Rotate and Copy Entities Example (VBA)
This example shows how to rotate and copy selected entities.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Create a VBA macro in a software product in which VBA is
' embedded.
' 2. Copy and paste this example into the Visual Basic IDE.
' 3. Add a reference to the DraftSight type library,
' install_dir\bin\dsAutomation.dll.
' 4. Start DraftSight and open a new document.
' 5. Construct these three entities: Circle, Spline, and Ellipse.
' 6. Run the macro.
' Postconditions:
' 1. When the prompt appears in the DraftSight command window,
' select the Circle and Ellipse entities and press
' the Enter key. The selected entities are rotated.
' 2. Execution stops so that you can examine the drawing to
' verify that the selected entities were rotated. Click the
' Continue button in the IDE to continue.
' 3. The selected entities are copied.
Option Explicit
Dim dsApp As DraftSight.Application
Sub main()
'Connect to DraftSight application
Set dsApp = GetObject(, "DraftSight.Application")
'Abort any command currently running in DraftSight
'to avoid nested commands
'Get active document
Dim dsDoc As DraftSight.Document
Set dsDoc = dsApp.GetActiveDocument()
If dsDoc Is Nothing Then
MsgBox ("There are no open documents in DraftSight.")
End If
'Get model space
Dim dsModel As DraftSight.Model
Set dsModel = dsDoc.GetModel()
'Get Sketch Manager
Dim dsSketchMgr As DraftSight.SketchManager
Set dsSketchMgr = dsModel.GetSketchManager()
'Get Selection Manager
Dim dsSelectionMgr As DraftSight.SelectionManager
Set dsSelectionMgr = dsDoc.GetSelectionManager
'Get selection filter
Dim dsSelectionFilter As DraftSight.SelectionFilter
Set dsSelectionFilter = dsSelectionMgr.GetSelectionFilter
'Clear selection filter
'Add Circle and Ellipse entity types to the selection filter
Dim entityType As Variant
Dim entityArray As Variant
entityArray = Array(dsObjectType_e.dsCircleType, dsObjectType_e.dsEllipseArcType)
For Each entityType In entityArray
dsSelectionFilter.AddEntityType (entityType)
'Activate selection filter
dsSelectionFilter.Active = True
'Get command message object
Dim dsCommandMessage As CommandMessage
Set dsCommandMessage = dsApp.GetCommandMessage
'Clear previous selection
dsSelectionMgr.ClearSelections (dsSelectionSetType_Previous)
'Prompt user to select the Circle and the Ellipse
Dim singleSelection As Boolean
singleSelection = False
Dim prompt As String
prompt = "Select the Circle and Ellipse entities"
Dim errorMessage As String
errorMessage = "Unknown entity"
Dim statusSelect As Boolean
statusSelect = dsCommandMessage.PromptForSelection(singleSelection, prompt, errorMessage)
If statusSelect Then
'Get number of selected entities
Dim count As Long
count = dsSelectionMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount(dsSelectionSetType_e.dsSelectionSetType_Previous)
If count <> 2 Then
Debug.Print ("You did not select the two entities. Rerun the macro and try again.")
End If
Dim dsEntityType As dsObjectType_e
Dim dsEntities() As Object
Dim dsEntityTypes() As dsObjectType_e
ReDim dsEntities(count - 1)
ReDim dsEntityTypes(count - 1)
'Get selected entities
Dim index As Long
index = 0
For index = 0 To (count - 1)
Dim selectedEntity As Object
Set selectedEntity = dsSelectionMgr.GetSelectedObject(dsSelectionSetType_Previous, index, dsEntityType)
dsEntityTypes(index) = dsEntityType
Set dsEntities(index) = selectedEntity
'Rotation parameters
Dim pivotPointX As Double
pivotPointX = 0#
Dim pivotPointY As Double
pivotPointY = 0#
Dim rotateAngle As Double
rotateAngle = 3.14159265358979 / 4 ' In radians
'Rotate entities
dsSketchMgr.RotateEntities pivotPointX, pivotPointY, rotateAngle, dsEntityTypes, dsEntities
'Stop execution
'Examine the document
'Click the Continue button in the IDE
'Copy parameters
Dim displacementX As Double
displacementX = 2#
Dim displacementY As Double
displacementY = 2#
Dim displacementZ As Double
displacementZ = 0#
'Copy entities
dsSketchMgr.CopyEntities displacementX, displacementY, displacementZ, dsEntityTypes, dsEntities
End If
End Sub