Editing Assembly Structure

In the Assembly Structure Editing dialog box, you can move components from one level to another to reorganize the assembly hierarchy.

The following applies for all components selected for a single operation:
  • The components must be at the same level in one parent assembly.
  • The components must be moved to the same destination assembly.

To modify the assembly structure:

  1. Click Tools > Reorganize Components.
  2. Select the components that you want to move, either in the FeatureManager design tree or in the graphics area.
    In the dialog box, the selected components are listed in Components to move.
  3. Click the Destination assembly box, then click the appropriate assembly icon in the FeatureManager design tree.
    If any components or features will be deleted as a result of the move, the dialog box expands to display a list of the affected items.
  4. Click Move.
    The component icons appear at the end of the component section of the destination assembly.

Dragging Components in the FeatureManager Design Tree

You can reorder and reorganize components by dragging them in the FeatureManager design tree.


You can change the order of the components within a level. By default, assembly components appear in the FeatureManager design tree in the order in which they are added. The same order is used in a bill of materials in a drawing of the assembly. By changing the order in the assembly, you can control the order in the bill of materials.


You can reorganize the hierarchy of the assembly by moving components from one subassembly to another, from a higher level to a subassembly, and from a subassembly to a higher level. You can also click Tools > Reorganize Components and use the Assembly Structure Editing dialog box to reorganize components.

To move components in the FeatureManager design tree:

In the FeatureManager design tree, drag the component you want to move.
You can Ctrl + drag to move multiple components at the same time.
As you move over other components, the pointer changes to indicate what will happen if you drop the component there.
When you drag over a part:
Pointer Action
Places the component just below the part, in the same level of the assembly as that part.

When you drag over a subassembly:
Pointer Action
(Hover over the name of the subassembly.) Places the component inside the subassembly, in the same level as that subassembly's other components.

If any components or features will be deleted as a result of the move, the Assembly Structure Editing dialog box opens and lists the affected items.

(Hover over the icon of the subassembly.) Places the component just below the subassembly, in the same level of the assembly as that subassembly.

If you press Alt while dragging over the name or icon of a subassembly, the component is placed just below the subassembly.