Example: Face Propagation Using Neutral Plane as Type of Draft

Using Neutral Plane as the Type of Draft, you can draft some of the outer faces, all the outer faces, some of the inner faces, all of the inner faces, faces that are tangent, or a combination of both the inner and outer faces. In the PropertyManager, under Faces to Draft, select from the Face Propagation values below.

The Neutral Plane is the plane or face that you choose to determine the pull direction when creating a mold.

The Z axis direction of this chosen plane is the direction in which the part ejects from the mold. Reverse direction changes the direction of the draft, not the direction of the pull. In the example below, Plane 1 is the Neutral Plane, with the arrow indicating the pull direction.

Face Propagation Description Selection in Graphics Area Draft Results
None Only the selected face is drafted. The top face is used as the Neutral Plane in all the examples.
Along Tangent Extend the draft to all faces that are tangent to the selected face. (The faces meet with filleted corners).

The outer faces include any of the faces you select on the base-extrude.

All Faces Draft all faces next to the neutral plane and extruded from the neutral plane.

The inner faces include any faces on the three boss-extrudes.

Inner Faces Draft all inner faces extruded from the neutral plane.
Outer Faces Draft all outer faces next to the neutral plane.