This guide describes installation, licensing, upgrading and administration of SOLIDWORKS products for both individual installations and multiple installations.
Individual Installations |
Deploying Multiple Installations |
Installation Installation
on one or a few computers.
Installation Creation of
an administrative image that is deployed to a number of client computers.
Licensing License
activation, network licensing, or online licensing.
Licensing License
activation, network licensing, or online licensing.
Upgrades Moving
individual computers to a new release.
Upgrades Moving multiple
computers to a new release by updating the administrative image used to install on
those computers.
Administration Modifying,
repairing, and removing installations, upgrading to new releases.
Administration Upgrading
administrative images and clients, and network licensing
SOLIDWORKS Installation Manager enables you to configure settings for SOLIDWORKS
product components, including SOLIDWORKS, SOLIDWORKS Toolbox, PhotoView 360, SOLIDWORKS
SOLIDWORKS SolidNetWork License Manager.
SolidNetWork License Manager supports multiple license clients by distributing licenses to clients on the network. This allows the number of users to exceed the number of licenses by using floating licenses.
You can also enable online licensing using the Admin Portal. As a SOLIDWORKS user, online
licensing gives you the flexibility to use one SOLIDWORKS license across all your devices, in
any location. The SOLIDWORKS Admin Portal is a cloud-based asset and service management system
that lets you assign and manage online licenses. To learn more about online licensing, see the
Admin Portal in the SOLIDWORKS help.