You can independently mark each level of multilevel terminals and set
specific rules for renumbering multilevel marks.
Level definition dialog box
You can set:
Use terminal and level mark (1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2)
Applies the terminalmark.levelmark
numbering format.
Use level marks (1, 2, 3, 4)
Applies a unique mark to each level of multilevel terminals.
To access this dialog box, in the schematic, component tree, or Terminal strip
manager, right-click and click .
Renumber terminal strip terminals dialog box
You can set renumber order options to:
- Vertical or
- Bottom to Top or Top to
To access this dialog box, in the Terminal strip manager, click .
Component properties dialog box
On the Mark and data tab, after you set the levels, you can set
individual component properties to use Automatic,
Manual, or Use level marks.
To access this dialog box, in the schematic, right-click and click or right-click the component tree and click Select