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Get DimXpert Tolerance4 Example (VB.NET)

This example shows how to build a part and get attributes for the following DimXpert annotations:

    *  Angle-between dimension tolerance

    *  Chamfer dimension tolerance

    *  Line Profile geometric tolerance

    *  Straightness geometric tolerance


' Preconditions:

' 1. Open public_documents\samples\tutorial\api\plate_tolstatus.sldprt.

' 2. Open the DimXpert toolbar from View > Toolbars.


' Create the chamfer dimension tolerance:

' 1. Click Auto Dimension Scheme on the DimXpert toolbar.

' 2. Ensure that the Chamfer feature filter is selected.

' 3. Click the green arrow to accept the settings.

' 4. Observe ChamferDepth1 and ChamferDepth2 annotations in the DimXpert tree.


' Create angle-between dimension tolerance:

' 1. Click Location Dimension on the DimXpert toolbar.

' 2. Click a face of the part.

' 3. Click a face perpendicular to the face selected in step 2

'    (not the chamfer).

' 4. Click to place the annotation.

' 5. Find the following Dimxpert annotation in the DimXpert tree: AngleBetween1.


' Create line profile and straightness tolerances:

' 1. Click Geometric Tolerance on the DimXpert tool bar.

' 2. In the Geometric Tolerance Properties dialog:

'    a. Select Straightness in Symbol.

'    b. In second row, select Profile of Line in Symbol.

'    c. Type 0.25 in Tolerance 1.

'    d. Click the top face of the part.

'    e. Click to place the annotation.

'    f. Click OK close the Geometric Tolerance Properties dialog.

' 3. In the DimXpertManager tab of the Management Panel, expand Plane7.

' 4. Observe the following Dimxpert annotations: LineProfile1 and Straightness1


' Before running this macro:

' 1. Ensure that the SolidWorks.Interop.swdimxpert.dll interop assembly

'    is loaded (right-click the project in Project Explorer and

'    click Add Reference > .NET tab).

' 2. Ensure that the Microsoft Scripting Runtime library is loaded

'    (right-click the project in Project Explorer and click Add Reference >

'    COM tab).


' Postconditions:

' 1. Writes the output to c:\temp\dimXpertInfo.txt.

' 2. Inspect the Immediate Window.


' NOTE: Because the part is used elsewhere, do not save changes.


Imports SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks

Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swdimxpert

Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swconst

Imports System

Imports System.Diagnostics

Imports Scripting

Partial Class SolidWorksMacro

    Dim strs As New Collection

    Dim boolstatus As Boolean

    Dim dimXpertPart As DimXpertPart

    Dim i As Double

    Dim j As Double

    Dim k As Double

    Sub Main()

        Dim swModelDoc As IModelDoc2

        swModelDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc

        If swModelDoc Is Nothing Then

            Exit Sub

        End If

        Dim fso As New Scripting.FileSystemObject()

        Dim f As Scripting.File

        Dim textStr As Scripting.TextStream

        textStr = fso.CreateTextFile("c:\temp\dimXpertInfo.txt")

        f = fso.GetFile("c:\temp\dimXpertInfo.txt")

        'textStr = f.OpenAsTextStream(2, -2)

        If textStr Is Nothing Then

            Debug.Print("Error creating temp file.")

            Exit Sub

        End If

        Call log("Starting DimXpert log...", textStr)

        Call retrieve_info_text(swApp, textStr)


    End Sub

    Private Sub log(ByVal text As String, ByVal textStr As Scripting.TextStream)



    End Sub

    Private Sub retrieve_info_text(ByVal swapp As SldWorks, ByVal textStr As TextStream)

        Dim dimXpertMgr As SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.DimXpertManager

        dimXpertMgr = swapp.IActiveDoc2.Extension.DimXpertManager(swapp.IActiveDoc2.IGetActiveConfiguration().Name, True)

        Call log("Model: " & swapp.IActiveDoc2.GetPathName, textStr)

        Dim dimXpertPartObj As DimXpertPart

        dimXpertPartObj = dimXpertMgr.DimXpertPart

        dimXpertPart = dimXpertPartObj

        Dim vAnnotations As Object

        vAnnotations = dimXpertPart.GetAnnotations()

        Call log("------------------------", textStr)

        Call log("Annotations...", textStr)

        Call log("------------------------", textStr)

        Dim annotationTemp As DimXpertAnnotation

        Dim annotationIndex As Long

        For annotationIndex = 0 To UBound(vAnnotations)

            annotationTemp = vAnnotations(annotationIndex)

            Dim AnnotationDataText As Collection

            AnnotationDataText = AnnotationData(annotationTemp)

            Dim annotationTextIndex As Long

            For annotationTextIndex = 1 To AnnotationDataText.Count

                Call log(AnnotationDataText(annotationTextIndex), textStr)



    End Sub

    Public Function AnnotationData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertAnnotation) As Collection

        Dim annoType As Long

        'general info

        Call GeneralInfo(annotation)

        annoType = annotation.Type

        If annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDatum Then

            Call DatumData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Position Then

            Call PositionData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_CompositePosition Then

            Call CompositePositionData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Symmetry Then

            Call SymmetryData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Concentricity Then

            Call ConcentricityData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_LineProfile Then

            Call LineProfileData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_CompositeLineProfile Then

            Call CompositeLineProfileData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_SurfaceProfile Then

            Call SurfaceProfileData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_CompositeSurfaceProfile Then

            Call CompositeSurfaceProfileData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Angularity Or annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Parallelism Or annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Perpendicularity Then

            Call OrientationData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_TotalRunout Then

            Call TotalRunoutData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_CircularRunout Then

            Call CircularRunoutData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Flatness Then

            Call FlatnessData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Circularity Then

            Call CircularityData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Cylindricity Then

            Call CylindricityData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Straightness Then

            Call StraightnessData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Tangency Then

            Call TangencyData(annotation)

        Else    ' any of the dimension tolerance types

            Call DimensionToleranceData(annotation)

        End If

        AnnotationData = strs

    End Function

    Private Sub Clear(ByVal strs As Collection)


        If Not strs.Count = 0 Then

            Call Clear(strs)

        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub GeneralInfo(ByVal annotation As DimXpertAnnotation)

        Dim annoType As String

        Dim modelObj As Feature

        If Not strs.Count = 0 Then

            Call Clear(strs)

        End If


        strs.Add("Name: " + annotation.Name)

        annoType = annotationTypeNameFromObject(annotation)

        strs.Add("Type: " + annoType)

        strs.Add("Display Entity: " + DisplayEntity(annotation))

        modelObj = annotation.GetModelFeature()

        If Not (modelObj Is Nothing) Then

            strs.Add("ModelFeature: " + modelObj.Name + " (" + modelObj.GetTypeName2() + ")")

        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub DatumData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertDatum)

        ' the datum letter


        strs.Add("Datum Letter:  " + annotation.Identifier)

    End Sub

    Private Sub PositionData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertPositionTolerance)

        Dim I As Double, J As Double, K As Double

        Dim enabled As Boolean, value As Double

        Dim boolstatus As Boolean


        strs.Add("Position Tolerance Compartment:")

        ' the shape of the tolerance zone

        strs.Add("  Zone Type: " + PositionZoneType(annotation.ZoneType))

        ' the zone vector if the tolerance zone is planar

        If annotation.ZoneType = swDimXpertPositionZoneType_e.swDimXpertPositionZoneType_PlanarPosition Then

            boolstatus = annotation.GetPlanarZoneVector(I, J, K)

            strs.Add("  Direction: " + FormatVector(I, J, K))

        End If

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the material condition modifer applied to feature

        strs.Add("  Modifier: " + mcmStr(annotation.Modifier))

        ' the projected tolerance zone when specified

        boolstatus = annotation.GetProjectedZone(enabled, value)

        Call FormatProjectedZone(enabled, value)

        ' the datum reference frame

        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

    End Sub

    Private Sub CompositePositionData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertCompositePositionTolerance)

        Dim I As Double, J As Double, K As Double

        Dim enabled As Boolean, value As Double

        Dim boolstatus As Boolean


        strs.Add("Composite Position Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the shape of the tolerance zone

        strs.Add("  Zone Type: " + PositionZoneType(annotation.ZoneType))

        ' the zone vector when the zone is planar

        If annotation.ZoneType = swDimXpertPositionZoneType_e.swDimXpertPositionZoneType_PlanarPosition Then

            boolstatus = annotation.GetPlanarZoneVector(I, J, K)

            strs.Add("  Direction: " + FormatVector(I, J, K))

        End If

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the material condition modifer

        strs.Add("  Modifier: " + mcmStr(annotation.Modifier))

        ' the projected tolerance zone when specified

        boolstatus = annotation.GetProjectedZone(enabled, value)

        Call FormatProjectedZone(enabled, value)

        ' the datum reference frame for the pattern location

        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

        ' the datum reference frame for the feature to feature location

        strs.Add("Composite datums:")

        strs.Add("  Repeat Primary: " + IIf(annotation.PrimaryInLowerTier, "True", "False"))

        strs.Add("  Repeat Secondary: " + IIf(annotation.SecondaryInLowerTier, "True", "False"))

        strs.Add("  Repeat Tertiary: " + IIf(annotation.TertiaryInLowerTier, "True", "False"))

    End Sub

    Private Sub SymmetryData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertSymmetryTolerance)

        Dim I As Double, J As Double, K As Double

        Dim boolstatus As Boolean


        strs.Add("Symmetry Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the material condition modifer applied to feature

        strs.Add("  Modifier: " + mcmStr(annotation.Modifier))

        ' the datum reference frame


        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

        ' the direction of the planar zone


        boolstatus = annotation.GetZoneDirection(I, J, K)

        strs.Add("Planar Zone Direction: " + FormatVector(I, J, K))

    End Sub

    Private Sub ConcentricityData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertConcentricityTolerance)


        strs.Add("Concentricity Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the material condition modifer applied to feature

        strs.Add("  Modifier: " + mcmStr(annotation.Modifier))

        ' the datum reference frame

        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

    End Sub

    Private Sub TotalRunoutData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertTolerance)


        strs.Add("Total Runout Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the datum reference frame

        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

    End Sub

    Private Sub CircularRunoutData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertTolerance)


        strs.Add("Ciircular Runout Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the datum reference frame

        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

    End Sub

    Private Sub LineProfileData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertLineProfileTolerance)

        Dim I As Double, J As Double, K As Double

        Dim boolstatus As Boolean


        strs.Add("Line Profile Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the outer (outside material) tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Outer Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.OuterToleranceValue))

        ' the vector normal to the profile zones


        boolstatus = annotation.GetPlanarZoneVector(I, J, K)

        strs.Add("Planar Zone Vector: " + FormatVector(I, J, K))

        ' the datum reference frame

        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

    End Sub

    Private Sub CompositeLineProfileData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertCompositeLineProfileTolerance)


        strs.Add("Composite Line Profile Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the outer (outside material) tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Outer Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.OuterToleranceValue))

        ' the vector normal to the profile zones


        boolstatus = annotation.GetPlanarZoneVector(i, j, k)

        strs.Add("Planar Zone Vector: " + FormatVector(i, j, k))

        ' the datum reference frame

        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

        ' the datum reference frame for the orientation and form

        strs.Add("Composite Datums:")

        strs.Add("  Repeat Primary: " + IIf(annotation.PrimaryInLowerTier, "True", "False"))

        strs.Add("  Repeat Secondary: " + IIf(annotation.SecondaryInLowerTier, "True", "False"))

        strs.Add("  Repeat Tertiary: " + IIf(annotation.TertiaryInLowerTier, "True", "False"))

    End Sub

    Private Sub SurfaceProfileData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertSurfaceProfileTolerance)


        strs.Add("Surface Profile Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the outer (outside material) tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Outer Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.OuterToleranceValue))

        ' the datum reference frame

        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

    End Sub

    Private Sub CompositeSurfaceProfileData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertCompositeSurfaceProfileTolerance)


        strs.Add("Composite Surface Profile Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance Upper Tier: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the outer tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Outer Tolerance Upper Tier: " + FormatDouble(annotation.OuterToleranceValue))

        ' the datum reference frame for the location

        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

        ' the datum reference frame for the orientation and form

        strs.Add("Composite Datums:")

        strs.Add("  Repeat Primary: " + IIf(annotation.PrimaryInLowerTier, "True", "False"))

        strs.Add("  Repeat Secondary: " + IIf(annotation.SecondaryInLowerTier, "True", "False"))

        strs.Add("  Repeat Tertiary: " + IIf(annotation.TertiaryInLowerTier, "True", "False"))

    End Sub

    Private Sub OrientationData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertOrientationTolerance)

        Dim I As Double, J As Double, K As Double

        Dim enabled As Boolean, value As Double

        Dim annoType As Long

        annoType = annotation.Type

        ' the type or orientation tolerance

        If annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Perpendicularity Then

            strs.Add("Orientation Type:  Perpendicularity")

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Parallelism Then

            strs.Add("Orientation Type:  Parallelism")

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Angularity Then

            strs.Add("Orientation Type:  Angularity")

        End If


        strs.Add("Orientation Tolerance Compartment:")

        ' the shape of the tolerance zone

        Select Case annotation.ZoneType

            Case swDimXpertOrientationZoneType_e.swDimXpertOrientationZoneType_Cylindrical

                strs.Add("  Zone Type: Cylindrical")

            Case swDimXpertOrientationZoneType_e.swDimXpertOrientationZoneType_Planar

                strs.Add("  Zone Type: Planar")

                boolstatus = annotation.GetPlanarZoneVector(I, J, K)

                strs.Add("Planar Zone Vector: " + FormatVector(I, J, K))

        End Select

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        'material condition modifer applied to feature

        strs.Add("  Modifier: " + mcmStr(annotation.Modifier))

        ' the projected tolerance zone when specified

        boolstatus = annotation.GetProjectedZone(enabled, value)

        Call FormatProjectedZone(enabled, value)

        ' is tangent plane

        strs.Add("  IsTangentPlane: " + IIf(annotation.IsTangentPlane, "True", "False"))

        ' the datum reference frame

        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

    End Sub

    Private Sub FlatnessData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertFlatnessTolerance)

        Dim enabled As Boolean

        Dim length As Double, width As Double

        Dim I As Double, J As Double, K As Double

        Dim boolstatus As Boolean


        strs.Add("Flatness Tolerance Compartment:")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the per unit area data

        boolstatus = annotation.GetPerUnitArea(enabled, length, width, I, J, K)

        strs.Add("  Per Unit Area: " + IIf(enabled, "True", "False"))

        If enabled Then

            strs.Add("  Per Unit Length: " + FormatDouble(length))

            strs.Add("  Per Unit Width: " + FormatDouble(width))

            strs.Add("  Per Unit Direction: " + FormatVector(I, J, K))

        End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub CircularityData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertTolerance)


        strs.Add("Circularity Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

    End Sub

    Private Sub CylindricityData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertTolerance)


        strs.Add("Cylindricity Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

    End Sub

    Private Sub StraightnessData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertStraightnessTolerance)

        Dim I As Double, J As Double, K As Double

        Dim enabled As Boolean

        Dim dist As Double

        Dim boolstatus As Boolean

        'tolerance compartment info


        strs.Add("Straightness Tolerance Compartment")

        'type or shape of the tolerance zone

        Select Case annotation.ZoneType

            Case swDimXpertStraightnessZoneType_e.swDimXpertStraightnessZoneType_Cylindrical

                strs.Add("  Zone Type: Cylindrical")

            Case swDimXpertStraightnessZoneType_e.swDimXpertStraightnessZoneType_PlanarMedian

                strs.Add("  Zone Type: Planar Median")

            Case swDimXpertStraightnessZoneType_e.swDimXpertStraightnessZoneType_Surface

                strs.Add("  Zone Type: Surface Straightness")

                boolstatus = annotation.GetPlanarZoneVector(I, J, K)

                strs.Add("  Zone Vector: " + FormatVector(I, J, K))

        End Select

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        'per unit length

        boolstatus = annotation.GetPerUnitLength(enabled, dist)

        strs.Add("  Per Unit Length: " + IIf(enabled, "True", "False"))

        If enabled Then

            strs.Add("  Per Unit Length Distance:  " + FormatDouble(dist))

        End If

        ' the material condition modifer

        strs.Add("  Modifier: " + mcmStr(annotation.Modifier))

    End Sub

    Private Sub ProfileData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertTolerance)


        strs.Add("Profile Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

        ' the datum reference frame

        Call DatumsStr(annotation)

    End Sub

    Private Sub SurfaceFinishData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertTolerance)


        strs.Add("Surface Finish Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

    End Sub

    Private Sub TangencyData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertTolerance)


        strs.Add("Tangency Tolerance Compartment")

        ' the tolerance value

        strs.Add("  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(annotation.Tolerance))

    End Sub

    Private Sub DimensionToleranceData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertDimensionTolerance)

        Dim isAngleType As Boolean

        Dim annoType As Long

        Dim upper As Double, lower As Double

        Dim plus As Double, minus As Double

        Dim boolstatus As Boolean

        annoType = annotation.Type

        isAngleType = False


        strs.Add("Dimension Tolerance Compartment")

        If annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_DistanceBetween Then

            Call DistanceBetweenData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_CompositeDistanceBetween Then

            Call CompositeDistanceBetweenData(annotation)

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_CounterBore Then

            If annotation.ReferenceFeature Is Nothing Then

                strs.Add("Reference Feature: NULL")


                strs.Add("Reference Feature: " + annotation.ReferenceFeature.Name)

            End If

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_Depth Then

            If annotation.ReferenceFeature Is Nothing Then

                strs.Add("Reference Feature: NULL")


                strs.Add("Reference Feature: " + annotation.ReferenceFeature.Name)

            End If

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_CounterSinkDiameter Then

            If annotation.ReferenceFeature Is Nothing Then

                strs.Add("Reference Feature: NULL")


                strs.Add("Reference Feature: " + annotation.ReferenceFeature.Name)

            End If

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_ChamferDimension Then

            Dim chamferAnno As IDimXpertChamferDimTol

            chamferAnno = annotation

            Select Case chamferAnno.ChamferType

                Case swDimXpertChamferDimensionType_e.swDimXpertChamferDimensionType_Angle

                    strs.Add("Chamfer Dimension Type: Angle")

                    isAngleType = True

                Case swDimXpertChamferDimensionType_e.swDimXpertChamferDimensionType_LinearDistance1

                    strs.Add("Chamfer Dimension Type: Distance 1")

                Case swDimXpertChamferDimensionType_e.swDimXpertChamferDimensionType_LinearDistance2

                    strs.Add("Chamfer Dimension Type: Distance 2")

            End Select

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_AngleBetween Then

            isAngleType = True

            Dim angleBetweenAnno As IDimXpertAngleBetweenDimTol

            angleBetweenAnno = annotation

            ' the origin and tolerance feature

            strs.Add("Origin Feature: " + angleBetweenAnno.OriginFeature.Name)

            ' is supplement angle

            strs.Add("Supplement Angle: " + IIf(angleBetweenAnno.Supplement, "True", "False"))

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_CounterSinkAngle Then

            isAngleType = True

            If annotation.ReferenceFeature Is Nothing Then

                strs.Add("Reference Feature: NULL")


                strs.Add("Reference Feature: " + annotation.ReferenceFeature.Name)

            End If

        ElseIf annoType = swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_ConeAngle Then

            isAngleType = True

        End If

        ' conversion for radians to degrees when dimension type is angle

        Dim dbl As Double

        If isAngleType Then

            dbl = 57.2957795130823


            dbl = 1.0#

        End If

        ' the nominal, and upper and lower limits of size of the dimension


        strs.Add("Compute Nominal Dimension: " + FormatDouble(annotation.GetNominalValue * dbl))

        boolstatus = annotation.GetUpperAndLowerLimit(upper, lower)

        strs.Add("Get Upper Limit: " + FormatDouble(upper * dbl))

        strs.Add("Get Lower Limit: " + FormatDouble(lower * dbl))

        ' the upper and lower tolerance value by type

        Select Case annotation.DimensionType

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_BlockTolerance

                strs.Add("Dimension Type: Block Tolerance")

                ' block tolerance

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_BlockToleranceNoNominal

                Dim blockTols As DimXpertBlockTolerances

                blockTols = dimXpertPart.GetBlockTolerances

                Select Case blockTols.Type

                    Case swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_e.swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_ASMEInch

                        strs.Add("Dimension Type: Block Tolerance No Nominal")

                        If isAngleType Then

                            strs.Add("Angular Block Tolerance")


                            strs.Add("Block Tolerance Decimal Places: " + Format(annotation.BlockToleranceDecimalPlaces, "##,##0"))

                        End If

                    Case swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_e.swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_ISO2768

                        strs.Add("Dimension Type: General Tolerance")

                End Select

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_ISOLimitsAndFits

                strs.Add("Dimension Type: Limits and Fits")

                ' limits and fits tolerance

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_ISOLimitsAndFitsNoNominal

                strs.Add("Dimension Type: Limits and Fits No Nominal")

                strs.Add("Limits and Fits: " + annotation.LimitsAndFitsCode)

                ' limit dimension

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_LimitDimension

                strs.Add("Dimension Type: Limit Dimension")

                boolstatus = annotation.GetUpperAndLowerLimit(upper, lower)

                strs.Add("Get Upper Limit: " + FormatDouble(upper * dbl))

                strs.Add("Get Lower Limit: " + FormatDouble(lower * dbl))

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_MAXTolerance

                strs.Add("Dimension Type: MAXTolerance")

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_MINTolerance

                strs.Add("Dimension Type: MINTolerance")

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_NoTolerance

                strs.Add("Dimension Type: NoTolerance")

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_PlusMinusDimension

                strs.Add("Dimension Type: Plus Minus Dimension")

                ' plus and minus dimension

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_PlusMinusNoNominal

                strs.Add("Dimension Type: Plus Minus No Nominal")

                boolstatus = annotation.GetPlusAndMinusTolerance(plus, minus)

                strs.Add("Plus  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(plus * dbl))

                strs.Add("Minus Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(minus * dbl))

        End Select

    End Sub

    Private Sub DistanceBetweenData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertDistanceBetweenDimTol)

        Dim feature As DimXpertFeature

        Dim featureFosUsage As Long

        Dim I As Double, J As Double, K As Double

        Dim boolstatus As Boolean

        feature = Nothing

        ' the origin and tolerance feature along with their feature of size usage (min, max, center)

        boolstatus = annotation.GetOriginFeature(feature, featureFosUsage)


        strs.Add("Origin Feature: " + feature.Name + " @ " + FosUsage(featureFosUsage))

        boolstatus = annotation.GetFeature(feature, featureFosUsage)

        strs.Add("Tolerance Feature: " + feature.Name + " @ " + FosUsage(featureFosUsage))

        ' The direction vector

        boolstatus = annotation.GetDirectionVector(I, J, K)


        strs.Add("Direction Vector: " + FormatVector(I, J, K))

    End Sub

    Private Sub CompositeDistanceBetweenData(ByVal annotation As DimXpertCompositeDistanceBetweenDimTol)

        Dim feature As DimXpertFeature

        Dim featureFosUsage As Long

        Dim plus As Double, minus As Double

        Dim I As Double, J As Double, K As Double

        Dim boolstatus As Boolean

        feature = Nothing

        ' the origin and tolerance feature along with their feature of size usage (min, max, center)

        boolstatus = annotation.GetOriginFeature(feature, featureFosUsage)


        strs.Add("Origin Feature: " + feature.Name + " @ " + FosUsage(featureFosUsage))

        boolstatus = annotation.GetFeature(feature, featureFosUsage)

        strs.Add("Tolerance Feature: " + feature.Name + " @ " + FosUsage(featureFosUsage))

        ' the pattern locating feature

        boolstatus = annotation.GetIntraFeature(feature, featureFosUsage)

        strs.Add("Pattern Locating Feature: " + feature.Name + " @ " + FosUsage(featureFosUsage))

        ' The direction vector

        boolstatus = annotation.GetDirectionVector(I, J, K)


        strs.Add("Direction Vector: " + FormatVector(I, J, K))

        ' the upper and lower tolerance value for the pattern location by type

        Dim dimTol As IDimXpertDimensionTolerance

        dimTol = annotation

        Select Case dimTol.DimensionType

            ' plus and minus dimension

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_PlusMinusNoNominal

                dimTol.GetPlusAndMinusTolerance(plus, minus)

                strs.Add("Pattern Locating Dimension Type:  Plus Minus No Nominal")

                strs.Add("  Plus  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(plus))

                strs.Add("  Minus Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(minus))

                ' block tolerance

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_BlockToleranceNoNominal

                Dim blockTols As DimXpertBlockTolerances

                blockTols = dimXpertPart.GetBlockTolerances

                Select Case blockTols.Type

                    Case swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_e.swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_ASMEInch

                        strs.Add("Pattern Locating Dimension Type: Block Tolerance No Nominal")

                        strs.Add("  Block Tolerance Decimal Places: " + Format(annotation.BlockToleranceDecimalPlaces, "##,##0"))

                    Case swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_e.swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_ISO2768

                        strs.Add("Pattern Locating Dimension Type: General Tolerance")

                End Select

        End Select

        ' the upper and lower tolerance value for the feature to feature location by type

        Select Case annotation.DimensionTypeIntraFeature

            ' plus and minus dimension

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_PlusMinusNoNominal

                strs.Add("Feature Locating Dimension Type: Plus Minus No Nominal")

                boolstatus = annotation.GetPlusAndMinusToleranceIntraFeature(plus, minus)

                strs.Add("  Plus  Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(plus))

                strs.Add("  Minus Tolerance: " + FormatDouble(minus))

                ' block tolerance

            Case swDimXpertDimensionToleranceType_e.swDimXpertDimTolType_BlockToleranceNoNominal

                Dim blockTols As DimXpertBlockTolerances

                blockTols = dimXpertPart.GetBlockTolerances

                Select Case blockTols.Type

                    Case swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_e.swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_ASMEInch

                        strs.Add("Feature locating Dimension Type: Block Tolerance No Nominal")

                        strs.Add("  Block Tolerance Decimal Places: " + Format(annotation.BlockToleranceDecimalPlacesIntraFeature, "##,##0"))

                    Case swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_e.swDimXpertBlockToleranceType_ISO2768

                        strs.Add("Feature locating Dimension Type: General Tolerance")

                End Select

        End Select

    End Sub

    Private Sub DatumsStr(ByVal annotation As DimXpertTolerance)



        Call datumStr(annotation.GetPrimaryDatums(), annotation.GetPrimaryDatumModifiers(), "  Primary:")

        Call datumStr(annotation.GetSecondaryDatums(), annotation.GetSecondaryDatumModifiers(), "  Secondary:")

        Call datumStr(annotation.GetTertiaryDatums(), annotation.GetTertiaryDatumModifiers(), "  Tertiary:")

    End Sub

    Private Sub datumStr(ByVal dats As Object, ByVal mods As Object, ByVal datumOrder As String)

        Dim I As Long

        Dim str As String

        Dim mcm As Long

        If IsNothing(dats) Then

            Exit Sub

        End If

        str = ""

        For I = LBound(dats) To UBound(dats)

            mcm = mods(I)

            str = str + "  " + dats(I).Identifier + " @ " + mcmStr(mcm)

        Next I

        If StrComp(str, "") > 0 Then

            strs.Add(datumOrder + str)


            strs.Add(datumOrder + " <none>")

        End If

    End Sub

    ' returns a string containing the heith of the projected tolerance zone

    Private Sub FormatProjectedZone(ByVal enabled As Boolean, ByVal height As Double)

        If enabled = True Then

            strs.Add("  Projected Zone:  True")

            strs.Add("  Zone Height: " + FormatDouble(height))


            strs.Add("  Projected Zone:  False")

        End If

    End Sub

    Private Function mcmStr(ByVal mcm As Long) As String

        Dim str As String

        str = ""

        Select Case mcm

            Case swDimXpertMaterialConditionModifier_e.swDimXpertMCM_LMC

                str = "LMC"

            Case swDimXpertMaterialConditionModifier_e.swDimXpertMCM_MMC

                str = "MMC"

            Case swDimXpertMaterialConditionModifier_e.swDimXpertMCM_NoMCM

                str = "NoMCM"

            Case swDimXpertMaterialConditionModifier_e.swDimXpertMCM_RFS

                str = "RFS"

        End Select

        mcmStr = str

    End Function

    ' returns a string containing the type of position tolerance zone used

    Private Function PositionZoneType(ByVal typ As Long) As String

        Dim str As String

        Select Case typ

            Case swDimXpertPositionZoneType_e.swDimXpertPositionZoneType_CylindricalPosition

                str = "Cylindrical"

            Case swDimXpertPositionZoneType_e.swDimXpertPositionZoneType_PlanarPosition

                str = "Planar"

            Case swDimXpertPositionZoneType_e.swDimXpertPositionZoneType_SphericalPosition

                str = "Spherical"

            Case swDimXpertPositionZoneType_e.swDimXpertPositionZoneType_Boundary

                str = "Boundary"

            Case swDimXpertPositionZoneType_e.swDimXpertPositionZoneType_RadialPositionArc

                str = "RadialPositionArc"

            Case swDimXpertPositionZoneType_e.swDimXpertPositionZoneType_RadialPositionPlanar

                str = "RadialPositionPlanar"

            Case Else

                str = "N/A"

        End Select

        PositionZoneType = str

    End Function

    ' returns a string containing the names of the SW display entities

    Private Function DisplayEntity(ByVal annotation As DimXpertAnnotation) As String

        Dim str As String

        Dim dispEnt As Object

        Dim swAnnot As SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Annotation

        str = ""

        'Set dispEnt = swDimXpert.GetDisplayEntity(annot)

        dispEnt = annotation.GetDisplayEntity()

        If Not dispEnt Is Nothing Then

            If TypeOf dispEnt Is SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks.Annotation Then

                swAnnot = dispEnt

                str = swAnnot.GetName

            End If

        End If

        DisplayEntity = str

    End Function

    ' returns a string containing the feature of size usage (min, max, center)

    Private Function FosUsage(ByVal value As Long) As String

        Dim str As String

        Select Case value

            Case swDimXpertDistanceFosUsage_e.swDimXpertDistanceFosUsage_Center

                str = "Center"

            Case swDimXpertDistanceFosUsage_e.swDimXpertDistanceFosUsage_MaximumSide

                str = "Max"

            Case swDimXpertDistanceFosUsage_e.swDimXpertDistanceFosUsage_MinimumSide

                str = "Min"

            Case Else

                str = "N/A"

        End Select

        FosUsage = str

    End Function

    Private Function FormatVector(ByVal I As Double, ByVal J As Double, ByVal K As Double) As String

        Dim str As String

        str = FormatDouble(I) + ", " + FormatDouble(J) + ", " + FormatDouble(K)

        FormatVector = str

    End Function

    Private Function FormatDouble(ByVal value As Double) As String

        Dim str As String

        str = Format(value, "##,##0.0000")

        FormatDouble = str

    End Function

    Private Function RadiansToDegrees(ByVal value As Double) As String

        Dim str As String

        str = Format((value * 57.2957795130823), "##,##0.00")

        RadiansToDegrees = str

    End Function

    Private Function annotationTypeNameFromObject(ByVal anno As DimXpertAnnotation) As String

        annotationTypeNameFromObject = annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber(anno.Type)

    End Function

    Private Function annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber(ByVal annoTypeIndex As Long) As String

        Select Case annoTypeIndex

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_DistanceBetween

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "DistanceBetween Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_CounterBore

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "CounterBore Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_Depth

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Depth Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_CounterSinkDiameter

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "CounterSinkDiameter Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_ChamferDimension

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "ChamferDimension Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_AngleBetween

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "AngleBetween Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_CounterSinkAngle

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "CounterSinkAngle Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_ConeAngle

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "ConeAngle Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_Diameter

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Diameter Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_Length

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Length Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_Radius

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Radius Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_Width

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Width Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDimTol_CompositeDistanceBetween

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "CompositeDistanceBetween Dim"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertDatum

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Datum"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Position

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Position Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_CompositePosition

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "CompositePosition Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Symmetry

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Symmetry Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Concentricity

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Concentricity Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_LineProfile

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "LineProfile Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_CompositeLineProfile

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "CompositeLineProfile Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_SurfaceProfile

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "SurfaceProfile Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_CompositeSurfaceProfile

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "CompositeSurfaceProfile Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Angularity

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Angularity Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Parallelism

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Parallelism Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Perpendicularity

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Perpendicularity Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_TotalRunout

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "TotalRunout Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_CircularRunout

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "CircularRunout Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Flatness

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Flatness Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Circularity

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Circularity Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Cylindricity

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Cylindricity Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Straightness

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Straightness Tol"

            Case swDimXpertAnnotationType_e.swDimXpertGeoTol_Tangency

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "Tangency Tol"

            Case Else

                annotationTypeNameFromTypeNumber = "<unknown> " & CStr(annoTypeIndex)

        End Select

    End Function

    Public swApp As SldWorks

End Class

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