Aligning Entities in 3D Space
The Align3D command aligns entities with respect to other entities or other target points in 3D space.
The command combines the Move and Rotate commands or the Move and Rotate3D commands.
To align entities in 3D space:
- Type Align3D at the command prompt.
- In the graphics area, select entities to align.
- Specify the first source point (to determine the source plane and orientation).
The first point specified is the base point for the move.
Use the Copy option when prompted to specify the base point, to align a copy of the selected entities (instead of the original entities).
- Specify the second source point
- or -
Press Enter to continue specifying destination points.
- Specify the third source point
- or -
Press Enter to continue specifying destination points.
- Specify the corresponding first destination point.
- Specify the corresponding second destination point
- or -
Press Enter.
- Specify the corresponding third destination point
- or -
Press Enter.
Specifying only one pair of points moves the specified entities without rotating them.
If you specify two pairs of points, the move and rotation is performed based on the current coordinate system. The first pair of source and target points defines the movement vector, the second pair of points defines the rotation angle.
If you specify three pairs of points, the first source point of the entity moves to the first destination point, the second source point moves to the second destination point, and the third source point moves to the third destination point.
When you specify source and destination points, use EntitySnaps where appropriate.
In contradiction to the Align command, you can not scale 2D aligned entities to fit in its new location.
Command: Align3D
Menu: Modify > 3D Operations > Align 3D