Set Composite Shell Options Example (VBA)
This example shows how to set composite shell options.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation as an add-in (in SOLIDWORKS, click
' Tools > Add-ins > SOLIDWORKS Simulation > OK).
' 2. Add the SOLIDWORKS Simulation type library as a reference (in the IDE,
' click Tools > References > SOLIDWORKS
Simulation version type library).
' 3. Verify that the specified material library exists.
' 4. Verify that the specified model document exists.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Opens the model.
' 2. Activates Ready - 8 plies.
' 3. Sets composite shell options.
' 4. Meshes the model.
' 5. Analyzes the study.
' NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
Dim SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim COSMOSObject As CosmosWorksLib.CWAddinCallBack
Dim ActDoc As CosmosWorksLib.CWModelDoc
Dim StudyMngr As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudyManager
Dim Study As CosmosWorksLib.CWStudy
Dim Shell As CosmosWorksLib.CWShell
Dim Mesh As CosmosWorksLib.CwMesh
Dim StaticOptions As CosmosWorksLib.CWStaticStudyOptions
Dim Part As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim ShellMgr As CosmosWorksLib.CWShellManager
Dim CWShellOptions As CosmosWorksLib.CWCompositeShellOptions
Dim m As Integer
Dim errCode As Long
Dim longstatus As Long, longwarnings As Long
Dim bApp As Boolean
Dim j As Integer
Const MeshEleSize As Double = 1.4769
Const MeshTol As Double = 0.073847
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Set SwApp = Application.SldWorks
Set COSMOSObject =
If COSMOSObject Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Simulation
add-in not loaded"
If COSMOSWORKS Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No COSMOSWORKS
Set Part = SwApp.OpenDoc6("C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2017\Simulation Examples\Composites\tjoint.SLDPRT",
swDocPART, 2, "", longstatus, longwarnings)
If Part Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "Failed to open tjoint.SLDPRT"
Set ActDoc = COSMOSWORKS.ActiveDoc()
If ActDoc Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No active
Set StudyMngr = ActDoc.StudyManager()
If StudyMngr Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No study
StudyMngr.ActiveStudy = 1
Set Study = StudyMngr.GetStudy(1)
Set ShellMgr = Study.ShellManager
If ShellMgr Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No shell
Set Shell = ShellMgr.GetShellAt(0, errCode)
If errCode <> 0 Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No shell"
bApp = Shell.SetLibraryMaterial("C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\lang\english\sldmaterials\solidworks materials.sldmat", "Alloy
Shell.Formulation = 2
Set CWShellOptions =
If CWShellOptions Is Nothing Then ErrorMsg SwApp, "No
composite shell options"
CWShellOptions.Symmetric = 0
CWShellOptions.RotateZeroDegreeReference = 0
CWShellOptions.MappingType = 0
CWShellOptions.Symmetric = 0
CWShellOptions.Sandwich = 0
CWShellOptions.PlyRelativeAngle = 0
CWShellOptions.LengthUnit = 4
CWShellOptions.AllPliesSameMaterial = 1
m = CWShellOptions.GetTotalPlies()
For j = 0 To m - 1
errCode = CWShellOptions.SetPlyParameters2(j
+ 1, 0.1 * (j + 1), 0.05 * j, "solidworks materials", "Cast Stainless Steel")
Next j
Set Mesh = Study.Mesh
Mesh.MesherType = 0
Mesh.Quality = 0
errCode = Study.CreateMesh(0, MeshEleSize, MeshTol)
Set StaticOptions =
StaticOptions.SolverType = 2
'Run analysis
errCode = Study.RunAnalysis
End Sub
Sub ErrorMsg(SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks, Message As String)
SwApp.SendMsgToUser2 Message, 0, 0
SwApp.RecordLine "'*** WARNING - General"
SwApp.RecordLine "'*** " & Message
SwApp.RecordLine ""
End Sub