Fire Application and Document Events Example (C#)
This example shows how to fire application and document events.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Create a C# Windows console project.
// 2. Copy and paste this example into the C# IDE.
// 3. Add a reference to:
// install_dir\APISDK\tlb\DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation.dll.
// 4. Add references to System and System.Windows.Forms.
// 5. Change the path and name of the image file to insert.
// NOTE: Image must be a PNG file.
// 6. Start DraftSight, create, save, and close a drawing named
// c:\test\circle.dwg.
// 7. Set a break point in the project where the project connects
// to DraftSight.
// 8. Press F10 to step through the project.
// Postconditions: Message boxes pop up for all events,
// regardless if fired. Read the the text in each message box
// before clicking OK to close it.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation;
static class Program
static DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation.Application dsApp = null;
static Document dsDoc = null;
static bool filePreOpenNotify;
static bool filePostOpenNotify;
static bool docDestroyNotify;
static bool fileSavePreNotify;
static bool fileSavePostNotify;
static bool fileModifyNotify;
static string docName = "c:\\test\\circle.dwg";
static string imageFileName = "c:\\test\\note.png";
public static void Main()
//Connect to DraftSight
dsApp = (DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("DraftSight.Application");
dsApp.AbortRunningCommand(); // abort any command currently running in DraftSight to avoid nested commands
//Set up dsApp events
//Open document
filePostOpenNotify = false;
filePreOpenNotify = false;
dsDoc = (Document)dsApp.OpenDocument2(docName, dsDocumentOpenOption_e.dsDocumentOpen_Default, dsEncoding_e.dsEncoding_Default);
if (dsDoc != null)
if (false == filePreOpenNotify)
MessageBox.Show("FileOpenPreNotify event wasn't fired while opening a document.");
if (false == filePostOpenNotify)
MessageBox.Show("FileOpenPostNotify event wasn't fired while opening a document.");
//Set up dsDoc events
//Modify document
//Save document as a different document
//Close documents
//Detach events
//Attach dsApp event handlers
static public void AttachAppEventHandlers()
static public void AttachAppEvents()
dsApp.FileOpenPostNotify += new _IApplicationEvents_FileOpenPostNotifyEventHandler(FileOpenPostNotify);
dsApp.FileOpenPreNotify += new _IApplicationEvents_FileOpenPreNotifyEventHandler(FileOpenPreNotify);
//Attach dsDoc event handlers
static public void AttachDocEventHandlers()
static public void AttachDocEvents()
dsDoc.FileSavePostNotify += new _IDocumentEvents_FileSavePostNotifyEventHandler(FileSavePostNotify);
dsDoc.FileSavePreNotify += new _IDocumentEvents_FileSavePreNotifyEventHandler(FileSavePreNotify);
dsDoc.ModifyNotify += new _IDocumentEvents_ModifyNotifyEventHandler(ModifyNotify);
dsDoc.DestroyNotify += new _IDocumentEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler(DestroyNotify);
//Detach all event handlers
static public void DetachEventHandlers()
dsApp.FileOpenPostNotify -= new _IApplicationEvents_FileOpenPostNotifyEventHandler(FileOpenPostNotify);
dsApp.FileOpenPreNotify -= new _IApplicationEvents_FileOpenPreNotifyEventHandler(FileOpenPreNotify);
dsDoc.FileSavePostNotify -= new _IDocumentEvents_FileSavePostNotifyEventHandler(FileSavePostNotify);
dsDoc.FileSavePreNotify -= new _IDocumentEvents_FileSavePreNotifyEventHandler(FileSavePreNotify);
dsDoc.ModifyNotify -= new _IDocumentEvents_ModifyNotifyEventHandler(ModifyNotify);
dsDoc.DestroyNotify -= new _IDocumentEvents_DestroyNotifyEventHandler(DestroyNotify);
static public void TestFileModifyEvents()
filePreOpenNotify = false;
filePostOpenNotify = false;
ReferenceImage dsPicture = default(ReferenceImage);
Model dsModel = default(Model);
SketchManager dsSketchMgr = default(SketchManager);
if ((dsDoc != null))
//Get model space
dsModel = (Model)dsDoc.GetModel();
if ((dsModel != null))
//Get sketch manager
dsSketchMgr = (SketchManager)dsModel.GetSketchManager();
if ((dsSketchMgr != null))
fileModifyNotify = false;
//insert a picture in the model
dsPicture = (ReferenceImage)dsSketchMgr.InsertPicture(imageFileName, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
if ((dsPicture != null))
//Check if ModifyNotify event is fired
if (false == fileModifyNotify)
MessageBox.Show("ModifyNotify event wasn't fired while inserting a picture in the document.");
MessageBox.Show("ISketchManager::InsertPicture method returns Nothing for the '" + dsDoc.GetPathName() + "' document");
MessageBox.Show("IModel.GetSketchManager method returns Nothing for the '" + dsDoc.GetPathName() + "' document.");
MessageBox.Show("IDocument.GetModel method returns Nothing for the '" + dsDoc.GetPathName() + "' document.");
MessageBox.Show("IApplication.OpenDocument method returns Nothing for the '" + docName + "' document.");
static public void TestFileSaveEvents()
dsDocumentSaveError_e saveError = default(dsDocumentSaveError_e);
string savedDocName = null;
if ((dsDoc != null))
fileSavePreNotify = false;
fileSavePostNotify = false;
//Save document
savedDocName = docName + "_saved.dwg";
dsDoc.SaveAs2(savedDocName, dsDocumentSaveAsOption_e.dsDocumentSaveAs_R2010_DWG, true, out saveError);
if (saveError != dsDocumentSaveError_e.dsDocumentSave_Succeeded)
MessageBox.Show("SaveAs method returns '" + saveError + "' error.");
//Check FileSavePreNotify and FileSavePostNotify events
if (false == fileSavePreNotify)
MessageBox.Show("FileSavePreNotify event wasn't fired after saving the '" + docName + "' document");
if (false == fileSavePostNotify)
MessageBox.Show("FileSavePostNotify event wasn't fired after saving the '" + docName + "' document");
MessageBox.Show("OpenDocument method returns Nothing for the '" + docName + "' document.");
static public void CloseAllDocuments()
object[] dsDocs = null;
int index = 0;
docDestroyNotify = false;
//Get documents
dsDocs = (object[])dsApp.GetDocuments();
if (dsDocs == null)
MessageBox.Show("No open documents.");
for (index = 0; index <= dsDocs.Length - 1; index++)
dsDoc = (Document)dsDocs[index];
dsApp.CloseDocument(dsDoc.GetPathName(), false);
if (false == docDestroyNotify)
MessageBox.Show("DestroyNotify event wasn't fired after closing a document.");
static public void FileOpenPostNotify(Document Document)
filePostOpenNotify = true;
MessageBox.Show("FileOpenPostNotify event was fired while opening a document.");
static public void FileOpenPreNotify(string FileName, dsDocumentOpenOption_e Option)
filePreOpenNotify = true;
MessageBox.Show("FileOpenPreNotify event was fired while opening a document.");
static public void DestroyNotify()
docDestroyNotify = true;
MessageBox.Show("DestroyNotify event was fired after closing a document.");
static public void FileSavePostNotify()
fileSavePostNotify = true;
MessageBox.Show("FileSavePostNotify event was fired while saving a document.");
static public void FileSavePreNotify(string FileName, dsDocumentSaveAsOption_e SaveOption)
fileSavePreNotify = true;
MessageBox.Show("FileSavePreNotify event was fired while saving a document.");
static public void ModifyNotify()
fileModifyNotify = true;
MessageBox.Show("ModifyNotify event was fired while inserting a picture in a document.");