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 Rotate, Scale, Project, and Mirror a Line Entity Example (C#)

This example shows how to use a math transform to rotate, scale, project, and mirror a Line entity.

// Preconditions:
// 1. Create a C# Windows console project.
// 2. Copy and paste this project into the C# IDE.
// 3. Add a reference to:
//    install_dir\APISDK\tlb\DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation.
// 4. Add references to System and System.Windows.Forms.
// 5. Start DraftSight.
// 6. Run the macro.
// Postconditions:  
// 1. A Line is drawn, rotated, scaled, projected, and
//    mirrored.
// 2. The transformation parameters are printed before each
//    transformation.
// 3. The Line parameters are printed before and after
//    each transformation.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace MathFunctionality
class Program
private static DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation.Application dsApp;

static void Main(string[] args)
//Connect to DraftSight application
            dsApp = ConnectToDraftSight();
if (null == dsApp)

dsApp.AbortRunningCommand(); // abort any command currently running in DraftSight to avoid nested commands

//Get active document
            Document dsDoc = dsApp.GetActiveDocument();
if (null == dsDoc)
MessageBox.Show("There are no open documents in DraftSight.");

//Get math utility
            MathUtility dsMathUtility = dsApp.GetMathUtility();

//Create different transformations
            Dictionary<string, MathTransform> transformations = CreateDifferentTransformations(dsMathUtility);

//Draw a Line
            Line dsLine = DrawLine(dsDoc);

            TransformLine(dsLine, transformations);

private static Dictionary<string, MathTransform> CreateDifferentTransformations(MathUtility dsMathUtility)
Dictionary<string, MathTransform> transformations = new Dictionary<string, MathTransform>();

//Create translation transformation
            MathVector dsTranslationVector = dsMathUtility.CreateVector(2, 3, 0);
MathTransform dsTranslationTransformation = dsMathUtility.CreateTransformTranslation(dsTranslationVector);

"translation", dsTranslationTransformation);

//Create scaling transformation
            MathPoint dsCenterPoint = dsMathUtility.CreatePoint(0, 0, 0);
double scaleFactor = 1.2;
MathTransform dsScalingTransformation = dsMathUtility.CreateTransformScaling(dsCenterPoint, scaleFactor);

"scaling", dsScalingTransformation);

//Create rotation transformation
            MathVector dsRotationAxis = dsMathUtility.CreateVector(0, 0, 1);
double rotationAngle = Math.PI / 4; //45 degrees in radians
            MathTransform dsRotationTransformation = dsMathUtility.CreateTransformRotation(dsCenterPoint, dsRotationAxis,

"rotation", dsRotationTransformation);

//Create mirror transformation about point
            MathPoint dsMirrorPoint = dsMathUtility.CreatePoint(0, 0, 0);
MathTransform dsMirrorAboutPointTransformation = dsMathUtility.CreateTransformMirroringAboutPoint(dsMirrorPoint);

"mirror about point", dsMirrorAboutPointTransformation);

//Create mirror transformation about Line
            MathLine dsMirrorLine = dsMathUtility.CreateLine(0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 0, dsMathLineType_e.dsMathLineType_Bounded);
MathTransform dsMirrorAboutLineTransformation = dsMathUtility.CreateTransformMirroringAboutLine(dsMirrorLine);

"mirror about Line", dsMirrorAboutLineTransformation);

//Create mirror transformation about plane
            MathPlane dsMirrorPlane = dsMathUtility.CreateZXPlane();
MathTransform dsMirrorAboutPlaneTransformation = dsMathUtility.CreateTransformMirroringAboutPlane(dsMirrorPlane);

"mirror about plane", dsMirrorAboutPlaneTransformation);

//Create projection transformation
            MathPlane dsProjectionPlane = dsMathUtility.CreateYZPlane();
MathVector dsProjectionDirection = dsMathUtility.CreateVector(1, 0, 0);
MathTransform dsProjectionTransformation = dsMathUtility.CreateTransformProjection(dsProjectionPlane, dsProjectionDirection);

"projection", dsProjectionTransformation);

return transformations;

private static void TransformLine(Line dsLine, Dictionary<string, MathTransform> transformations)
//Get MathLine property of Line entity
            MathLine dsMathLine = dsLine.MathLine;

//Print mathematical line parameters

//Transform Line using the created transformations
            foreach (KeyValuePair<string, MathTransform> transformationItem in transformations)
//Print transformation parameters
                PrintMathTransformation(transformationItem.Key, transformationItem.Value);

//Transform mathematical line

//Update Line
                dsLine.MathLine = dsMathLine;

MessageBox.Show("The " + transformationItem.Key + " transformation has been applied to a Line.");

//Zoom by window
                double[] lowerLeftCorner = { -10, -10, 0 };
double[] upperRightCorner = { 10, 10, 0 };
dsZoomRange_e.dsZoomRange_Window, lowerLeftCorner, upperRightCorner);

//Print result mathematical line parameters

private static Line DrawLine(Document dsDoc)
//Get model space
            Model dsModel = dsDoc.GetModel();

//Get sketch manager
            SketchManager dsSketchMgr = dsModel.GetSketchManager();

//Draw a Line
            double[] startPoint = { 1, 1, 0 };
double[] endPoint = { 5, 1, 0 };

return dsSketchMgr.InsertLine(startPoint[0], startPoint[1], startPoint[2],
                                          endPoint[0], endPoint[1], endPoint[2]);

private static void PrintMathTransformation(string transformationName, MathTransform dsMathTransformation)
Debug.Print(Environment.NewLine + "The " + transformationName + " transformation:");

int countOfRows = 4;
int countOfColumns = 4;

for (int i = 0; i < countOfRows; ++i)
string rowInformation = "(";

for (int j = 0; j < countOfColumns; ++j)
                    rowInformation += dsMathTransformation.GetElementAt(i, j);

if (j != countOfColumns - 1)
                        rowInformation +=
"  ,  ";

                rowInformation +=


private static void PrintMathLineParameters(MathLine dsMathLine)
Debug.Print(Environment.NewLine + "Mathematical line parameters");

Debug.Print(string.Format("Type = {0};", dsMathLine.GetType().ToString()));

//Get start point
            MathPoint dsPoint = dsMathLine.StartPoint;

double x, y, z;
out x, out y, out z);

Debug.Print(string.Format("StartPoint ({0}, {1}, {2});", x, y, z));

//Get end point
            dsPoint = dsMathLine.EndPoint;

out x, out y, out z);

Debug.Print(string.Format("EndPoint ({0}, {1}, {2});", x, y, z));

//Get direction
            MathVector dsVector;
out dsVector);

out x, out y, out z);

Debug.Print(string.Format("Direction ({0}, {1}, {2});", x, y, z));

Debug.Print(string.Format("Length = {0};", dsMathLine.GetLength().ToString()));

private static DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation.Application ConnectToDraftSight()
Application dsApp = null;

//Connect to DraftSight
                dsApp = (DraftSight.Interop.dsAutomation.Application)Marshal.GetActiveObject("DraftSight.Application");
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("Failed to connect to DraftSight. Cause: " + ex.Message);
                dsApp =

return dsApp;

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