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Set Tolerances and Compare Geometry Example (VB.NET)

This example shows how to set the tolerances and then compare the volume and geometry of two versions of the same part using the SOLIDWORKS Utilities API.

' Preconditions:
' 1. Add the SOLIDWORKS Utilities as an add-in
'    (in SOLIDWORKS, click Tools > Add-Ins > SOLIDWORKS Utilities).
' 2. Add the SOLIDWORKS Utilities interop assembly as a reference
'    (right-click the project in Project Explorer, click Add Reference >
'    browse to install_dir\api\redist\CLR2 > SolidWorks.Interop.gtswutilities.dll).
' 3. Verify that the specified files exist.
' 4. Verify that C:\test\ exists.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Creates a geometry comparison report, C:\test\Report\gtReportIndex.htm.
' 2. Gets position and angular tolerance statuses.
' 3. Gets face and volume comparison statuses.
' 4. Examine the Immediate window, graphics area, and C:\test\Report\gtReportIndex.htm.
' NOTE: Because the parts are used elsewhere, do not save changes.

Imports SOLIDWORKS.Interop.sldworks

Imports SOLIDWORKS.Interop.swconst

Imports SOLIDWORKS.Interop.gtswutilities

Imports System

Imports System.Diagnostics

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices

Partial Class SOLIDWORKSMacro

    Dim Part As PartDoc

    Sub main()

        Part = swApp.ActiveDoc

        Dim swUtil As gtcocswUtilities

        Dim swUtilCompGeom As gtcocswCompareGeometry

        Dim OUtils As gtcocswUtilOptions

        Dim file1 As String

        Dim file2 As String

        Dim reportname As String

        Dim errorcode As Integer

        Dim posTol As Double

        Dim angTol As Double

        Dim AddToDesignBinder As Boolean

        Dim OverwriteReport As Boolean

        reportname = "C:\test\Report"

        AddToDesignBinder = False

        OverwriteReport = True

        ' Get pointer to SOLIDWORKS Utilities interface

        swUtil = swApp.GetAddInObject("Utilities.UtilitiesApp")

        ' Get pointer to SOLIDWORKS Utilities Compare Geometry tool

        swUtilCompGeom = swUtil.GetToolInterface(gtSwTools_e.gtSwToolGeomDiff, errorcode)

        ' Get SOLIDWORKS Utilities options

        OUtils = swUtil.Options

        posTol = 0.0001 ' Meters

        angTol = 0.000001 ' Radians

        ' Set position tolerance

        errorcode = OUtils.SetPositionTolerance(posTol)

        Debug.Print("Position tolerance is set." & " gtError_e: " & errorcode)

        ' Set angular tolerance

        errorcode = OUtils.SetAngularTolerance(angTol)

        Debug.Print("Angular tolerance is set." & " gtError_e: " & errorcode)


        Dim volDiffStatus As Integer

        Dim faceDiffStatus As Integer

        file1 = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2017\tutorial\swutilities\bracket_a.sldprt"

        file2 = "C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2017\tutorial\swutilities\bracket_b.sldprt"

        ' Compare the geometry of the faces and volumes and save results to a report

        errorcode = swUtilCompGeom.CompareGeometry3(file1, "", file2, "", gtGdfOperationOption_e.gtGdfFaceAndVolumeCompare, gtResultOptions_e.gtResultSaveReport, reportname, AddToDesignBinder, OverwriteReport, volDiffStatus, faceDiffStatus)

        If Not errorcode = gtError_e.gtNOErr Then

            Debug.Print("Error comparing geometries. Inspect gtError_e = " & errorcode & " in the API help.")

        End If

        Call diffStatus("Volume comparison", volDiffStatus)

        Call diffStatus("Face comparison", faceDiffStatus)

        ' Perform any necessary cleanup

        errorcode = swUtilCompGeom.Close()

    End Sub


    Sub diffStatus(ByVal name As String, ByVal diffCode As gtVolDiffStatusOptionType_e)


        Select Case diffCode

            Case gtVolDiffStatusOptionType_e.gtSuccess


            Case gtVolDiffStatusOptionType_e.gtNotPerformed

                Debug.Print("Not performed")

            Case gtVolDiffStatusOptionType_e.gtCanceled


            Case gtVolDiffStatusOptionType_e.gtFailed


            Case gtVolDiffStatusOptionType_e.gtIdenticalParts

                Debug.Print("Identical parts")

            Case gtVolDiffStatusOptionType_e.gtDifferentParts

                Debug.Print("Different parts")

            Case gtVolDiffStatusOptionType_e.gtNoSolidBody

                Debug.Print("No solid body found")

            Case gtVolDiffStatusOptionType_e.gtAlreadySaved

                Debug.Print("Already saved")

        End Select


    End Sub

    Public swApp As SldWorks

End Class

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