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Creating Menu Commands (C++)

This topic shows how to create an add-in using C++ in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 that adds menu commands to the context-sensitive and Tools menus of vaults in Windows Explorer.

  1. Create an add-in as described in the basic framework sample.

  1. Replace your add-in's implementation of IEdmAddIn5::GetAddInInfo with the following code:

STDMETHOD(GetAddInInfo)(EdmAddInInfo * poInfo, IEdmVault5 * poVault, IEdmCmdMgr5 * poCmdMgr)
  //The AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro is needed for MFC applications but should not
  //be used for applications that are MFC-free.


  if (poInfo == NULL || poCmdMgr == NULL )
    return E_POINTER;

  //Return some information for the Administrate Add-ins dialog box
 poInfo->mbsAddInName = SysAllocString( L"Menu command sample" );
 poInfo->mbsCompany = SysAllocString( L"SOLIDWORKS Corporation" );
  poInfo->mbsDescription= SysAllocString( L"Adds menu items" );
 poInfo->mlAddInVersion = 1;

  //SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional 5.2 or later is required to install this add-in
 poInfo->mlRequiredVersionMajor = 5;
 poInfo->mlRequiredVersionMinor = 2;

  //Add a command for each of the buttons (the command ID numbers 1000 and 1001 are
  //arbitrary; SOLIDWORKS PDM Professional does not use them; instead, it only passes them to your
  //implementation of OnCmd so that it knows which command was selected)
  poCmdMgr->AddCmd( 1000, bstr_t("First command"), EdmMenu_Nothing,

                    bstr_t("This is the first command"),

                    bstr_t("First command"), -1, 0 );

  poCmdMgr->AddCmd( 1001, bstr_t("Second command"), EdmMenu_MustHaveSelection,

                    bstr_t("This is the second command"),

                    bstr_t("Second command"), -1, 0 );

  return S_OK;

The flag EdmMenuFlags.EdmMenu_MustHaveSelection indicates that only the second command is available to the user if the user selects one or more files or folders.

  1. Replace your add-in's implementation of IEdmAdd5::OnCmd with the following code:

    STDMETHOD(OnCmd)(EdmCmd * poCmd, SAFEARRAY * * ppoData)
      //The AFX_MANAGE_STATE macro is needed for MFC applications but should not
      //be used for applications that are MFC-free

      if (poCmd == NULL ||ppoData == NULL)
        return E_POINTER;

      //Check the command ID to see which command was selected
      //(this only affects the caption of the message box below)
      CString oName;
      if( poCmd->mlCmdID = = 1000 )
        oName = "The first command";
        oName = "The second command";

      if( SafeArrayGetDim( *ppoData ) != 1 )
        return E_INVALIDARG;

      //Get a pointer to the actual array elements
      EdmCmdData *poElements = NULL;
      HRESULT hRes = SafeArrayAccessData( *ppoData, (void**)&poElements );
      if( FAILED(hRes) )
        return hRes;

      //Create a message showing the names and IDs of all selected files and folders
      CString oRow;
      CString oMessage = "You have selected the following files and folders:\n";
      int iCount=(*ppoData)->rgsabound->cElements;
      for( int i = 0; i < iCount; ++i )
        if(poElements->mlObjectID1 == 0 )
          oRow.Format( "Folder: (ID= %d) ",poElements->mlObjectID2 );
          oRow.Format( "File: (ID= %d) ",poElements->mlObjectID1 );
        oMessage += oRow + (LPCTSTR)bstr_t(poElements->mbsStrData1 );
        oMessage += "\n";

      //Release the array data and display the message
      SafeArrayUnaccessData( *ppoData );
      MessageBox((HWND)poCmd->mlParentWnd, oMessage, oName, MB_OK );
      return S_OK;

  2. Save and compile the project.

  3. Add the add-in DLL to the file vault using the Administration tool.

  4. The first menu command appears in the context-sensitive and Tools menus of vaults in Windows Explorer. The second menu command appears in the context-sensitive menus only when one or more files or folders are selected. Right-click a file in the vault and select Second command. A dialog similar to the following is displayed:

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