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Get and Set Beams and Joints Example (VBA)

This example shows how to get and set beams and joints.

' Preconditions:
' 1. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation as an add-in (in SOLIDWORKS, click
'    Tools > Add-ins > SOLIDWORKS Simulation > OK).
' 2. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation type library as a reference (in the IDE,
'    click Tools > References > SOLIDWORKS Simulation version type library).
' 3. Ensure that the specified part exists.
' 4. Ensure that the specified material library exists.
' 5. Open the Immediate window.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Creates static study, frame.
' 2. Prints beam information to the Immediate window.
' 3. Applies Plain Carbon Steel material to all beams.
' 4. Calculates joints for all beams and displays a neutral axis for
'    each beam.
' 5. Prints the pinball tolerance value and unit to the Immediate window.
' 6. Creates a mixed mesh and prints its type and state to the
'    Immediate window.
' *  Creates beam elements by default for parts with structural members.
' *  Because the part document is used elsewhere, do not save any changes.

Option Explicit

Sub main()

   Dim SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
   Dim COSMOSObject As CosmosWorksLib.CwAddincallback
   Dim ActDoc As CosmosWorksLib.CWModelDoc
   Dim StudyMngr As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudyManager
   Dim Study As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudy
   Dim BeamMgr As CosmosWorksLib.CWBeamManager
   Dim BeamBody As CosmosWorksLib.CWBeamBody
   Dim Joints As CosmosWorksLib.CWJoints
   Dim Mesh As CosmosWorksLib.CWMesh
   Dim nbrBeamBodies As Long
   Dim beamBodyType As Long
   Dim ElementSize As Double
   Dim Tolerance As Double
   Dim errors As Long, warnings As Long
   Dim errCode As Long
   Dim j As Integer
   Dim bApp As Boolean
   Dim keepJointUpdates As Boolean

    If SwApp Is Nothing Then Set SwApp = Application.SldWorks

    Set COSMOSObject = SwApp.GetAddInObject("SldWorks.Simulation")
    If COSMOSObject Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "COSMOSObject object not found"

    If COSMOSWORKS Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "COSMOSWORKS object not found"

    'Open and get the active document
    SwApp.OpenDoc6 "C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2017\tutorial\weldments\weldment_box2.sldprt", swDocPART, swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", errors, warnings

    Set ActDoc = COSMOSWORKS.ActiveDoc()
    If ActDoc Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No active document"

    'Create new static study named frame
    Set StudyMngr = ActDoc.StudyManager()
    If StudyMngr Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "CWStudyManager object not found"

    Set Study = StudyMngr.CreateNewStudy3("frame", swsAnalysisStudyTypeStatic, 0, errCode)
    If Study Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Study not created"

    'Get and set beam info
    Set BeamMgr = Study.BeamManager

    nbrBeamBodies = BeamMgr.BeamCount

    Debug.Print "Beams..."
    Debug.Print "  Number of beams: " & nbrBeamBodies

    Set BeamBody = Nothing

    For j = 0 To (nbrBeamBodies - 1)
        Set BeamBody = BeamMgr.GetBeamBodyAt(j, errCode)
        If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No beam body"
        Debug.Print "    Name of beam body: " & BeamBody.BeamBodyName
        beamBodyType = BeamBody.BeamType
        If beamBodyType = 0 Then
            Debug.Print "      Type of beam body: beam"
            Debug.Print "      Type of beam body: truss"
        End If
        Debug.Print "      Beam cross-section properties:"
        Debug.Print "         Maximum distance from the shear center to the furthest point: " & BeamBody.BeamDistForMaxShearStress
        Debug.Print "         Beam shear:"
        Debug.Print "           Direction 1: " & BeamBody.BeamShearY
        Debug.Print "           Direction 2: " & BeamBody.BeamShearZ
        Debug.Print "         Beam torsional stiffness constant: " & BeamBody.BeamTorsionalConstant
        Debug.Print "           Units of length as defined in swsLinearUnit_e: " & BeamBody.BeamTorsionalConstantUnit
        bApp = BeamBody.SetLibraryMaterial("C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\lang\english\sldmaterials\solidworks materials.sldmat", "Plain Carbon Steel")
        If bApp = False Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No material applied"
        Set BeamBody = Nothing
    Next j

    'Calculate joints
    Set Joints = BeamMgr.GetJointGroup(errCode)

    Debug.Print " "
    Debug.Print "Joints..."

    If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No joint group"

    Joints.IncludeAllSelectedBeam = True
    Joints.IncludeDisplayNeutralAxis = True

    keepJointUpdates = Joints.IncludeKeepModifiedJointOnUpdate

    If (keepJointUpdates = True) Then
       Debug.Print (" Keep joint updates? yes")
       Debug.Print (" Keep joint updates? no")
    End If

    Debug.Print " Overwrite the pinball value: " & Joints.IncludeTreatAsJointForClearanceLessThan
    Debug.Print "  Pinball radius: " & Joints.PinBallRadius * 0.001

    Select Case Joints.PinBallRadiusUnit
        Case 0
            Debug.Print "  Pinball radius unit: mm"
        Case 1
            Debug.Print "  Pinball radius unit: cm"
        Case 2
            Debug.Print "  Pinball radius unit: m"
        Case 3
            Debug.Print "  Pinball radius unit: in"
        Case 4
            Debug.Print "  Pinball radius unit: ft"
        Case 5
            Debug.Print "  Pinball radius unit: ft-in"
        Case 6
            Debug.Print "  Pinball radius unit: am"
        Case 7
            Debug.Print "  Pinball radius unit: nm"
        Case 8
            Debug.Print "  Pinball radius unit: micron"
        Case 9
            Debug.Print "  Pinball radius unit: mil"
        Case 10
            Debug.Print "  Pinball radius unit: MicroIn"
    End Select

    'Mesh the part
    Set Mesh = Study.Mesh
    If Mesh Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No mesh object"

    Mesh.Quality = swsMeshQualityHigh
    Mesh.GetDefaultElementSizeAndTolerance swsLinearUnitMillimeters, ElementSize, Tolerance

    errCode = Study.CreateMesh(swsLinearUnitMillimeters, ElementSize, Tolerance)
    If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Mesh failed"

    Debug.Print " "
    Debug.Print "Mesh..."
    Debug.Print "  Time to create mesh: " & Mesh.TimeToCompleteMesh

    Select Case Mesh.MeshType
        Case 0
            Debug.Print "  Mesh type: solid"
        Case 1
            Debug.Print "  Mesh type: midsurface"
        Case 2
            Debug.Print "  Mesh type: surface"
        Case 3
            Debug.Print "  Mesh type: mixed"
        Case 4
            Debug.Print "  Mesh type: beam"
    End Select

    Debug.Print "  Number of mesh controls: " & Mesh.MeshControlCount

    Select Case Mesh.MeshState
        Case 0
            Debug.Print "  Mesh state: no mesh"
        Case 1
            Debug.Print "  Mesh state: exists and is current"
        Case 2
            Debug.Print "  Mesh state: exists and is not current"
        Case 3
            Debug.Print "  Mesh state: failed"
        Case 4
            Debug.Print "  Mesh state: interrupted"
    End Select

End Sub

Sub ErrorMsg(SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, Message As String)

    SwApp.SendMsgToUser2 Message, 0, 0
    SwApp.RecordLine "'*** WARNING - General"
    SwApp.RecordLine "'*** " & Message
    SwApp.RecordLine ""

End Sub

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