Setting Z-Plane and Thickness
Use the ZPlane command to set the elevation plane and thickness for new drawing entities:
- ZPlane: Specifies the Z-coordinate for new entities in the current coordinate system when you enter XY-values for points. Usually, nonzero elevations act as temporary construction planes.
- Thickness: Gives drawing entities height which makes them appear as 3D surfaces. Thickness is the distance the entity extrudes above or below its base elevation. A positive value extrudes upward. A negative value extrudes downward. A value of 0 applies no thickness.
You can apply thickness to these drawing entities:
- Lines
- Arcs
- Circles
- PolyLines
- 2D Solids
- Traces
- Text
You cannot apply thickness to these entities:
- Hatches
- Dimensions
- Ellipses
- Splines
- Regions
To define the Z-plane and thickness for new drawing entities:
- Type ZPlane at the command prompt.
- Specify an elevation for all new drawing entities.
- Specify a thickness for new drawing entities.
The setting applies only to drawing entities that can have thickness.
To modify the thickness of drawing entities:
Command: ZPlane