Create a Thread Feature Example (C#)
This example shows how to create and edit a thread feature.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Open:
// public_documents\samples\tutorial\api\holecube.sldprt
// 2. Open an Immediate window.
// Postconditions:
// 1. Creates Thread1.
// 2. Modifies the start angle and
overrides the pitch of Thread1.
// 3. Inspect the Immediate window.
// NOTE: Because the model is used elsewhere, do not save changes.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace ThreadFeature_CSharp
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel = default(ModelDoc2);
Feature swFeat = default(Feature);
FeatureManager FeatMgr = default(FeatureManager);
ThreadFeatureData swThreadFeatData = default(ThreadFeatureData);
Edge pEdge = default(Edge);
bool boolstatus = false;
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.ActiveDoc;
FeatMgr = swModel.FeatureManager;
//Create and initialize a thread feature data object
swThreadFeatData = (ThreadFeatureData)FeatMgr.CreateDefinition((int)swFeatureNameID_e.swFmSweepThread);
//Specify the thread method type as extrude
swThreadFeatData.ThreadMethod = 1;
//Specify the up-to-selection end conditon
swThreadFeatData.EndCondition = (int)swThreadEndCondition_e.swThreadEndCondition_UpToSelection;
//Select the thread's starting edge
boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByRay(0.011047195612548, -0.0190800402080527, -0.000365739009737354, 0.164466301431523, -0.479983539625146, -0.861723063044243, 0.00160036844432164, 1, false, 1,
pEdge = (Edge)((SelectionMgr)(swModel.SelectionManager)).GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
swThreadFeatData.Edge = pEdge;
//Select the thread's up-to reference
boolstatus = swModel.Extension.SelectByRay(0.00850469161018452, -0.0212858011305457, -0.0254798703094821, 0.164466301431523, -0.479983539625146, -0.861723063044243, 0.00160036844432164, 1, true, 1,
pEdge = (Edge)((SelectionMgr)(swModel.SelectionManager)).GetSelectedObject6(1, -1);
//Create the thread feature
swFeat = FeatMgr.CreateFeature(swThreadFeatData);
Debug.Print("File = " + swModel.GetPathName());
//Access the thread feature data and print its
swThreadFeatData = (ThreadFeatureData)swFeat.GetDefinition();
swThreadFeatData.AccessSelections((ModelDoc)swModel, null);
Debug.Print("Offset the starting location of the helix? " + swThreadFeatData.Offset);
Debug.Print("Reverse direction of offset? " + swThreadFeatData.ReverseOffset);
Debug.Print("Offset distance: " + swThreadFeatData.OffsetDistance);
Debug.Print("Thread starting angle: " + swThreadFeatData.ThreadStartAngle);
Debug.Print("End condition as defined in swThreadEndCondition_e: " + swThreadFeatData.EndCondition);
Debug.Print("End condition offset: " + swThreadFeatData.EndConditionOffset);
Debug.Print("Reverse end condition offset? " + swThreadFeatData.EndConditionOffsetReverse);
Debug.Print("End condition offset distance: " + swThreadFeatData.EndConditionOffsetDistance);
Debug.Print("Keep thread length constant? " + swThreadFeatData.MaintainThreadLength);
Debug.Print("Thread profile type: " + swThreadFeatData.Type);
Debug.Print("Size: " + swThreadFeatData.Size);
Debug.Print("Diameter overridden? " + swThreadFeatData.DiameterOverride);
Debug.Print("Diameter: " + swThreadFeatData.Diameter);
Debug.Print("Pitch overridden? " + swThreadFeatData.PitchOverride);
Debug.Print("Pitch: " + swThreadFeatData.Pitch);
Debug.Print("Thread method as defined in swThreadMethod_e: " + swThreadFeatData.ThreadMethod);
Debug.Print("Flip the profile of the helix about an axis? " + swThreadFeatData.MirrorProfile);
Debug.Print("How to flip the profile of the helix as defined in swThreadMirrorType_e: " + swThreadFeatData.MirrorType);
Debug.Print("Helix rotation angle: " + swThreadFeatData.RotationAngle);
Debug.Print("Thread wind direction (true = clockwise, false = counterclockwise): " + swThreadFeatData.RightHanded);
Debug.Print("Multiple thread starts? " + swThreadFeatData.MultipleStart);
if (swThreadFeatData.MultipleStart == true)
Debug.Print(" Number of starts? " + swThreadFeatData.NumberOfStarts);
Debug.Print("Trim with the end face? " + swThreadFeatData.TrimEndFace);
Debug.Print("Trim with the start face? " + swThreadFeatData.TrimStartFace);
//Change the thread start angle and pitch
swThreadFeatData.ThreadStartAngle = 0.04;
swThreadFeatData.PitchOverride = true;
swThreadFeatData.Pitch = 0.01
//Modify the feature definition
swFeat.ModifyDefinition(swThreadFeatData, swModel, null);
// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
public SldWorks swApp;