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Run SOLIDWORKS Design Checker Example (VB.NET)

This example shows how to check the active document using the SOLIDWORKS Design Checker API.

' Preconditions:
' 1. Load the SOLIDWORKS Design Checker add-in
'    (in SOLIDWORKS click Tools > Add-ins > SOLIDWORKS Design Checker).
' 2. Create c:\test if needed.
' 3. Ensure that the specified standards file and drawing document exist.
' 4. Reference the SOLIDWORKS Design Checker primary interop assembly
'   (in Project Explorer, right-click the project name, select
'    Add Reference, click the Browse tab, navigate to the
'    install_dir\api\redist\CLR2 folder and
'    select SolidWorks.Interop.dsgnchk.dll).
' 5. In the IDE menu bar select Debug > Windows > Immediate.
' 6. Run this macro.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Design Binder displays in the FeatureManager design tree.
' 2. SOLIDWORKS Design Checker checks the active model document

against the specified standards file and creates a report as follows:
'    a. If lReportFormat is 1 and Microsoft Word is installed,

then c:\test\Food Processor\SWDCReport.doc is created,
'       and lReportformat = 1 is returned.

'    b. If lReportFormat is 1 or 0 and Microsoft Word is not installed,

then c:\test\Food processor\SWDCReport.xml is created.
'       and lReportFormat = 0 is returned.
' 3. Inspect the Immediate Window.


' Because AutoCorrect is false, ResultSummary contains failure counts delimited by '@':


' Critical@High@Medium@Low
' If AutoCorrect is true, then ResultSummary contains both pre- and post-

correction failure counts delimited by '@':

' Critical(pre)@High(pre)@Medium(pre)@Low(pre)@Critical(post)@High(post)@Medium(post)@Low(post)
' NOTE: Because the drawing document is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swconst
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.dsgnchk
Imports System
Imports System.Diagnostics

Partial Class SolidWorksMacro

Sub Main()

Dim swDCAddIn As SWDesignCheck
Dim StandardFileName As String
        Dim ReportFolderName As String
        Dim retValue As Long
        Dim AddtoDesignBinder As Boolean
        Dim OverWriteReport As Boolean
        Dim warnings As Long
        Dim errors As Long
        Dim AutoCorrect As Boolean
        Dim resultSummary As String
        Dim lReportFormat As Long

        ' Get the SOLIDWORKS Design Checker add-in
' Recommended to use the version-specific ProgID for your version of Design Checker
        ' e.g., "SWDesignChecker.SWDesignCheck.yyyy"; See the Remarks section in ISWDesignCheck help

        swDCAddIn = swApp.GetAddInObject("SWDesignChecker.SWDesignCheck")

If swDCAddIn Is Nothing Then
            Debug.Print("No SOLIDWORKS Design Checker add-in.")
Exit Sub
        End If

        ' Show the Design Binder in the FeatureManager design tree
        swApp.SetUserPreferenceIntegerValue(swUserPreferenceIntegerValue_e.swFeatureManagerDesignBinderVisibility, swAutoHideShowResponse_e.swAutoHideShowResponse_Show)

' Open the drawing document to check
        swApp.OpenDoc6("C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2018\samples\tutorial\advdrawings\FoodProcessor.slddrw", swDocumentTypes_e.swDocDRAWING, swOpenDocOptions_e.swOpenDocOptions_Silent, "", errors, warnings)

' Requirements file
        StandardFileName = "C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\dsgnchk\data\ansi.swstd"

        ' Filename for report
        ReportFolderName = "c:\test\Food Processor"

        ' Add report to Design Binder
        AddtoDesignBinder = True

        ' Overwrite any existing report
        OverWriteReport = True

        ' Do not autocorrect all failures
        AutoCorrect = False

        ' Create report in MS Word format
        lReportFormat = 1

        resultSummary =

        ' Run SOLIDWORKS Design Checker on the active drawing document
        retValue = swDCAddIn.RunDesignCheck5(StandardFileName, ReportFolderName, AddtoDesignBinder, OverWriteReport, AutoCorrect, lReportFormat, resultSummary)

Select Case retValue
Case 0
"No errors running this report.")
Case 1
"Report already exists.")
Case 2
"Could not create report directory.")
Case 3
"No active document.")
Case 4
"Standards file does not exist.")
End Select

"SOLIDWORKS Design Checker result summary:")

"SOLIDWORKS Design Checker created report in this format (0=XML, 1=MSWord): " & lReportFormat)

End Sub

    Public swApp As SldWorks

End Class



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