Create and Remove Dictionaries Example (VBA)
This example shows how to create and release dictionaries.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Create a VBA macro in a software product in which VBA is
' embedded.
' 2. Copy and paste this example into the Visual Basic IDE.
' 3. Add a reference to the DraftSight type library,
' install_dir\bin\dsAutomation.dll.
' 4. Start DraftSight and open a drawing document.
' 5. Run the macro.
' Postconditions:
' 1. Constructs a Circle.
' 2. Gets the root dictionary of the document.
' 3. Gets the existing table-style dictionary of the document.
' 4. Gets the active style in the table-style dictionary and
' prints the style type to the command window.
' 5. Creates a dictionary in the root dictionary called Our_Dict
' and prints the name of the dictionary to the command window.
' 6. Adds an XRecord entry to Out_Dict dictionary and prints
' the name of the XRecord to the command window.
' 7. Creates an extension dictionary for the Circle.
' 8. Adds XRecord entries to the Circle's extension dictionary.
' 9. Reads the XRecord entries in the Circle's extension dictionary
' and prints their data to the command window.
' 10. Removes the XRecord entries from the Circle's extension dictionary.
' 11. Releases and erases the Circle's extension dictionary and prints
' confirmation to the command window.
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim dsApp As DraftSight.Application
Dim dsDoc As DraftSight.Document
'Connect to DraftSight application
Set dsApp = GetObject(, "DraftSight.Application")
' Abort any command currently running in DraftSight to avoid nested commands
If dsApp Is Nothing Then
End If
'Get active document
Set dsDoc = dsApp.GetActiveDocument()
If dsDoc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("There are no open documents in DraftSight.")
End If
'Get command message
Dim dsCmdMsg As DraftSight.CommandMessage
Set dsCmdMsg = dsApp.GetCommandMessage()
'Construct Circle
Dim dsModel As DraftSight.Model
Dim dsSketchMgr As DraftSight.SketchManager
Set dsModel = dsDoc.GetModel()
Set dsSketchMgr = dsModel.GetSketchManager()
Dim dsCircle As DraftSight.Circle
Set dsCircle = dsSketchMgr.InsertCircle(5, 5, 0, 10)
'Get drawing's root dictionary
Dim dsRootDict As DraftSight.Dictionary
Set dsRootDict = dsDoc.GetNamedObjectsDictionary()
' Get an existing dictionary (e.g., each drawing has a table-style dictionary)
Dim hasEntry As Boolean
hasEntry = dsRootDict.hasEntry("ACAD_TABLESTYLE")
If hasEntry Then
Dim entityType As dsObjectType_e
Dim entity As Object
Set entity = dsRootDict.GetEntry("ACAD_TABLESTYLE", entityType)
'Dictionary entries can be of arbitrary entity types
'In this case, the arbitrary entity type should be a dictionary
If entityType = dsObjectType_e.dsDictionaryType Then
Dim dict As DraftSight.Dictionary
Set dict = entity
'Table-style dictionary should contain an active style
Dim dsTblStyleMgr As DraftSight.TableStyleManager
Set dsTblStyleMgr = dsDoc.GetTableStyleManager()
Dim dsActiveTblStyle As DraftSight.TableStyle
Set dsActiveTblStyle = dsTblStyleMgr.GetActiveTableStyle()
Dim activeTblStyleEntryName As String
activeTblStyleEntryName = dict.GetNameOf(dsActiveTblStyle)
dsCmdMsg.PrintLine ("Active table-style entry: " & activeTblStyleEntryName)
End If
End If
'Create a dictionary in root dictionary
Dim dsOurDict As DraftSight.Dictionary
Set dsOurDict = dsRootDict.CreateDictionary("Our_Dict")
'New dictionary is entry in root dictionary
'Check if dictionary has new entry
Dim hasOurDict As Boolean
hasOurDict = dsRootDict.hasEntry("Our_Dict")
If hasOurDict Then
dsCmdMsg.PrintLine ("Our_Dict dictionary added.")
End If
'Add XRecord entry
Dim dsOurXRecord As DraftSight.xRecord
Set dsOurXRecord = dsOurDict.CreateXRecord("Our_XRecord")
'Check if dictionary has new entry
Dim hasOurXRecord As Boolean
hasOurXRecord = dsOurDict.hasEntry("Our_XRecord")
If hasOurXRecord Then
dsCmdMsg.PrintLine ("Our_XRecord XRecord added.")
End If
'XRecords can contain arbitrary data
Dim dataCount As Long
dataCount = dsOurXRecord.GetDataCount()
'Add double data
dsOurXRecord.InsertDoubleData dataCount, 20, 1.42
dataCount = dsOurXRecord.GetDataCount()
'Add string data
dsOurXRecord.InsertStringData dataCount, 3, "XRecordstring data"
'Each entity can have its own extension dictionary
'Create extension dictionary for Circle entity
Dim extDict As DraftSight.Dictionary
Set extDict = dsCircle.CreateExtensionDictionary()
'Add XRecords to Circle's extension dictionary
Dim dsXRecord1 As DraftSight.xRecord
Set dsXRecord1 = extDict.CreateXRecord("XRecord1")
dsXRecord1.InsertStringData 0, 1, "part number"
dsXRecord1.InsertInteger32Data 1, 90, 1
Dim dsXRecord2 As DraftSight.xRecord
Set dsXRecord2 = extDict.CreateXRecord("XRecord2")
dsXRecord2.InsertStringData 0, 1, "Description"
dsXRecord2.InsertStringData 1, 3, "Circle"
'Read entries of Circle's extension dictionary
Dim entitytypes As Variant
Dim entries As Variant
entries = extDict.GetEntries(entitytypes)
Dim dsEntityTypes As Variant
dsEntityTypes = entitytypes
Dim index As Long
Dim i As Long
For index = 0 To UBound(dsEntityTypes)
If dsEntityTypes(index) = dsObjectType_e.dsXRecordType Then
Dim xRecord As DraftSight.xRecord
Set xRecord = entries(index)
If xRecord Is Nothing Then
Exit For
End If
Dim count As Long
count = xRecord.GetDataCount()
For i = 0 To count - 1
Dim dataType As dsCustomDataType_e
dataType = xRecord.GetDataType(i)
If dataType = dsCustomDataType_e.dsCustomDataType_String Then
Dim data As String
data = xRecord.GetStringData(i)
dsCmdMsg.PrintLine ("String data: " & data)
ElseIf dataType = dsCustomDataType_e.dsCustomDataType_Integer32 Then
Dim intData As Long
intData = xRecord.GetInteger32Data(i)
dsCmdMsg.PrintLine ("Int data: " & intData)
End If
End If
'Remove the XRecords in the Circle's extension dictionary
extDict.RemoveEntry ("XRecord1")
extDict.RemoveEntry ("XRecord2")
'Release and erase the Circle's extension dictionary
Dim removed As Boolean
removed = dsCircle.ReleaseExtensionDictionary()
If removed Then
dsCmdMsg.PrintLine ("Circle's extension dictionary released and erased.")
End If
End Sub