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Create Fatigue Study Example (VBA)

This example shows how to create a fatigue study.

NOTE: To get persistent reference identifiers (PIDs) for model selections, you can use pidcollector.exe or IModelDocExtension::GetPersistReference3.

' Preconditions:
' 1. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation as an add-in (in SOLIDWORKS, click
'    Tools > Add-ins > SOLIDWORKS Simulation > OK).
' 2. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation type library as a reference (in the IDE,
'    click Tools > References > SOLIDWORKS Simulation version type library).
' 3. Open, rebuild, and fix as needed public_documents\tutorial\api\
'    landing_gear.sldasm.
' 4. Activate Ready_Static.
' 5. Right-click BearingLoads-1 and click Edit Definition.
' 6. Select load-bearing faces that are concentric with the Z-axis of the
'    selected coordinate system and click the green check mark.
' 7. Mesh the study.
' 8. Run the study.
' 9. Open an Immediate window.
' Postconditions:
' 1. A default fatigue study results plot is created.
' 2. Two fatigue studies are created and analyzed:
'    * Fatigue_StudyAPIConst (constant amplitude fatigue study)
'    * Fatigue_StudyAPIVariable (variable amplitude fatigue study)
' 3. Inspect the Immediate window for fatigue study options, fatigue events,
'    and fatigue study analysis results.
' 4. Inspect the fatigue results plots.
' NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Option Explicit

Sub ErrorMsg(SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, Message As String)
    SwApp.SendMsgToUser2 Message, 0, 0
    SwApp.RecordLine "'*** WARNING - General"
    SwApp.RecordLine "'*** " & Message
    SwApp.RecordLine ""
End Sub

Function SelectByPID(Part As SldWorks.ModelDoc2, PIDName As String, PIDCollection As Collection) As Object
    Dim PID()       As Byte
    Dim PIDVariant  As Variant
    Dim PIDString   As String
    Dim EntityType  As Long
    Dim i           As Integer
    Dim SelObj      As Object
    Dim errCode     As Long

    'Get the string from the collection
    PIDString = ""
    PIDString = PIDCollection.Item(PIDName)

    'Parse the string into an array
    PIDVariant = Split(PIDString, ",")
    ReDim PID(UBound(PIDVariant))

    'Change to a byte array
    For i = 0 To (UBound(PIDVariant) - 1)
        PID(i) = PIDVariant(i)
    Next i

    'Select the entity
    Set SelObj = Part.Extension.GetObjectByPersistReference3((PID), errCode)
    Set SelectByPID = SelObj
    Set SelObj = Nothing
End Function

Function PIDInitializer() As Collection

    Dim PIDCollection As New Collection
        Dim selection1 As String

    selection1 = "255,18,0,0,3,0,0,0,255,254,255,27,85,0,112,0,112,0,114,0,115,0,119,0,97,0,121,0,95,0,108,0,110,0,107,0,45,0,49,0,64,0,108,0,97,0,110,0,100,0,105,0,110,0,103,0,95,0,103,0,101,0,97,0,114,0,4,0,0,0,16,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,57,0,0,0,255,255,1,0,13,0,109,111,86,101,114,116,101,120,82,101,102,95,99,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255,3,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,125,195,148,37,173,73,178,84,125,195,148,37,173,73,178,84,0,0,255,255,1,0,23,0,109,111,70,114,111,109,83,107,116,69,110,116,83,117,114,102,73,100,82,101,112,95,99,0,0,255,255,1,0,6,0,109,111,70,82,95,99,255,255,1,0,13,0,109,111,69,120,116,79,98,106,101,99,116,95,99,255,255,1,0,17,0,109,111,67,83,116,114,105,110,103,72,97,110,100,108,101,95,99,255,254,255,104,67,0,58,0,92,0,68,0,111,0,99,0,117,0,109,0,101,0,110,0,116,0,115,0,32,0,97,0,110,0,100,0,32,0,83,0,101,0,116,0,116,0,105,0,110,0,103,0,115,0,92,0,97,0,116,0,114,0,105,0,118,0,101,0,100,0,105,0,92,0,77,0,121,0,32,0,68,0,111,0,99,0,117,0,109,0,101,0,110,0,116,0,115,0,92,0,99,"
    selection1 = selection1 & "0,111,0,115,0,109,0,111,0,115,0,95,0,115,0,117,0,112,0,112,0,111,0,114,0,116,0,92,0,50,0,48,0,48,0,54,0,98,0,101,0,116,0,97,0,92,0,76,0,97,0,110,0,100,0,105,0,110,0,103,0,32,0,71,0,101,0,97,0,114,0,92,0,85,0,112,0,112,0,114,0,115,0,119,0,97,0,121,0,95,0,108,0,110,0,107,0,46,0,83,0,76,0,68,0,80,0,82,0,84,0,9,128,255,254,255,12,85,0,112,0,112,0,114,0,115,0,119,0,97,0,121,0,95,0,108,0,110,0,107,0,2,0,0,247,212,198,52,0,138,187,76,66,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,18,0,0,0,255,254,255,7,68,0,101,0,102,0,97,0,117,0,108,0,116,0,32,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,138,187,76,66,8,0,0,0,166,214,198,52,14,0,0,0,3,128,0,0,5,128,8,0,8,0,0,0,166,214,198,52,13,0,0,0,255,255,1,0,20,0,109,111,69,110,100,70,97,99,101,83,117,114,102,73,100,82,101,112,95,99,0,0,5,128,8,0,8,0,0,0,166,214,198,52,1,0,0,0,255,255,255,255,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0"
    selection1 = selection1 & ",Type=1"

    'Store constants in a collection
    PIDCollection.Add selection1, "selection1"

    Set PIDInitializer = PIDCollection
End Function

Sub main()


    Dim SwApp               As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim Part                As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim COSMOSWORKS         As CosmosWorksLib.COSMOSWORKS
    Dim CWAddinCallBack     As CosmosWorksLib.CWAddinCallBack
    Dim ActDoc              As CosmosWorksLib.CWModelDoc
    Dim StudyMngr           As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudyManager
    Dim Study               As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudy
    Dim Study2              As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudy
    Dim Study3              As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudy
    Dim Study4              As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudy
    Dim CWFeatObj           As CosmosWorksLib.CWResults
    Dim FatigueOptions      As CosmosWorksLib.CWFatigueStudyOptions
    Dim FatigueEvent        As CosmosWorksLib.CWFatigueEvent
    Dim FatigueOptions2     As CosmosWorksLib.CWFatigueStudyOptions
    Dim FatigueEvent2       As CosmosWorksLib.CWFatigueEvent
    Dim FatigueOptions3     As CosmosWorksLib.CWFatigueStudyOptions
    Dim FatigueEvent3       As CosmosWorksLib.CWFatigueEvent
    Dim FatigueOptions4     As CosmosWorksLib.CWFatigueStudyOptions
    Dim FatigueEvent4       As CosmosWorksLib.CWFatigueEvent
    Dim fatEv               As CosmosWorksLib.CWFatigueEvent
    Dim PointsX             As Variant
    Dim PointsY             As Variant
    Dim PointsX_2           As Variant
    Dim PointsY_2           As Variant
    Dim errCode             As Long
    Dim Disp                As Variant
    Dim VarStudyNames       As Variant
    Dim VarScales           As Variant
    Dim VarSteps            As Variant
    Dim AssocCounts         As Long
    Dim VarNewStudyNames    As Variant
    Dim VarNewScales        As Variant
    Dim VarNewSteps         As Variant
    Dim VarVertices         As Variant
    Dim bchecked            As Long
    Dim dcycles             As Double
    Dim lhCurve             As Variant
    Dim ntype               As Long
    Dim dsamplingrate       As Double
    Dim nnoofbins           As Long
    Dim npercentfilterloadcycles As Long

    Dim PIDCollection As New Collection
    Set PIDCollection = PIDInitializer()

    Set SwApp = Application.SldWorks

    Set Part = SwApp.ActiveDoc

    VarVertices = Array(SelectByPID(Part, "selection1", PIDCollection))

    Set CWAddinCallBack = SwApp.GetAddInObject("SldWorks.Simulation")
    If CWAddinCallBack Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "CWAddinCallBack object not found"
    If COSMOSWORKS Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "COSMOSWORKS object not found"

    Set ActDoc = COSMOSWORKS.ActiveDoc()
    If ActDoc Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get active document"

    ' Add default fatigue study results plot
    errCode = ActDoc.AddDefaultFatigueStudyPlot(swsFatigueStudy_DamagePlot)

    Set StudyMngr = ActDoc.StudyManager()
    If StudyMngr Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get CWStudyManager object"

    'Create constant amplitude fatigue study
    Debug.Print "Creating constant amplitude fatigue study Fatigue_StudyAPIConst..."
    Set Study = StudyMngr.CreateNewStudy3("Fatigue_StudyAPIConst", swsAnalysisStudyTypeFatigue, 0, errCode)
    If Study Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to create new study"

    errCode = Study.SetFatigueResultOptions(1, Nothing)

    Set FatigueOptions = Study.FatigueStudyOptions
    If FatigueOptions Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get CWFatigueStudyOptions object"

    Set FatigueEvent = FatigueOptions.AddFatigueEventForConstantAmplitude("Ready_Static", -0.002, 1, errCode)
    FatigueEvent.SuppressUnSuppress 'suppress event
    FatigueEvent.SuppressUnSuppress 'unsuppress event

    AssocCounts = FatigueEvent.GetStudyAssociationData(VarStudyNames, VarScales, VarSteps)

    FatigueEvent.Cycles2 = 500.0
    FatigueEvent.LoadingRatio = 8.9
    FatigueEvent.LoadingType = 2 ' Loading ratio
    VarNewScales = Array(5.6)
    VarNewStudyNames = Array("Ready_Static")
    VarNewSteps = Array(9)
    errCode = FatigueEvent.SetStudyAssociationData(1, (VarNewStudyNames), (VarNewScales), (VarNewSteps))
    errCode = FatigueEvent.FatigueEventEndEdit()
    Set fatEv = FatigueOptions.GetFatigueEvent(0, errCode)
    Debug.Print "  Name of constant amplitude fatigue event is: " & fatEv.Name
    Debug.Print "  Number of loading events in this fatigue study: " & FatigueOptions.LoadingEventCount
    Debug.Print "  Result folder: " & FatigueOptions.ResultFolder
    Debug.Print "  Shell face option as defined in swsShellFace_e: " & FatigueOptions.ShellFace
    FatigueOptions.GetInfiniteLifeSettings bchecked, dcycles
    Debug.Print "  Fatigue study infinite life settings checked? (1 = yes) " & bchecked
    Debug.Print "  Number of cycles to use: " & dcycles
    Debug.Print "  Event interaction type as defined in swsFatigueEventInteraction_e: " & FatigueOptions.ConstantAmplitudeEventInteractionOption
    Debug.Print "  Computing alternating stress option as defined in swsFatigueAlternatingStressOption_e: " & FatigueOptions.ComputingAlternatingStressOption
    Debug.Print "  Fatigue strength reduction factor: " & FatigueOptions.FatigueStrengthReductionFactor
    Debug.Print "  Mean stress correction option as defined in swsFatigueMeanStressCorrectionType_e: " & FatigueOptions.MeanStressCorrectionOption

    errCode = Study.RunAnalysis
    If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Analysis failed with error code " & errCode

    'Create variable amplitude fatigue study
    Debug.Print ""
    Debug.Print "Creating variable amplitude fatigue study Fatigue_StudyAPIVariable..."
    Set Study2 = StudyMngr.CreateNewStudy3("Fatigue_StudyAPIVariable", swsAnalysisStudyTypeFatigue, 1, errCode)
    If Study2 Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to create new study"

    errCode = Study2.SetFatigueResultOptions(1, (VarVertices))

    Set FatigueOptions2 = Study2.FatigueStudyOptions
    If FatigueOptions2 Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get CWFatigueStudyOptions object"

    PointsX = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.25714, 7, 8.3846, 9, 10)
    PointsY = Array(0, 11, 21, 33, 44, 21, 66.25714, 77, 88.3846, 99, 109)
    Set FatigueEvent2 = FatigueOptions2.AddFatigueEventForVariableAmplitude("Ready_Static", -0.002, 1, (PointsX), (PointsY), 0, 1#, errCode)

    Set fatEv = FatigueOptions2.GetFatigueEvent(0, errCode)
    Debug.Print "  Name of variable amplitude fatigue event is " & fatEv.Name

    Debug.Print "  Number of repeats: " & FatigueEvent2.NoOfRepeats
    Debug.Print "  Start times: " & FatigueEvent2.StartTimes

    PointsX_2 = Array(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.25714, 7, 8.3846, 9, 10, 11, 20)
    PointsY_2 = Array(0, 11, 21, 33, 44, 21, 66.25714, 77, 88.3846, 99, 109, 66, 12)
    errCode = FatigueEvent2.SetLoadHistoryCurve((PointsX_2), (PointsY_2), 2, 1.8)
    errCode = FatigueEvent2.FatigueEventEndEdit()
    lhCurve = FatigueEvent2.GetLoadHistoryCurve(ntype, dsamplingrate)
    Debug.Print "  Type of load history curve as defined in swsFatigueLoadHistoryCurveType_e: " & ntype
    Debug.Print "  Sampling rate in seconds: " & dsamplingrate
    Debug.Print "  Number of pairs of load history curve data: " & lhCurve(0)
    Debug.Print "  Load history curve [time, amplitude] data:"
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(1) & ", " & lhCurve(2)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(3) & ", " & lhCurve(4)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(5) & ", " & lhCurve(6)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(7) & ", " & lhCurve(8)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(9) & ", " & lhCurve(10)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(11) & ", " & lhCurve(12)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(13) & ", " & lhCurve(14)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(15) & ", " & lhCurve(16)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(17) & ", " & lhCurve(18)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(19) & ", " & lhCurve(20)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(21) & ", " & lhCurve(22)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(23) & ", " & lhCurve(24)
    Debug.Print "  " & lhCurve(25) & ", " & lhCurve(26)

    Debug.Print "  Number of loading events in this fatigue study: " & FatigueOptions2.LoadingEventCount
    Debug.Print "  Result folder: " & FatigueOptions2.ResultFolder
    Debug.Print "  Shell face option as defined in swsShellFace_e: " & FatigueOptions2.ShellFace

    FatigueOptions2.GetInfiniteLifeSettings bchecked, dcycles
    FatigueOptions2.GetVariableAmplitudeEventOptions nnoofbins, npercentfilterloadcycles
    Debug.Print "  Fatigue study infinite life settings checked? (1 = yes) " & bchecked
    Debug.Print "  Number of cycles to use: " & dcycles
    Debug.Print "  Number of equally spaced buckets in which to distribute the load: " & nnoofbins
    Debug.Print "  Filter load cycles below this percentage of maximum load: " & npercentfilterloadcycles
    Debug.Print "  Computing alternating stress option as defined in swsFatigueAlternatingStressOption_e: " & FatigueOptions2.ComputingAlternatingStressOption
    Debug.Print "  Fatigue strength reduction factor: " & FatigueOptions2.FatigueStrengthReductionFactor
    Debug.Print "  Mean stress correction option as defined in swsFatigueMeanStressCorrectionType_e: " & FatigueOptions2.MeanStressCorrectionOption

    errCode = Study2.RunAnalysis
    If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Analysis failed with error code " & errCode

    Set CWFeatObj = Study2.Results
    If CWFeatObj Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to get CWResults object"

    'Get minimum/maximum fatigue
    Disp = CWFeatObj.GetMinMaxFatigue(0, errCode)
    Debug.Print "  Minimum fatigue is " & Disp(1) & " at node " & Disp(0)
    Debug.Print "  Maximum fatigue is " & Disp(3) & " at node " & Disp(2)

End Sub


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