view-label drafting standards. |
swUserPreferenceStringListValue_e | User-preference enumerators for system options and document properties. |
swUserPreferenceStringValue_e | User-preference enumerators for system options and document properties. |
swUserPreferenceTextFormat_e | User-preference enumerators for system options and document properties. |
swUserPreferenceToggle_e | User-preference enumerators for system options and document properties. |
swUserUnitsType_e | User unit types. |
swVariablePitchHelixRegionParameter_e | Parameters to modify in a variable-pitch helix. |
swVariableRadiusFilletOptions_e | Variable radius fillet options. |
swVerticalJustification_e | Dimension text vertical justifications. |
swViewAlignment_e | Values for alignment of views. |
swViewDisplayMode_e | View display modes. |
swViewDisplayType_e | View display states. |
swViewEntityType_e | View entity types. |
swViewIndication_e | View indicators. |
swViewNotify_e | Model view notifications. |
swViewportDisplay_e | Viewport arrangements. |
swVisibilityState_e | Visibility states. |
swVrmlOutputVersion_e | VRML output versions. |
swWeldBeadSide_e | Weld bead sides. |
swWeldBeadType_e | Weld bead types. |
swWeldmentTrimExtendOptionType_e | Options for weldment trim extensions. Bitmask |
swWeldSymbolContourTypes_e | Weld symbol contour types. |
swWeldSymbolField_e | Field weld characteristics of weld symbols. |
swWeldSymbolSymmetric_e | Symmetric characteristics of weld symbols. |
swWeldSymbolTextTypes_e | Types of weld symbol text. |
swWindowState_e | Window states. |
swWitnessLineVisibility_e | Values for the visibility of extension lines. |
swWrapMethods_e | Wrap feature methods. |
swWrapSketchType_e | Wrap sketch types. |
swWzdGeneralHoleTypes_e | General Hole Wizard types. |
swWzdHoleCosmeticThreadTypes_e | Hole Wizard cosmetic thread types. |
swWzdHoleCounterSinkHeadClearanceTypes_e | Hole Wizard countersink hole clearance types. |
swWzdHoleHcoilTapTypes_e | Hole Wizard helicoil tap types. |
swWzdHoleScrewClearanceTypes_e | Hole Wizard screw clearance types. |
swWzdHoleStandardFastenerTypes_e | Hole Wizard standard fastener types. |
swWzdHoleStandards_e | Hole Wizard standards. |
swWzdHoleThreadEndCondition_e | Hole Wizard thread end conditions. |
swWzdHoleTypes_e | Hole Wizard types. |
swZeroQuantityDisplay_e | Characters or values to display when values are zero (0). |
swZonalSectionViewZones_e | Intersection zones for section views. Bitmask |