Insert Model Annotations Example (VB.NET)
This example shows how to automatically insert a model's dimensions
marked for drawings into a drawing.
' Preconditions:
' 1. Assembly document to open exists.
' 2. Run the macro.
' Postconditions:
' 1. A new drawing document is opened.
' 2. A drawing view of the assembly document is created.
' 3. The dimensions in the assembly document that are marked for drawings,
' including any duplicate dimensions, appear in the drawing view.
' 4. The dimensions in the drawing, which are annotations,
' are selected and marked.
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.sldworks
Imports SolidWorks.Interop.swconst
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System
Partial Class SolidWorksMacro
Dim swModel As ModelDoc2
Dim swModelDocExt As ModelDocExtension
Dim swDrawing As DrawingDoc
Dim swSelmgr As SelectionMgr
Dim swView As View
Dim annotations As Object
Dim annot As Object
Dim swAnnotation As Annotation
Dim swSelData As SelectData
Dim mark As Integer
Dim retval As String
Dim status As Boolean
Sub main()
retval = swApp.GetUserPreferenceStringValue(swUserPreferenceStringValue_e.swDefaultTemplateDrawing)
swModel = swApp.NewDocument(retval, 0, 0, 0)
swDrawing = swModel
swModelDocExt = swModel.Extension
swSelmgr = swModel.SelectionManager
' Create drawing from assembly
swView = swDrawing.CreateDrawViewFromModelView3("C:\Users\Public\Documents\SOLIDWORKS\SOLIDWORKS 2018\samples\tutorial\api\wrench.sldasm", "*Front", 0.1314541543147, 0.1407887187817, 0)
' Select and activate the view
status = swModelDocExt.SelectByID2("Drawing View1", "DRAWINGVIEW", 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0)
status = swDrawing.ActivateView("Drawing View1")
' Insert the annotations marked for the drawing
annotations = swDrawing.InsertModelAnnotations3(swImportModelItemsSource_e.swImportModelItemsFromEntireModel, swInsertAnnotation_e.swInsertDimensionsMarkedForDrawing, True, False, False, False)
' Select and mark each annotation
swSelData = swSelmgr.CreateSelectData
mark = 0
For Each annot In annotations
swAnnotation = annot
status = swAnnotation.Select3(True, swSelData)
swSelData.Mark = mark
mark = mark + 1
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' The SldWorks swApp variable is pre-assigned for you.
''' </summary>
Public swApp As SldWorks
End Class