Many programs use a single database which contains all the program data. This is not the case with SOLIDWORKS Electrical. Each project in SOLIDWORKS Electrical is assigned a unique ID number, and every project has a related database that can be identified based on its unique ID number. For example, in the SOLIDWORKS Electrical Project Manager, if you find a project with ID#112, then the associated database is named “tew_project_data_112.”
The reason for having a unique database for each project is that it significantly reduces process time. Also, in the case of a critical database failure, only one project is affected, retaining the integrity of the majority of the program information.
However, some companies have policies that restrict the creation of new databases. To run SOLIDWORKS Electrical, there can be no restrictions on creating new databases by users. Check with the system or database administrator to ensure that no configuration settings prevent users from creating new databases.