Variable Mapping - XML Files (For SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional only)

You can map variables to read and write values found in XML files.

Common Extensions XML
Property Mappings
Block name Attribute name
XML The attribute names are custom defined.

Use the block name XML and the correct element syntax when defining variables.

Use the following guidelines to name the variable attributes:

1 Root element attribute

Syntax: [RootElement]/@[Attribute]

In the example: The attribute mapping File/@Name returns the value 01 Ceilings.

2 Element tag

Syntax: [RootElement]/[Element]/[NestedElement]/@[Attribute]

In the example: The attribute mapping File/Description returns the value Sample.

3 Nested attribute

Syntax: [RootElement]/[Element]

In the example: The attribute mapping File/Region/Cell/@Division returns the value 1.

4 Nested element

Syntax: [RootElement]/[Element]

In the example: The attribute mapping File/Region/Cell/@Division returns the value 1.

5 Multiple element values

Syntax: When multiple elements with the same name are found, use all values (one per row for multiline edit box).

In the example: The attribute mapping File/View/ViewCategory/ContextCategory returns a list of Constructs\Architectural, Constructs\Architectural\Partitions, Constructs\Architectural\Shell, and so on.