Setting the ShadeView Mode
Use the ShadeView command to alter the appearance of 3D models.
To set the shade mode:
- Do one of the following:
- On the menu, click View > Shade.
- On the ribbon, click View > Render > Shade.
- Type ShadeView.
- Specify an option:
- 2D. Uses lines and curves to represent the boundaries.
- 3D Wireframe. Uses lines and curves that represent the boundaries.
- Hidden. Uses wireframe representation with hidden lines removed.
- Flat. Displays as flat-shaded, appearing flatter than Gouraud-shaded entities.
- Flat with Edges. Displays as flat-shaded with the edges of entities showing through.
- Gouraud. Displays as Gouraud-shaded, appearing smoother than flat-shaded entities and more realistic.
- Gouraud with Edges. Displays as Gouraud-shaded with the edges of entities showing through.
Command: ShadeView
Menu: View > Shade
Ribbon: View > Render > Shade