Create Plots for a Static Study Example (C#)
This example shows how to create plots of displacement, stress, and strain
results in a static study.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation as an add-in (in SOLIDWORKS, click
// Tools > Add-ins > SOLIDWORKS Simulation > OK).
// 2. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation primary interop assembly as a reference
// (in the IDE, click Project > Add Reference > .NET >
// SolidWorks.Interop.cosworks > OK).
// 3. Ensure that c:\temp exists.
// 4. Open public_documents\Simulation Examples\tutor1.sldprt.
// 5. Open the Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Deletes all default static study plots from the model document.
// 2. Activates the Ready static study.
// 3. Meshes and runs the study.
// 4. Creates Displacement1 plot.
// 5. Changes the units of the displacement plot.
// 6. Creates and activates Stress2 plot.
// 7. Probes and annotates Stress2 and saves the probed
result plot to
// c:\temp\tutor1-Ready-Image-1.png.
// 8. Creates Strain1 plot.
// 9. Applies a view orientation to each plot.
// 10. Gets the minimum and maximum values for the result plots.
// 11. Click OK to close each message box.
// 12. Runs stress hot spot diagnostics.
// 13. Creates the Stress Hot Spot1 plot and gets hot spot nodes and elements.
// 14. Inspect
// 15. Inspect the Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using SolidWorks.Interop.cosworks;
namespace CreatePlotsForStaticStudy_CSharp.csproj
partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
CosmosWorks COSMOSWORKS = default(CosmosWorks);
CwAddincallback CWAddinCallBack = default(CwAddincallback);
CWModelDoc ActDoc = default(CWModelDoc);
CWStudyManager StudyMngr = default(CWStudyManager);
CWStudy Study = default(CWStudy);
CWMesh CWMesh = default(CWMesh);
CWResults CWResult = default(CWResults);
CWPlot CWCFf = default(CWPlot);
CWResultsProbeManager CWProbeResultsManager = default(CWResultsProbeManager);
int errCode = 0;
double el = 0;
double tl = 0;
object[] Disp = null;
object[] Stress = null;
object[] Strn = null;
const double URESMax = 1004928; //nm
const double URESMin = 0.0; //nm
const double VONMax = 284; //MPa
const double VONMin = 0.797; //MPa
const double MaxStrn = 0.00352;
const double MinStrn = 2.94E-06;
CWAddinCallBack = (CwAddincallback)swApp.GetAddInObject("CosmosWorks.CosmosWorks");
if (CWAddinCallBack == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No CWAddinCallBack object", true);
COSMOSWORKS = CWAddinCallBack.CosmosWorks;
if (COSMOSWORKS == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No CosmosWorks object", true);
//Get active document
ActDoc = COSMOSWORKS.ActiveDoc;
if (ActDoc == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No active document", true);
//Delete all default static study plots from this model
//Get Ready study
StudyMngr = ActDoc.StudyManager;
if (StudyMngr == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No study manager object", true);
StudyMngr.ActiveStudy = 0;
Study = StudyMngr.GetStudy(0);
if (Study == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Study not created", true);
//Set static study options
CWStaticStudyOptions StudyOptions;
StudyOptions = Study.StaticStudyOptions;
StudyOptions.AdaptiveMethodType = 2;
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveConvergenceCriteria = 0;
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveErrorLimit = 1.0;
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveMaxIterations = 4;
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveMaxPOrder = 5;
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveStartingPOrder = 2;
StudyOptions.PAdaptiveStrainEnergyErrorLimit = 2.0;
StudyOptions.IncludeRemarkInReport = 1;
StudyOptions.RemarkComment = "Remark comment";
StudyOptions.NoPenetration = 1;
StudyOptions.IgnoreClearanceForSurfaceContact = 1;
StudyOptions.IncompatibleBondingOption = (int)swsIncompatibleBondingOption_e.swsIncompatibleBondingOption_Automatic;
StudyOptions.IncludeGlobalFriction = 1;
StudyOptions.FrictionCoefficient = 0.5;
CWMesh = Study.Mesh;
if (CWMesh == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No mesh object", false);
CWMesh.Quality = 1;
CWMesh.GetDefaultElementSizeAndTolerance(0, out el, out tl);
errCode = Study.CreateMesh(0, el, tl);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Mesh failed", true);
//Run analysis
errCode = Study.RunAnalysis();
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Analysis failed", true);
//Get results
CWResult = Study.Results;
if (CWResult == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No result object", false);
Debug.Print("Time taken in seconds for input phase: " + Study.GetTimeTakenForInputPhase());
Debug.Print("Time taken in seconds to solve this study: " + Study.GetTotalSolutionTime());
//Create displacement plot
CWCFf = CWResult.CreatePlot((int)swsPlotResultTypes_e.swsResultDisplacementOrAmplitude, (int)swsDisplacementComponent_e.swsDisplacementComponentURES, (int)swsUnit_e.swsUnitSI, false, out errCode);
if (CWCFf == null)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to create plot", false);
//Change the units from cm to in
errCode = CWCFf.SetComponentUnitAndValueByElem((int)swsDisplacementComponent_e.swsDisplacementComponentURES, (int)swsLinearUnit_e.swsLinearUnitInches, false);
//Apply top view orientation
errCode = CWCFf.ApplyNameViewOrientation2((int)swsNameViewOrientation_e.swsNameViewOrientation_Top);
//Activate plot
errCode = CWCFf.ActivatePlot();
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Plot is not activated", true);
//Get min/max resultant displacements from plot
Disp = (object[])CWCFf.GetMinMaxResultValues(out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No displacement results", true);
double Disp1 = Convert.ToDouble(Disp[1]);
double Disp3 = Convert.ToDouble(Disp[3]);
if ((Disp1 < 0.95 * URESMin) | (Disp1 > 1.05 * URESMin))
ErrorMsg(swApp, "URES minimum % error = " + (((Disp1 - URESMin) / URESMin) * 100), false);
if ((Disp3 < 0.95 * URESMax) | (Disp3 > 1.05 * URESMax))
ErrorMsg(swApp, "URES maximum % error = " + (((Disp3 - URESMax) / URESMax) * 100), false);
//Create stress plot
CWCFf = CWResult.CreatePlot((int)swsPlotResultTypes_e.swsResultStress, (int)swsStaticResultNodalStressComponentTypes_e.swsStaticNodalStress_VON, (int)swsUnit_e.swsUnitSI, false, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to create plot", true);
//Apply bottom view orientation
errCode = CWCFf.ApplyNameViewOrientation2((int)swsNameViewOrientation_e.swsNameViewOrientation_Bottom);
//Activate plot
errCode = CWCFf.ActivatePlot();
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Plot is not activated", true);
//Get min/max von Mises stresses from plot
Stress = (object[])CWCFf.GetMinMaxResultValues(out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No stress results", true);
double Stress1 = Convert.ToDouble(Stress[1]);
double Stress3 = Convert.ToDouble(Stress[3]);
if ((Stress1 < 0.95 * VONMin) | (Stress1 > 1.05 * VONMin))
ErrorMsg(swApp, " Minimum von Mises stress % error = " + (((Stress1 - VONMin) / VONMin) * 100), false);
if ((Stress3 < 0.95 * VONMax) | (Stress3 > 1.05 * VONMax))
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Maximum von Mises stress % error = " + (((Stress3 - VONMax) / VONMax) * 100), false);
// Probe stress plot at two locations
CWProbeResultsManager = CWCFf.GetResultsProbeManager(out errCode);
int[] SelNodeElemVariant = { 1033, 924 };
object SelNodeElemWarnings;
errCode = CWProbeResultsManager.BeginProbing();
CWProbeResultsManager.ProbingOption = (int)swsProbePostResultOption_e.swsProbePostResultOption_AtNodeElemNumber;
errCode = CWProbeResultsManager.ShowAnnotationOnSelNodeElems((SelNodeElemVariant), out SelNodeElemWarnings);
if (errCode == 14)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Not all specified nodes or elements are annotated", true);
errCode = CWProbeResultsManager.CaptureProbedResultPlotAsPNGImage("c:\\temp\\", "tutor1-Ready-Image-1");
errCode = CWProbeResultsManager.EndProbing();
//Create strain plot
CWCFf = CWResult.CreatePlot((int)swsPlotResultTypes_e.swsResultStrain, (int)swsStaticResultElementalStrainComponentTypes_e.swsStaticElementalStrain_ESTRN, (int)swsUnit_e.swsUnitEnglish, true, out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Failed to create plot", true);
//Apply left view orientation
errCode = CWCFf.ApplyNameViewOrientation2((int)swsNameViewOrientation_e.swsNameViewOrientation_Left);
//Activate plot
errCode = CWCFf.ActivatePlot();
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Plot is not activated", true);
//Get min/max strains from plot
Strn = (object[])CWCFf.GetMinMaxResultValues(out errCode);
if (errCode != 0)
ErrorMsg(swApp, "No strain results", true);
double Strn1 = Convert.ToDouble(Strn[1]);
double Strn3 = Convert.ToDouble(Strn[3]);
if ((Strn1 < 0.95 * MinStrn) | (Strn1 > 1.05 * MinStrn))
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Minimum strain % error = " + (((Strn1 - MinStrn) / MinStrn) * 100), false);
if ((Strn3 < 0.95 * MaxStrn) | (Strn3 > 1.05 * MaxStrn))
ErrorMsg(swApp, "Maximum strain % error = " + (((Strn3 - MaxStrn) / MaxStrn) * 100), false);
//Run stress hot spot diagnostics
Boolean hotSpotsFound;
object nodeArray;
object elemArray;
errCode = CWResult.RunStressHotSpotDiagnostics(25, true, out hotSpotsFound);
//Create stress hot spot plot and get detected hot spots
if (hotSpotsFound == true) {
errCode = CWResult.GetDetectedHotSpotNodes(out nodeArray);
errCode = CWResult.GetDetectedHotSpotElements(out elemArray);
CWCFf = CWResult.CreateStressHotSpotPlot(true, true, out errCode);
public void ErrorMsg(SldWorks SwApp, string Message, bool EndTest)
SwApp.SendMsgToUser2(Message, 0, 0);
SwApp.RecordLine("'*** WARNING - General");
SwApp.RecordLine("'*** " + Message);
public SldWorks swApp;