Get and Set Document Settings Example (C#)
This example shows how to get and set document settings.
// 1. Create a C# Windows console project.
// 2. Copy and paste this example into the C# IDE.
// 3. Add a reference to:
// install_dir\APISDK\tlb\DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation.dll.
// 4. Start DraftSight and open a drawing.
// 5. Add references to System and System.Windows.Forms.
// 6. Start debugging the project.
//Postconditions: Message boxes pop up verifying that
//document properties are reset. Read the text in each
//message box before clicking OK to close it.
using System;
using DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
static class Module1
static DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation.Application dsApp;
static Document dsDoc;
static string dsDocName;
public static void Main()
//Connect to DraftSight
dsApp = (DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("DraftSight.Application");
dsApp.AbortRunningCommand(); // abort any command currently running in DraftSight to avoid nested commands
//Get active document
dsDoc = dsApp.GetActiveDocument();
if (dsDoc != null)
//Get and set document settings
MessageBox.Show("There are no open documents in DraftSight.");
public static void GetSetDocSettings(Document dsDoc)
//Set and get dimension scale property of document
//Set and get angle unit expression for document
//Set and get base angle for document
//Set and get length unit expression for document
//Set and get scale unit of the document
//Check if document is active
if (dsDoc.IsActive())
MessageBox.Show(dsDoc.GetPathName() + " document is currently active in DraftSight.");
MessageBox.Show(dsDoc.GetPathName() + " document is not currently active in DraftSight.");
//Check if document is dirty
if (dsDoc.IsDirty())
MessageBox.Show(dsDoc.GetPathName() + " document was modified since opened.");
MessageBox.Show(dsDoc.GetPathName() + " document was not modified since opened.");
public static void TestDimensionScale(Document dsDoc)
double dimScale = 0;
double precision = 0;
precision = 1E-09;
//Set IDocument.DimensionScale property
dimScale = 0.1;
dsDoc.DimensionScale = dimScale;
if (Math.Abs(dimScale - dsDoc.DimensionScale) > precision)
MessageBox.Show("Failed to set dimension scale property of document to " + dimScale);
public static void TestAngleUnitExpression(Document dsDoc)
dsAngleType_e newAngType = default(dsAngleType_e);
dsAngleType_e getAngType = default(dsAngleType_e);
dsUnitPrecision_e newUnitPrecision = default(dsUnitPrecision_e);
dsUnitPrecision_e getUnitPrecision = default(dsUnitPrecision_e);
//Set IDocument.SetAngleUnitExpression for document
newAngType = dsAngleType_e.dsAngleType_Radians;
newUnitPrecision = dsUnitPrecision_e.dsUnitPrecision_8;
dsDoc.SetAngleUnitExpression(newAngType, newUnitPrecision);
//Get IDocument.GetAngleUnitExpression for document
dsDoc.GetAngleUnitExpression(out getAngType, out getUnitPrecision);
if (getAngType == newAngType)
MessageBox.Show("Set angle type property of document to " + newAngType + ".");
if (getUnitPrecision == newUnitPrecision)
MessageBox.Show("Set unit precision property of document to " + newUnitPrecision + ".");
public static void TestBaseAngle(Document dsDoc)
double newBaseAngle = 0;
bool newClockwise = false;
double baseAngle = 0;
bool clockwise = false;
double precision = 0;
precision = 1E-09;
//Set IDocument.SetBaseAngle property for document
newBaseAngle = 0.0;
newClockwise = true;
dsDoc.SetBaseAngle(newBaseAngle, newClockwise);
//Get IDocument.GetBaseAngle for document
dsDoc.GetBaseAngle(out baseAngle, out clockwise);
if (Math.Abs(newBaseAngle - baseAngle) < precision)
MessageBox.Show("Set base angle property of document to " + newBaseAngle + ".");
if (newClockwise == clockwise)
MessageBox.Show("Set clockwise property of document.");
public static void TestLengthUnitExpression(Document dsDoc)
dsLengthType_e newLengthType = default(dsLengthType_e);
dsUnitPrecision_e newUnitPrecision = default(dsUnitPrecision_e);
dsLengthType_e lengthType = default(dsLengthType_e);
dsUnitPrecision_e unitPrecision = default(dsUnitPrecision_e);
//Set IDocument.SetLengthUnitExpression for document
newLengthType = dsLengthType_e.dsLengthType_Engineering;
newUnitPrecision = dsUnitPrecision_e.dsUnitPrecision_5;
dsDoc.SetLengthUnitExpression(newLengthType, newUnitPrecision);
//Get IDocument.GetLengthUnitExpression for document and
//verify if a value is correct
dsDoc.GetLengthUnitExpression(out lengthType, out unitPrecision);
if (newLengthType == lengthType)
MessageBox.Show("Set length type property of document to " + newLengthType + ".");
if (newUnitPrecision == unitPrecision)
MessageBox.Show("Set unit precision property of document to " + newUnitPrecision + ".");
public static void TestScaleUnit(Document dsDoc)
dsScaleUnit_e newScaleUnit = default(dsScaleUnit_e);
dsScaleUnit_e scaleUnit = default(dsScaleUnit_e);
//Set IDocument.ScaleUnit property for document
newScaleUnit = dsScaleUnit_e.dsScaleUnit_Yards;
dsDoc.ScaleUnit = newScaleUnit;
//Get IDocument.ScaleUnit property for document and verify if a value is correct
scaleUnit = dsDoc.ScaleUnit;
if (scaleUnit == newScaleUnit)
MessageBox.Show("Set scale unit property of document to " + newScaleUnit + ".");