FilletXpert Add PropertyManager

Use the Add tab in the FilletXpert PropertyManager to create new constant radius fillets.

The FilletXpert PropertyManager appears when you click FilletXpert in the Fillet PropertyManager. The FilletXpert can create and edit constant radius fillets only. The PropertyManager remembers its last used state.

Two PropertyManager toggle buttons are available:
  • Manual. Use this PropertyManager to maintain control at the feature level.
  • FilletXpert (Constant radius fillets only). Use this PropertyManager when you want the SOLIDWORKS software to manage the structure of the underlying features.
When you edit a fillet using Edit Feature, the Fillet PropertyManager appears with no toggle buttons.

To open the FilletXpert PropertyManager:

Click Fillet (Features toolbar) or Insert > Features > Fillet/Round and in the PropertyManager, click FilletXpert.

Some fields that accept numeric input allow you to create an equation by entering = ( equal sign) and selecting global variables, functions, and file properties from a drop-down list. See Direct Input of Equations in PropertyManagers.

Items To Fillet

Edges, Faces, Features and Loops Select entities to fillet in the graphics area.
Radius Sets the fillet radius.


Select through faces Enables selection of hidden edges while in shaded or HLR display modes.
Tangent propagation Extends the fillet to all faces that are tangent to the selected face. Example: Tangent Propagation
Full preview Displays a fillet preview of all edges.
Partial preview Displays a fillet preview of one edge only. Press the A key to view each fillet preview in turn.
No Preview Improves rebuild time with complex models.