Interface | Description |
IAdvancedHoleElementData | Allows access to Advanced Hole element data. |
IAdvancedHoleFeatureData | Allows access to the Advanced Hole feature data. |
IAdvancedSelectionCriteria | Allows access to advanced component selection. |
IAngleMateFeatureData | Allows access to an angle mate or a limit angle mate feature. |
IAnimation |
This interface is:
Use the interfaces related to motion studies introduced in SOLIDWORKS 2008 to access animation and simulation. |
IAnnotation | Allows access to notes, weld symbols, datum tags, display dimensions, blocks, cosmetic threads, center marks, centerlines, and other annotation types. |
IAnnotationView | Allows access to annotation views in parts and assemblies. |
IAppearanceSetting | Allows access to visual property settings. |
IAssemblyDoc | Allows access to functions that perform assembly operations; for example, adding new components, adding mate conditions, hiding, and exploding components. |
IAttribute | Allows access to an attribute's values. |
IAttributeDef | Allows access to an attribute definition. |
IAutoBalloonOptions | Allows access to auto balloon options. |
IBalloonOptions | Allows access to balloon options. |
IBalloonStack | Allows access to the properties that apply to a balloon stack, such as the direction of the stack. |
IBaseFlangeFeatureData | Allows access to a base flange feature. |
IBendsFeatureData | Allows access to a Flatten-Bends/Process-Bends feature. |
IBendTable | Allows access to a bend table feature. |
IBendTableAnnotation | Allows access to a bend table annotation. |
IBlockDefinition | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchBlockDefinition. |
IBlockInstance | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchBlockInstance. |
IBody | Obsolete. Superseded by IBody2. |
IBody2 | Allows access to the faces on a body and the ability to create surfaces for sewing into a body object. |
IBodyFolder | Allows access to the bodies in solid, surface, and various weldment folders. |
IBomFeature | Allows access to the BOM table feature. |
IBomTable | Allows access to BOM table information and values.
IMPORTANT: You can no longer insert IBomTable objects; you can now only insert IBomTableAnnotation objects. IBomTable objects are not and cannot be converted to IBomTableAnnotation objects. Use the IBomTable APIs for legacy BOM tables only. |
IBomTableAnnotation | Allows access to the IBomFeature object for this table annotation. |
IBomTableSortData | Allows access to the sort data of an IBomTableAnnotation. |
IBoundaryBossFeatureData | Allows access to a boundary feature that is a boss or base. |
IBoundingBoxFeatureData | Allows access to a bounding box feature. |
IBreakCornerFeatureData | Allows access to a break corner feature. |
IBreakLine | Allows access to information about a break line in a drawing view. |
IBrokenOutSectionFeatureData | Allows access to the broken-out section feature data of a drawing view. |
IBSurfParamData | Allows access to the parameterization data of a B-spline surface. |
ICallout | Allows add-in applications to manipulate single and multi-row callouts. |
ICalloutAngleVariable | Allows access to an angle variable in a hole callout. |
ICalloutLengthVariable | Allows access to a length variable in a hole callout. |
ICalloutStringVariable | Allows access to a string variable in a hole callout. |
ICalloutVariable | Allows access to a hole callout. |
ICamera | Allows access to the camera feature. |
ICamFollowerMateFeatureData | Allows access to a cam-follower mate feature. |
ICavityFeatureData | Allows access to a cavity feature. |
ICenterLine | Allows access to a centerline. |
ICenterMark | Allows access to a center mark or center mark set in a drawing view. |
ICenterOfMass | Allows access to the centers of mass in a drawing view. |
IChainPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a chain component pattern feature. |
IChamferFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by IChamferFeatureData2. |
IChamferFeatureData2 | Allows access to a chamfer feature. |
ICircularPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a circular pattern feature. |
IClosedCornerFeatureData | Allows access to a closed corner feature. |
ICoEdge | Allows access to the underlying edge and loop as well as various coedge data. |
ICoincidentMateFeatureData | Allows access to a coincident mate feature. |
ICollision | Allows access to collision data. |
ICollisionDetectionGroup | Allows access to collision detection groups. |
ICollisionDetectionManager | Allows access to the collision detection manager. |
IColorTable | Allows access to the color definitions used in SOLIDWORKS. |
ICombineBodiesFeatureData | Allows access to a combine feature. |
ICommandGroup | Allows add-in applications to create toolbars and menu items, including flyout toolbars and submenus, and add them to the ICommandManager. |
ICommandManager | Allows add-in applications to add and remove CommandGroups (menus and toolbars) to the CommandManager. |
ICommandTab | Allows add-in applications to create tabs and add them to the CommandManager. The add-in application must create and clean up its own tabs. |
ICommandTabBox | Allows add-in applications to create CommandManager tab boxes and add them to a CommandManager tab. The add-in application must
create and clean-up its own tab boxes. |
IComment | Allows access to the comments in the Comment folder in the FeatureManager design tree. |
ICommentFolder | Allows access to the Comment folder in the FeatureManager design tree. |
IComponent | Obsolete. Superseded by IComponent2. |
IComponent2 | Allows access to the components within assemblies. |
ICompositeCurveFeatureData | Allows access to a composite curve feature. |
IConcentricMateFeatureData | Allows access to a concentric mate feature. |
IConfiguration | Allows you to manage different part or assembly states. |
IConfigurationManager | Allows access to a configuration in a model. |
IConnectionPointFeatureData | Allows access to a connection point feature. |
ICoordinateSystemFeatureData | Allows access to a coordinate system feature. |
ICoreFeatureData | Allows access to a core feature. |
ICosmeticThreadFeatureData | Allows access to a cosmetic thread feature. |
ICosmeticWeldBeadFeatureData | Allows access to a cosmetic weld bead feature. |
ICosmeticWeldBeadFolder | Allows access to the properties of cosmetic weld beads. |
ICounterboreElementData | Allows access to the data of a counterbore hole element in an Advanced Hole. |
ICountersinkElementData | Allows access to the data of a countersink hole element in an Advanced Hole. |
ICrossBreakFeatureData | Gets or sets cross break feature data. |
ICThread | Allows access to a cosmetic thread. |
ICurve | Allows access to a curve and its parameters in their native form or in terms of b-curve data. |
ICurveDrivenPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a curve-driven pattern feature. |
ICurveParamData | Allows access to curve parameterization data. |
ICustomBendAllowance | Allows access to the custom bend allowance of a feature. |
ICustomPropertyManager | Allows access to the custom properties. |
ICustomSymbol | Obsolete. Superseded by ISketchBlockDefinition and ISketchBlockInstance. |
IDatumOrigin | Allows access to datum origin annotations. |
IDatumTag | Allows access to display information for datum tags. |
IDatumTargetSym | Allows access to display information for datum target symbol annotations. |
IDecal | Allows access to the decals in models. |
IDeleteBodyFeatureData | Allows access to a Body-Delete/Keep feature. |
IDeleteFaceFeatureData | Allows access to a DeleteFace feature. |
IDerivedPartFeatureData | Allows access to a derived part feature. |
IDerivedPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a derived pattern feature. |
IDesignTable | Allows access to design table information and values. |
IDetailCircle | Allows access to a detail circle. |
IDiagnoseResult | Get the gaps and coedges in each gap on this body. |
IDimension | Allows you to get and set dimension values and tolerances. |
IDimensionSensorData | Allows access to a Measurement (dimension) sensor feature. |
IDimensionTolerance | Allows you to get and set dimension tolerances. |
IDimPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a variable pattern feature, which uses a table to store the dimensions and values of the pattern instances. |
IDimXpertManager | Allows you to get the DimXpert schema for a configuration. |
IDisplayData | Allows access to display information for certain items, including reference planes and reference axes shown in a drawing view. |
IDisplayDimension | Represents instances of dimensions displayed in parts, assemblies, drawings and sensors. |
IDisplayStateSetting | Allows access to display state settings. |
IDistanceMateFeatureData | Allows access to a distance mate or a limit distance mate feature. |
IDocumentSpecification | Allows you to specify how to open a model document. Use this interface's properties before calling ISldWorks::OpenDoc7 to specify how you want to open a model document. |
IDomeFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by IDomeFeatureData2. |
IDomeFeatureData2 | Allows access to a dome feature. |
IDowelSymbol | Allows access to a dowel symbol. |
IDraftFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by IDraftFeatureData2. |
IDraftFeatureData2 | Allows access to a draft feature. |
IDragArrowManipulator | Allows access to drag arrows, which are called handles in the SOLIDWORKS user interface. |
IDragOperator | Allows access to settings for the Move Components command in the SOLIDWORKS user-interface. |
IDrawingComponent | Represents the referenced component in a drawing view. |
IDrawingDoc | Allows access to functions that perform drawing operations. |
IDrSection | Allows access to a section view in a drawing. |
IEdge | Allows access to its defining coedge, and adjacent faces, and its underlying curve and vertices as well as edge data. |
IEdgeFlangeFeatureData | Allows access to an edge flange feature. |
IEdgePoint | Allows access to a midpoint on an edge or an endpoint or midpoint on a reference curve. |
IEndCapFeatureData | Allows access to an end-cap feature. |
IEntity | Allows access to an attribute instance that is stored on an entity. |
IEnumBodies | Obsolete. Superseded by IEnumBodies2. |
IEnumBodies2 | Allows access to bodies enumeration. |
IEnumCoEdges | Allows access to a coedges enumeration. |
IEnumComponents | Obsolete. Superseded by IEnumComponents2. |
IEnumComponents2 | Allows access to a components enumeration. |
IEnumDisplayDimensions | Allows access to a display dimensions enumeration. |
IEnumDocuments | Obsolete. Superseded by IEnumDocuments2. |
IEnumDocuments2 | Allows access to a documents enumeration. |
IEnumDrSections | Allows access to a section views enumeration. |
IEnumEdges | Allows access to an edges enumeration. |
IEnumFaces | Obsolete. Superseded by IEnumFaces2. |
IEnumFaces2 | Allows access to a faces enumeration. |
IEnumLoops | Obsolete. Superseded by IEnumLoops2. |
IEnumLoops2 | Allows access to a loops enumeration. |
IEnumModelViews | Allows access to a model views enumeration. |
IEnumSketchHatches | Allows access to a sketch hatches enumeration. |
IEnumSketchPoints | Allows access to a sketch points enumeration. |
IEnumSketchSegments | Allows access to the sketch segments enumeration. |
IEnvironment | Allows you to analyze the text and geometry used to create a geometric tolerance symbol. |
IEquationMgr | Maintains a list of all of the existing equations in a model. |
IExplodeStep | Allows access to an explode step in the explode view of the active assembly configuration. |
IExportPdfData | Allows access to the PDF export data interface, which allows you to save:
- one or more drawing sheets to PDF.
- parts and assemblies to 3D PDF.
IExtrudeFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by IExtrudeFeatureData2. |
IExtrudeFeatureData2 | Allows access to an extrusion feature. |
IFace | Obsolete. Superseded by IFace2. |
IFace2 | Allows access to the underlying edge, loop, and surface to the owning body or feature, and to face tessellation, trim data. |
IFaceDecalProperties | Allow access to the properties of decals applied to faces in models. |
IFaceHatch | Represents a cross-hatch, which is automatically added by SOLIDWORKS when you create a section view, aligned section view, break view, or detail view. |
IFaultEntity | Identifies entities with faults and types of faults. |
IFeatMgrView | Allows access to a view (tab) in the FeatureManager design tree. |
IFeature | Allows access to the feature type, name, parameter data, and the next feature in the FeatureManager design tree. |
IFeatureFolder | Allows access to the contents of feature folders in the FeatureManager design tree. |
IFeatureManager | Allows you to create features. |
IFeatureStatistics | Allows access to the feature statistics in a part document. |
IFillPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a fill pattern feature. |
IFillSurfaceFeatureData | Allows access to a fill-surface feature. |
IFlatPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a Flat-Pattern feature. |
IFlatPatternFolder | Allows access to the flat-pattern folder in the FeatureManager design tree. |
IFlyoutGroup | Allows access to a flyout menu. |
IFoldsFeatureData | Allows access to a fold feature. |
IFrame | Allows access to SOLIDWORKS frames, including model windows, menus, and toolbars. |
IFreePointCurveFeatureData | Allows access to a curve created using X, Y, Z coordinates for the points. |
IGearMateFeatureData | Allows access to gear mate features. |
IGeneralTableAnnotation | Allows access to the general table annotation. |
IGeneralTableFeature | Allows access to the general table feature. |
IGeneralToleranceTableAnnotation | Allows access to the general tolerance table annotation. |
IGeneralToleranceTableFeature | Allows access to the general tolerance table feature. |
IGroundPlaneFeatureData | Allows access to a ground plane feature. |
IGtol | Allows you to get and set geometric tolerance (GTol) parameters. |
IGussetFeatureData | Allows access to a gusset feature. |
IHealEdgesFeatureData | Allows access to a heal edges feature. |
IHelixFeatureData | Allows access to a helix feature. |
IHemFeatureData | Allows access to a hem feature. |
IHingeMateFeatureData | Allows access to a hinge mate feature. |
IHoleDataTable | Allows access to Hole Wizard fastener tables. |
IHoleSeriesFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by IHoleSeriesFeatureData2. |
IHoleSeriesFeatureData2 | Allows access to the data that defines a hole series feature. |
IHoleStandardsData | Allows access to Hole Wizard standards data. |
IHoleTable | Allows access to a hole table feature in a drawing document. |
IHoleTableAnnotation | Accesses the hole table annotation. |
IImportDxfDwgData | Allows you to specify values when importing or inserting DXF/DWG data. |
IImportedCurveFeatureData | Allows access to an imported curve feature. |
IImportIgesData | Allows you to specify levels and values when importing IGES data. |
IImportStepData | Allows you to specify values when importing STEP data. |
IIndentFeatureData | Allows access to an indent feature. |
IInterference | Allows access to the components that interfere when interference detection is calculated. |
IInterferenceDetectionMgr | Allows you to run interference detection on an assembly to determine whether components interfere with each other. |
IIntersectFeatureData | Allows access to an intersect feature. |
IJogFeatureData | Allows access to a jog feature. |
IJoinFeatureData | Allows access to a join feature. |
ILayer | Allows access to the properties and items on a layer, including the color, width, name, etc., used to define the layer. |
ILayerMgr | Allows you to manage a drawing document's layers. |
ILibraryFeatureData | Allows access to library feature data. |
ILight | Allows access to the light feature. |
ILightDialog | Obtained from a LightingDialogCreateNotify event. |
ILinearCouplerMateFeatureData | Allows access to linear/linear coupler mate feature data. |
ILinearPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a linear pattern feature. |
ILocalCircularPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a local circular pattern feature, which is a circular pattern of components in an assembly. |
ILocalCurvePatternFeatureData | Allows access to a local curve-driven pattern, which is a pattern of components based on a curve in an assembly. |
ILocalLinearPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a local linear pattern feature, which is a linear pattern of components in an assembly. |
ILocalSketchPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a local sketch-driven pattern, which is a pattern of components based on a sketch in an assembly. |
ILockMateFeatureData | Allows access to lock mate features. |
ILoftedBendsFeatureData | Allows access to display information for a lofted bends feature. |
ILoftFeatureData | Allows access to a loft feature. |
ILoop | Obsolete. Superseded by ILoop2. |
ILoop2 | Allows access to the owning face and to the list of edges and coedges contained in the loop. |
IMacroFeatureData | Allows access to the data that defines a macro feature. |
IMagneticLine | Allows access to a magnetic line. |
IManipulator | Allows access to a manipulator, which is similar to the triad or the drag arrow (also called a handle), in a SOLIDWORKS part or assembly document. |
IMassProperty | Allows applications to directly access individual mass properties as found in the Mass Properties dialog box. |
IMate | Obsolete. Superseded by IMate2. |
IMate2 | Allows access to various assembly mate parameters. |
IMateEntity | Obsolete. Superseded by IMateEntity2. |
IMateEntity2 | Allows access to mated entities and the assembly mate definition. |
IMateFeatureData | Allows access to mate feature data. |
IMateInPlace | Allows access to an Inplace (coincident) mate, which is created when you insert a component in the context of an assembly. |
IMateLoadReference | Allows access to mate load references. |
IMateReference | Allows access to a mate reference, which specifies one or more entities of a component to use for automatic mating. |
IMaterialVisualPropertiesData | Allows access to a material on a part. |
IMathPoint | Provides a simplified interface for manipulating math-point objects' data and ways to create other math objects. |
IMathTransform | Provides a simplified interface for manipulating transformation matrix data. |
IMathUtility | Provides access to the SOLIDWORKS math objects. These objects can simplify commonly used math calculations used with many API functions. |
IMathVector | Provides a simplified interface for manipulating math vectors. |
IMBD3DPdfData | Gains access to the details for publishing a SOLIDWORKS MBD 3D PDF. |
IMeasure | Allows access to the measure tool. |
IMidSurface | Obsolete. Superseded by IMidSurface3. |
IMidSurface2 | Obsolete. Superseded by IMidSurface3. |
IMidSurface3 | Allows access to a midsurface feature. |
IMirrorPartFeatureData | Allows access to a mirror part feature. |
IMirrorPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a mirror pattern feature. |
IMirrorSolidFeatureData | Allows access to a mirror solid feature. |
IMiterFlangeFeatureData | Allows access to a miter flange feature. |
IModelDoc | Obsolete. Superseded by IModelDoc2. |
IModelDoc2 | Allows access to SOLIDWORKS documents: parts, assemblies, and drawings. |
IModelDocExtension | Allows access to the model. |
IModeler | Provides an interface to temporary body objects. |
IModelView | Allows you access to the model view's orientation, translation, and the Microsoft handle to the window. |
IModelViewManager | Allows access to the model view. |
IModelWindow | Allows access to SOLIDWORKS model windows. |
IMotionPlotAxisFeatureData | Allows access to a plot's x- and y-axis feature data. |
IMotionPlotFeatureData | Allows access to a plot's feature data. |
IMouse | Allows access to the mouse in a model view. |
IMoveCopyBodyFeatureData | Allows access to a move/copy body feature. |
IMoveFaceFeatureData | Allows access to Move Face features. |
IMultiJogLeader | Allows access to display information for multi-jog leaders. |
INote | Allows you to get standard note information. |
IOneBendFeatureData | Allows access to a bend feature (sharp bend, round bend, or flat bend). |
IPackAndGo | Allows access to Pack and Go. |
IPageSetup | Allows access to a number of properties related to printer and page setup, including page header and footer information. |
IParagraphs | Allows access to paragraphs in note annotations. |
IParallelMateFeatureData | Allows access to a parallel mate feature. |
IParameter | Allows you to get and set values in an attribute. |
IPartDoc | Provides access to functions that perform operations on parts in part documents. |
IPartingLineFeatureData | Allows access to a parting line feature. |
IPartingSurfaceFeatureData | Allows access to a parting surface feature. |
IPerpendicularMateFeatureData | Allows access to a perpendicular mate feature. |
IPlaneManipulator | Allows access to a plane that has a manipulator. |
IPMIDatumData | Allows access to the Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) for a datum annotation in a STEP 242 model. |
IPMIDatumFeature | Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) datum feature. |
IPMIDatumTarget | Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) datum target. |
IPMIDimensionData | Allows access to the Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) for a dimension annotation in a STEP 242 model. |
IPMIDimensionItem | Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) dimension item. |
IPMIFrameData | Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Gtol frame. |
IPMIGtolBoxData | Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Gtol tolerance box. |
IPMIGtolData | Allows access to the Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) for a Gtol annotation in a STEP 242 model. |
IPMIGtolFrameDatum | Allows access to a Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) Gtol datum box. |
IPrint3DDialog | Allows access to the Print 3D dialog. |
IPrintSpecification | Allows access to a document's printing specification. |
IProfileCenterMateFeatureData | Allows access to profile center mate feature data. |
IProjectionArrow | Allows access to a projection arrow. |
IProjectionCurveFeatureData | Allows access to a projection curve feature. |
IPropertyManagerPage | Obsolete. Superseded by IPropertyManagerPage2. |
IPropertyManagerPage2 | Provides add-in applications the ability to display and use views that have the look and feel of SOLIDWORKS
PropertyManager pages. |
IPropertyManagerPageActiveX | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page ActiveX control. |
IPropertyManagerPageBitmap | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page bitmap. |
IPropertyManagerPageBitmapButton | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page bitmap button control. |
IPropertyManagerPageButton | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page button control. |
IPropertyManagerPageCheckbox | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page check box. |
IPropertyManagerPageCombobox | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page combo box control. |
IPropertyManagerPageControl | Provides a set of methods and properties common to all PropertyManager page controls. |
IPropertyManagerPageGroup | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page group control. |
IPropertyManagerPageLabel | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page label control. |
IPropertyManagerPageListbox | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page list box control. |
IPropertyManagerPageNumberbox | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page number box control. |
IPropertyManagerPageOption | Allows you to access to a PropertyManager page radio button control. |
IPropertyManagerPageSelectionbox | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page selection box control. |
IPropertyManagerPageSlider | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page slider control. |
IPropertyManagerPageTab | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page tab control. |
IPropertyManagerPageTextbox | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page text box control. |
IPropertyManagerPageWindowFromHandle | Allows you to access a PropertyManager page .NET control. |
IPunchTable | Allows access to punch table information and values. |
IPunchTableAnnotation | Allows access to a punch table annotation. |
IRackPinionMateFeatureData | Allows access to a rack and pinion mate feature. |
IRayTraceRenderer | Allows access to ray-trace rendering engines, such as PhotoView 360. |
IRayTraceRendererOptions | Allows access to a ray-trace rendering engine's options. |
IRefAxis | Allows access to reference axis definitions. |
IRefAxisFeatureData | Allows access to reference axis feature data. |
IReferenceCurve | Allows access to reference curves. |
IReferencePointCurveFeatureData | Allows access to reference-point curve feature data. |
IRefPlane | Allows access to reference plane definitions. |
IRefPlaneFeatureData | Allows access to reference plane feature data. |
IRefPoint | Allows access to reference points. |
IRefPointFeatureData | Allows access to reference point feature data. |
IRenamedDocumentReferences | Allows you to update references to a renamed file in unopened documents. |
IRenderMaterial | Use to apply appearances to models.
NOTE: In SOLIDWORKS 2008 and later, materials are called appearances. RealView Graphics must be enabled to see any applied appearances. |
IReplaceFaceFeatureData | Allows access to Replace Face feature data. |
IRevisionCloud | Allows access to a revision cloud annotation. |
IRevisionTableAnnotation | Accesses the revision table annotation. |
IRevisionTableFeature | Allows access to the revision table feature. |
IRevolveFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by IRevolveFeatureData2. |
IRevolveFeatureData2 | Allows access to a revolve feature. |
IRibFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by IRibFeatureData2. |
IRibFeatureData2 | Allows access to a rib feature. |
IRipFeatureData | Allows access to a rip feature. |
IRoutingSettings | Allows access to various routing settings including those specified in Tools > Options > System Options > Routing. |
IRuledSurfaceFeatureData | Allows access to a ruled-surface feature. |
ISafeArrayUtility | Access the ISafeArrayUtility interface, which can:
- get an unpacked array of native SOLIDWORKS Dispatch-based objects of the same data type and return a packed Variant SafeArray to use in methods that requires passing a packed Variant SafeArray.
- get a packed Variant SafeArray and return an unpacked array of native SOLIDWORKS Dispatch-based objects of the same data type.
- get a Variant SafeArray and return the number of SafeArray objects in the Variant SafeArray and their data type.
- get and put a value in a Variant SafeArray of the same data type.
ISaveBodyFeatureData | Allows access to a Save Bodies feature. |
IScaleFeatureData | Allows access to a scale feature. |
IScrewMateFeatureData | Allows access to a screw mate feature. |
ISectionViewData | Allows you to create and access section views in parts and assemblies. |
ISelectData | Allows you to select objects. |
ISelectionMgr | Allows you to get information about selected objects, obtain API objects representing the selected item, and get your selection coordinates interpreted in model or sketch space. |
ISelectionSet | Allows access to a selection set. |
ISelectionSetFolder | Allows access to the Selection Sets folder. |
ISelectionSetItem | Allows access to a selection set item. |
ISensor | Allows access to a sensor, which can monitor selected properties of parts and assemblies and alert you when the sensor's values deviate from the specified limits. |
ISFSymbol | Allows access to display information for surface finish symbols. |
ISheet | Allows access to a sheet and objects on the sheet such as BOM tables. |
ISheetMetalFeatureData | Allows access to a sheet metal feature. |
ISheetMetalFolder | Allows access to a sheet metal folder feature in the FeatureManager design tree. |
IShellFeatureData | Allows access to a shell feature. |
IShutOffSurfaceFeatureData | Allows access to a shut-off surface feature. |
ISilhouetteEdge | Allows you to access silhouette edges in drawing documents. |
ISimpleFilletFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by ISimpleFilletFeatureData2. |
ISimpleFilletFeatureData2 | Allows access to a simple fillet feature. |
ISimpleHoleFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by ISimpleHoleFeatureData2. |
ISimpleHoleFeatureData2 | Allows access to a simple hole feature. |
ISimulation | This interface is:
Use the interfaces related to motion studies introduced in SOLIDWORKS 2008 to access animation and simulation. |
ISimulation3DContactFeatureData | Allows access to a 3D Contact feature in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies. |
ISimulationDamperFeatureData | Allows access to a damper feature in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies. |
ISimulationForceFeatureData | Allows access to a force or torque feature in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies. |
ISimulationGravityFeatureData | Allows access to a gravity feature in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies. |
ISimulationLinearSpringFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by ISimulationSpringFeatureData. |
ISimulationMotorFeatureData | Allows access to the data that defines linear or rotary motors in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies. |
ISimulationSpringFeatureData | Allows access to the data that defines a simulation spring feature in SOLIDWORKS Motion studies. |
ISketch | Allows access to sketch entities and to extract information about sketch elements, the sketch orientation, and so on. |
ISketchArc | Provides access to properties and methods for sketched arc entities. |
ISketchBlockDefinition | Allows access to information about a block definition. |
ISketchBlockInstance | Allows access to block instances. |
ISketchContour | Provides access to sketch contours. |
ISketchedBendFeatureData | Allows access to a sketched bend feature. |
ISketchEllipse | Provides access to sketched ellipse entities. |
ISketchHatch | Represents an area hatch, which is inserted into a SOLIDWORKS drawing polygon or component face when you click Insert > Annotations > Area Hatch/Fill in a SOLIDWORKS drawing. |
ISketchLine | Provides access to sketched line entities. |
ISketchManager | Provides access to sketch-creation routines. |
ISketchParabola | Provides access to sketched parabolas. |
ISketchPath | Provides access to the methods and properties for paths in sketches. |
ISketchPatternFeatureData | Allows access to a sketch pattern feature in a part. |
ISketchPicture | Provides access to pictures on sketches (i.e., .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .tif, and .wmf). |
ISketchPoint | Provides access to sketch point entities. |
ISketchRegion | Provides access to sketch regions. |
ISketchRelation | Provides access to the entities for a sketch relation. |
ISketchRelationManager | Provides access to all sketch relations. |
ISketchSegment | Provides access to functions that are common among sketch entities. |
ISketchSlot | Accesses a sketch slot. |
ISketchSpline | Provides access to sketched spline entities. |
ISketchText | Provides access to sketched text entities. |
ISldWorks | Provides direct and indirect access to all other interfaces exposed in the SOLIDWORKS API. |
ISlotMateFeatureData | Allows access to a slot mate feature. |
ISmartComponentFeatureData | Allows access to a Smart Component. |
ISMGussetFeatureData | Allows access to a sheet metal gusset feature. |
ISMNormalCutFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by ISMNormalCutFeatureData2. |
ISMNormalCutFeatureData2 | Allows access to a sheet metal normal cut feature. |
ISMNormalCutGroupData | Allows access to a sheet metal normal cut feature's cut-extrude face group. |
ISnapShot | Allows access to the snapshot of the graphics area of an assembly opened in Large Design Review mode. |
ISplineHandle | Provides access to spline handles. |
ISplineParamData | Allows access to the parameterization data of a spline. |
ISplitBodyFeatureData | Allows access to a Split feature. |
ISplitLineFeatureData | Allows access to a split line feature. |
ISpring | Allows access to the geometry of a spring. |
IStackedBalloonOptions | Allows access to stacked balloon options. |
IStatusBarPane | Controls user-created status bar panes in the lower-right corner of the SOLIDWORKS status bar. |
IStraightElementData | Allows access to the data of a simple hole element in an Advanced Hole. |
IStraightTapElementData | Allows access to the data of a straight tap hole element in an Advanced Hole. |
IStructuralMemberFeatureData | Allows access to a structural member. |
IStructuralMemberGroup | Allows access to a weldment structural-member group. |
ISurface | Used as the underlying definition of a face. |
ISurfaceCutFeatureData | Allows access to a surface-cut feature. |
ISurfaceExtendFeatureData | Allows access to a surface-extend feature. |
ISurfaceFlattenFeatureData | Allows access to a surface-flatten feature. |
ISurfaceKnitFeatureData | Allows access to a Surface-Knit feature. |
ISurfaceOffsetFeatureData | Allows access to a surface offset feature. |
ISurfaceParameterizationData | Allows access to the parameterization data of a surface. |
ISurfacePlanarFeatureData | Allows access to a planar surface feature. |
ISurfaceRadiateFeatureData | Allows access to a surface radiate feature. |
ISurfaceTrimFeatureData | Allows access to a surface trim feature. |
ISurfExtrudeFeatureData | Allows access to an extruded surface feature. |
ISurfRevolveFeatureData | Allows access to a surface revolve feature. |
ISweepFeatureData | Allows access to a sweep feature. |
ISwOLEObject | Allows access to an OLE object. |
ISWPropertySheet | Allows applications to add pages to certain property sheets that are exported by the SOLIDWORKS application. |
ISwScene | Allows access to the scene of a model. |
ISymmetricMateFeatureData | Allows access to symmetry mate feature data. |
ITabAndSlotFeatureData | Allows access to a tab and slot feature. |
ITabAndSlotGroupData | Allows access to a tab and slot feature group. |
ITableAnchor | Allows access to the data that defines a table anchor feature. |
ITableAnnotation | Provides access to table annotations. |
ITablePatternFeatureData | Allows access to a table-driven pattern feature. |
ITangentMateFeatureData | Allows access to a tangent mate feature. |
ITaperedTapElementData | Allows access to the data of a tapered tap hole element in an Advanced Hole. |
ITaskpaneView | Provides access to an application-level Task Pane. |
ITessellation | Used to gather tessellation information from a SOLIDWORKS body. |
ITextAndCustomProperty | Gains access to the text and custom properties in a theme of a SOLIDWORKS MBD 3D PDF. |
ITextFormat | Allows access to and control of the formatting of text used in annotations. |
ITexture | Use to apply 2D textures to part and assembly documents for a more realistic finish. |
IThickenFeatureData | Allows access to a thicken feature. |
IThreadFeatureData | Allows access to a thread feature. |
ITitleBlock | Allows access to the title block in this sheet. |
ITitleBlockTableAnnotation | Provides access to title block table annotations. |
ITitleBlockTableFeature | Provides access to title block table features. |
IToolingSplitFeatureData | Allows access to a tooling-split feature. |
ITreeControlItem | Allows you to traverse items in the FeatureManager design tree exactly as they appear in the FeatureManager design tree. |
ITriadManipulator | Allows access to triad manipulators, which are:
- Similar to the SOLIDWORKS triad.
- Used to move and rotate assembly components, move/copy bodies, and so on.
IUniversalJointMateFeatureData | Allows access to a universal joint mate feature. |
IUserProgressBar | Allows access to a progress indicator that indicates how much longer a SOLIDWORKS operation will take. |
IUserUnit | Allows you to manage units. |
IVariableFilletFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by IVariableFilletFeatureData2. |
IVariableFilletFeatureData2 | Allows access to a variable radius fillet feature. |
IVertex | Represents the start or end of an edge. |
IView | Represents drawing views found in a drawing document. |
IView3D | Allows access to a 3D View of a part or assembly. |
IWeldBead | Allows access to weld bead annotations. |
IWeldmentBeadFeatureData | Allows access to a weldment bead feature. |
IWeldmentCutListAnnotation | Allows access to the annotations in a weldment cut list table. |
IWeldmentCutListFeature | Allows access to a weldment cut list feature. |
IWeldmentTrimExtendFeatureData | Allows access to the data that defines a weldment trim extend feature. |
IWeldSymbol | Allows access to weld symbols. |
IWidthMateFeatureData | Allows access to width mate feature data. |
IWizardHoleFeatureData | Obsolete. Superseded by IWizardHoleFeatureData2. |
IWizardHoleFeatureData2 | Allows access to Hole Wizard hole or slot feature data. |
IWrapSketchFeatureData | Allows access to a wrap feature. |