Creating Delayed In State Notifications

Delayed in State notifications are triggered when a file has been in a state for more than a specified length of time.

You can create a Delayed in State notification for an individual file or for a folder.

To create a Delayed in State notification for a file:

  1. Right-click a file and click Notify > Me when.
  2. In the File Notification dialog box, for Type, select Delayed in State.
  3. On the Notification Properties tab:
    1. Select a Workflow and State.
    2. For Trigger after, specify the number of days the file can remain in the state before the notification is triggered.
    3. For Resend every, specify a resend interval.
  4. In the Notification Editor, click OK.
When the notification is triggered, you receive a message in your Inbox with a link to the document. For Delayed in State notifications, you receive a notification for each file that has been delayed in the state for the specified amount of time.