Creating the Assembly Sequence

The second step in creating a TolAnalyst study is to define the simplified assembly. A simplified assembly includes, at a minimum, the parts necessary to establish a tolerance chain between the two measurement features. This step also establishes the sequence or order in which you place parts into the simplified assembly, which TolAnalyst replicates when computing the worst case conditions.

Assembly order affects results.

To define the assembly sequence:

  1. Select a Base part .
  2. Add parts to the sequence using either method:
    • Select parts from the graphics area.
    • Select parts under Neighbors and click Add.
    As you select bodies, the display state of each part and neighbors list updates. When the selections are sufficient to establish a tolerance chain between the two measurement features, the message box turns from yellow to green.

  3. Click .
    To delete a part from the sequence, select it under Parts and Sequence and press the Delete key, or right-click and select Delete. All subsequent parts are deleted from the sequence.