Create Context-sensitive Menu Items Example (VBA)
This example shows how to create default, command, and object
context-sensitive menu items.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Create a VBA macro in a software product in which VBA is
' embedded.
' 2. Copy and paste this example into the Visual Basic IDE.
' 3. Add a reference to the DraftSight type library,
' install_dir\bin\dsAutomation.dll.
' 4. Start DraftSight and open a document.
' 5. Press F5.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Connects to DraftSight.
' 2. Gets the active document.
' 3. Creates three user commands.
' 4. Adds a default context-sensitive menu item for the first user command.
' 5. Adds a command context-sensitive menu item for the second user command.
' 6. Adds an object context-sensitive menu item for the third user command.
' 7. Displays a message box informing you to perform steps 7a - 7f. Click OK
' to close the message box before performing these steps.
' a. Right-click anywhere in the the graphics area and
' select Execute line command in the context-sensitive menu.
' The crosshair pointer is displayed.
' b. Right-click anywhere in the graphics area and select Open Help
' in the context-sensitive menu. The user-interface DraftSight
' Help system opens and displays the Constructing Lines Help topic.
' c. Read the Help topic and close the Help.
' d. Construct a line and select the line.
' e. Right-click anywhere in the graphics area and
' select Do pattern in the context-sensitive menu.
' A pattern of the selected Line is constructed.
' f. Press the Enter key and exit DraftSight.
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim dsApp As DraftSight.Application
'Connect to DraftSight
Set dsApp = GetObject(, "DraftSight.Application")
'Abort any command currently running in DraftSight
'to avoid nested commands
'Get active document
Dim dsDoc As DraftSight.Document
Set dsDoc = dsApp.GetActiveDocument()
'Create three user commands for the context-sensitive menus
Dim error As Long
Dim lineUserCmd As UserCommand
Dim helpUserCmd As UserCommand
Dim patternUserCmd As UserCommand
Set lineUserCmd = dsApp.CreateUserCommand("APIUUID", "TEST_LINE", "^C^C_LINE" + vbLf, "Line", "", "", dsUIState_e.dsUIState_Document, error)
Set helpUserCmd = dsApp.CreateUserCommand("APIUUID", "TEST_HELP", "'_HELP" + vbLf, "Help", "", "", dsUIState_e.dsUIState_Document, error)
Set patternUserCmd = dsApp.CreateUserCommand("APIUUID", "TEST_PATTERN", "_-PATTERN _L 3 3 5 5" + vbLf + vbLf, "Pattern", "", "", dsUIState_e.dsUIState_Document, error)
Dim menuItemType As Long
menuItemType = dsMenuItemType_e.dsMenuItemType_UserCommand
Dim dsDefaultContextMenuItem As ContextMenuItem
Dim dsCommandContextMenuItem As ContextMenuItem
Dim dsObjectContextMenuItem As ContextMenuItem
'Add default context-sensitive menu item for first user command
Set dsDefaultContextMenuItem = dsApp.AddDefaultContextMenu("APIUUID", menuItemType, "Execute line command", lineUserCmd.GetID)
'Add command context-sensitive menu item for second user command
Set dsCommandContextMenuItem = dsApp.AddCommandContextMenu("APIUUID", menuItemType, "Open Help", helpUserCmd.GetID, "_LINE")
'Add object context-sensitive menu item for third user command
Set dsObjectContextMenuItem = dsApp.AddObjectContextMenu("APIUUID", menuItemType, "Do pattern", patternUserCmd.GetID, dsObjectType_e.dsLineType)
MsgBox "Perform steps 7a - 7f."
End Sub