Insert Model Annotations Example (C#)
This example shows how to automatically insert a model's dimensions
marked for drawings into a drawing.
// Preconditions:
// 1. Assembly document to open exists.
// 2. Run the macro.
// Postconditions:
// 1. A new drawing document is opened.
// 2. A drawing view of the assembly document is created.
// 3. The dimensions in the assembly document that are marked for drawings,
// including any duplicate dimensions, appear in the drawing view.
// 4. The dimensions in the drawing, which are annotations,
// are selected and marked.
using SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks;
using SolidWorks.Interop.swconst;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System;
namespace SelectAnnotationsCSharp.csproj
public partial class SolidWorksMacro
public void Main()
ModelDoc2 swModel;
ModelDocExtension swModelDocExt;
DrawingDoc swDrawing;
SelectionMgr swSelmgr;
View swView;
object[] annotations;
object selAnnot;
Annotation swAnnotation;
SelectData swSelData;
int mark;
string retval;
bool status;
retval = swApp.GetUserPreferenceStringValue((int)swUserPreferenceStringValue_e.swDefaultTemplateDrawing);
swModel = (ModelDoc2)swApp.NewDocument(retval, 0, 0, 0);
swDrawing = (DrawingDoc)swModel;
swModelDocExt = (ModelDocExtension)swModel.Extension;
swSelmgr = (SelectionMgr)swModel.SelectionManager;
// Create drawing from assembly
swView = (View)swDrawing.CreateDrawViewFromModelView3("C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents\\SOLIDWORKS\\SOLIDWORKS 2018\\samples\\tutorial\\api\\wrench.sldasm", "*Front", 0.1314541543147, 0.1407887187817, 0);
// Select and activate the view
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Drawing View1", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, false, 0, null, 0);
status = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View1");
// Insert the annotations marked for the drawing
annotations = (object[])swDrawing.InsertModelAnnotations3((int)swImportModelItemsSource_e.swImportModelItemsFromEntireModel, (int)swInsertAnnotation_e.swInsertDimensionsMarkedForDrawing, true, false, false, false);
// Select and mark each annotation
swSelData = swSelmgr.CreateSelectData();
mark = 0;
foreach (object annot in annotations)
selAnnot = annot;
swAnnotation = (Annotation)selAnnot;
status = swAnnotation.Select3(true, swSelData);
swSelData.Mark = mark;
mark = mark + 1;
/// <summary>
/// The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
/// </summary>
public SldWorks swApp;