To extract and display the length and quantity of weldment components in SOLIDWORKS parts, you use the weldment cut list BOM type.
This BOM type operates with a SOLIDWORKS part data card with a variable mapped to the custom property UNIT_OF_MEASURE, which extracts the value of the BOM quantity property defined for SOLIDWORKS cut list items.
The default versions of the BOM type and data card that are installed with SOLIDWORKS PDM 2009 and later contain this mapping. If you upgrade a vault created in an earlier version of SOLIDWORKS PDM, you can import the default BOM type and data card.
To install the default weldment cut list BOM type, import <install_dir>\Default Data\BOM_WeldmentCutList_<language>.cex.
- To install the default SOLIDWORKS part data card, import <install_dir>\Default Cards\all(sldprt_prt)_<language>.crd.
You can also configure an older SOLIDWORKS part data card to work with the weldment cut list BOM type.
To configure a SOLIDWORKS part data card and create a weldment cut list BOM: