Get and Set Document Settings Example (VBA)
This example shows how to get and set document settings.
' 1. Create a VBA macro in a software product in which VBA is
' embedded.
' 2. Copy and paste this example into the Visual Basic IDE.
' 3. Add a reference to the DraftSight type library,
' install_dir\bin\dsAutomation.dll.
' 4. Start DraftSight and open a drawing.
' 5. Run the macro.
'Postconditions: Message boxes pop up verifying that
'document properties are reset. Read the text in each
'message box before clicking OK to close it.
Option Explicit
Sub main()
Dim dsApp As DraftSight.Application
Dim dsDoc As DraftSight.Document
Dim dsDocName As String
'Connect to DraftSight
Set dsApp = GetObject(, "DraftSight.Application")
'Abort any command currently running in DraftSight
'to avoid nested commands
'Get active document
Set dsDoc = dsApp.GetActiveDocument()
If Not dsDoc Is Nothing Then
'Get and set document settings
GetSetDocSettings dsDoc
MsgBox "There are no open documents in DraftSight."
End If
End Sub
Sub GetSetDocSettings(dsDoc As DraftSight.Document)
'Set and get dimension scale property of document
TestDimensionScale dsDoc
'Set and get angle unit expression for document
TestAngleUnitExpression dsDoc
'Set and get base angle for document
TestBaseAngle dsDoc
'Set and get length unit expression for document
TestLengthUnitExpression dsDoc
'Set and get scale unit of the document
TestScaleUnit dsDoc
'Check if document is active
If dsDoc.IsActive Then
MsgBox dsDoc.GetPathName & " document is currently active in DraftSight."
MsgBox dsDoc.GetPathName & " document is not currently active in DraftSight."
End If
'Check if document is dirty
If dsDoc.IsDirty Then
MsgBox dsDoc.GetPathName & " document was modified since opened."
MsgBox dsDoc.GetPathName & " document was not modified since opened."
End If
End Sub
Sub TestDimensionScale(dsDoc As DraftSight.Document)
Dim dimScale As Double
Dim precision As Double
precision = 0.000000001
'Set IDocument.DimensionScale property
dimScale = 0.1
dsDoc.DimensionScale = dimScale
If Abs(dimScale - dsDoc.DimensionScale) > precision Then
MsgBox "Failed to set dimension scale property of document to " & dimScale
End If
End Sub
Sub TestAngleUnitExpression(dsDoc As DraftSight.Document)
Dim newAngType As DraftSight.dsAngleType_e
Dim getAngType As DraftSight.dsAngleType_e
Dim newUnitPrecision As DraftSight.dsUnitPrecision_e
Dim getUnitPrecision As DraftSight.dsUnitPrecision_e
'Set IDocument.SetAngleUnitExpression for document
newAngType = dsAngleType_Radians
newUnitPrecision = dsUnitPrecision_8
dsDoc.SetAngleUnitExpression newAngType, newUnitPrecision
'Get IDocument.GetAngleUnitExpression for document
dsDoc.GetAngleUnitExpression getAngType, getUnitPrecision
If getAngType = newAngType Then
MsgBox "Set angle type property of document to " & newAngType & "."
End If
If getUnitPrecision = newUnitPrecision Then
MsgBox "Set unit precision property of document to " & newUnitPrecision & "."
End If
End Sub
Sub TestBaseAngle(dsDoc As DraftSight.Document)
Dim newBaseAngle As Double
Dim newClockwise As Boolean
Dim baseAngle As Double
Dim clockwise As Boolean
Dim precision As Double
precision = 0.000000001
'Set IDocument.SetBaseAngle property for document
newBaseAngle = 0#
newClockwise = True
dsDoc.SetBaseAngle newBaseAngle, newClockwise
'Get IDocument.GetBaseAngle for document
dsDoc.GetBaseAngle baseAngle, clockwise
If Abs(newBaseAngle - baseAngle) < precision Then
MsgBox "Set base angle property of document to " & newBaseAngle & "."
End If
If newClockwise = clockwise Then
MsgBox "Set clockwise property of document."
End If
End Sub
Sub TestLengthUnitExpression(dsDoc As DraftSight.Document)
Dim newLengthType As DraftSight.dsLengthType_e
Dim newUnitPrecision As DraftSight.dsUnitPrecision_e
Dim lengthType As DraftSight.dsLengthType_e
Dim unitPrecision As DraftSight.dsUnitPrecision_e
'Set IDocument.SetLengthUnitExpression for document
newLengthType = dsLengthType_Engineering
newUnitPrecision = dsUnitPrecision_5
dsDoc.SetLengthUnitExpression newLengthType, newUnitPrecision
'Get IDocument.GetLengthUnitExpression for document and
'verify if a value is correct
dsDoc.GetLengthUnitExpression lengthType, unitPrecision
If newLengthType = lengthType Then
MsgBox "Set length type property of document to " & newLengthType & "."
End If
If newUnitPrecision = unitPrecision Then
MsgBox "Set unit precision property of document to " & newUnitPrecision & "."
End If
End Sub
Sub TestScaleUnit(dsDoc As DraftSight.Document)
Dim newScaleUnit As DraftSight.dsScaleUnit_e
Dim scaleUnit As DraftSight.dsScaleUnit_e
'Set IDocument.ScaleUnit property for document
newScaleUnit = DraftSight.dsScaleUnit_e.dsScaleUnit_Yards
dsDoc.scaleUnit = newScaleUnit
'Get IDocument.ScaleUnit property for document and verify if a value is correct
scaleUnit = dsDoc.scaleUnit
If scaleUnit = newScaleUnit Then
MsgBox "Set scale unit property of document to " & newScaleUnit & "."
End If
End Sub